
Monday, September 7, 2009


Blog Candy Alert  HERE :)

There is at least one thing that you can count on in life :) , and that is change.   Long post ahead....a card at the end! 

If you haven't been able to tell out there, I've been laying low for the past week.  If you've been surfing the creative 'net the last 7 days, you will probably have already heard that Stampin' Up! has made significant changes to it's Demonstrator Agreement.  For the wider SU! population, the decision to sign the new agreement may not be so significant.  But for many of us Demonstrators in the blogging world, and for those on Design Teams, it has great significance. 

I have been a SU Demonstrator for 5 years.  It's been a big chunk of my life creatively that has been rich, it has given me wonderful opportunities, and I've made some really precious friends through it.  I love SU.

These past 2 years I've had amazing opportunities to work with stamps from other companies and also represent the Dirty Dozen for 6 months, I love my Design Team work, and feel very blessed and privilaged to work with Flourishes.  It's been a significant and wonderful part of my creative journey.

It's hit me hard because I feel like I have a 5 year old, and a 2 year old both of whom I love.  And SU is requiring me to choose between them.  If I choose the 2 year old, I can't have the 5 year old in my life, and if I choose the 5 year old I can never speak of the 2 year old again.  I want to say,  "but I love them both!".   (ok I realize I'm being slightly dramatic). 

So the past week has been a really tough one for me, I can't believe it's been this emotional!  I've tried to wait and not make any hasty decisions, hoping some things would be clarified.  I have a 10 for 10 Club with SU that I planned on starting in a few weeks.  I did a lot of thinking, praying and God gave me a question, "Can you represent SU with integrity in the year ahead? you want to?".  Sadly the answer was "no".  SU has the right to make these requirements, but in them doing so, it just took the wind out of my sails for representing them as a company.  So as of October 1st I won't be a demo anymore, and I've had to cancel my club with my girls (insert crying face here).  Sad, but the right decision for me and my family. 

Will I continue to stamp with SU?  Yep.  I wasn't sure I would be able to for a while, but I have far too much invested in my stamping cupboards not to.  I still love SU stamps and papers and inks and embellishments.... :)  but they are not my only love.  And I'm perfectly ok with that.  This is my personal blog and I want to create with what I love and what makes me happy....and hopefully inspires YOU along the way, no matter what company it's from!  And I hope you'll continue to stay with me for the ride. 

So last night, for the first time in a week I pulled out some new SU and created this fun Christmas card...

I used the wreath from Berry Christmas, because it's a "single row of circles" in the wreath stamp,  I decided to create fuller wreath.  I inked it in Kiwi Kiss and stamped it several times, turning each time and being careful to keep it in that circle alignment.  I stamped the berries and bird in Bermuda Bay, trimmed them out and popped them up.  I used the Petals A Plenty Embossing Folder for the texture (oh I LOVE this one), and stamped the snowflakes in both colors to tie it all together.  As a last touch I added white gel pen to the sentiment and the wreath to give it some pop too.
Thanks for being here friends and for listening! 

Recipe:  Stamps:  Berry Christmas, Ink: Bermuda Bay, Kiwi Kiss;  Paper:  Whisper White, Bermuda Bay, Kiwi Kiss, Kiwi Kiss DSP;  Accessories:  Big Shot, Scalloped Circles Bigz Die, Petals A Plenty Embossing Folder, Dimensionals, Bermuda Bay Dotted Ribbon, Oval Punch, Scalloped Oval Punch.


  1. Christine; I'm one of the demos who won't be affected with the changes but I am really saddened for the ones who will! It is a HUGE deal that we will have to watch develop and see how it affects SU! I think you expressed yourself very well in this post and I will stay with you and watch your art with interest. You are one of the most inspiring people I know and your creativity is a valuable asset. Hang in there! Hugs!

  2. Well, the above comment is mine and I didn't mean to be anonymous!

  3. Love this color combo! Sorry to hear about Stampin Up, but glad you've come to a decision you can live with. I PM'd you on SCS about it. I look forward to seeing all your creations!

  4. Hugs, Christine! I am saddened by the changes too. Some very difficult decisions coming up for everyone. You have my thoughts, support, and prayers. I'll always follow your blog no matter what company's product you use. I love your style and your kindness and sharing.

  5. What a gorgeous card, Christine! This week certainly has been filled with all sorts of ups and downs, and you're right: change is always something to count on, good or bad. You are a fabulous artist, no matter who's products you use!

  6. What a beautifully written blog post Christine. I'm so sorry that you've been forced to make such a tough decision, but it seems well thought out and wasn't made lightly. And obviously it's faith based, and that's the only way. Hugs to you!!

    LOVE this sweet and charming card. Your creative wreath is fabulous and the colors are gorgeous!!

  7. Sweet Christine...I know it sounds so over-dramatic to those not really affected or to outsiders who don't get us (and I'm fine with people not getting me...LOL). But, no matter what the coming weeks and months bring, I am always grateful for the things I have learned and the friendships I have found in SU! This includes you, my friend. We'll all continue this crafty journey together, celebrating our roots and looking up to blue skies. May you be granted peace with your decision. Hugs!

  8. I know this was a hard decision for you Christine!! Im so sorry! I also decided to not continue as a demo but I was just a hobby demo. We love you no matter what you stamp!LOL!! {{{HUGS}}}

  9. Very well said, Christine. My heart goes out to you and to all who are struggling to make such difficult decisions.
    I have been enjoying your blog and your arts, and thank you many times over for your generosity in sharing what you love to do. Hugs to you.

  10. I think SU has shot themselves in the foot! They will be losing some very creative artist selling their products. You are too talented to limit yourself to one stamp company! Great faith based decision my humble opinion!!

  11. I am not a Stampin' Up demo but I feel for all of you and whatever decisions you make, it may seem difficult in the beginning, but 'keep the faith' and everything will work out for the best. Good luck and keep up the excellent work! God bless!!


  12. Oh my friend! I have been avoiding posting to my blog as I didn't have the right words to say. I should just copy your post because it expresses my feelings and process dead-on. You really must be my twin I never knew I had, lol. God has bigger things in store for us, can't wait to find out what they are!

  13. Christine, you are so very talented and should not worry about followers---they will follow!
    The most important thing is that you sought God, He answered, you listened. End of story! :0)

  14. Hello Christine...I'm a relatively new reader to your blog but I love all your creations and I too am an SU Demo who decided to leave for the same reasons that you stated so eloquently. It was sad and hard but in my heart I knew it was the right thing to do. Many Blessings to you in the coming year.

  15. I know this was a hard choice Christine and it is terrible how they are now doing things, like you said they have the right to do things as they wish.But I know they are ultimately hurting themselves. So sorry to hear you going through this too.

    I love your card, so beautiful and gorgeous colors!

  16. This is a cute Christmas card. I am sorry you had to make this decision all together Christine. its a rough road for a lot of people lately. I am sure that since your at peace with your decision then in the end you will be happier. Hugs...

  17. Just wanted you to know that I have followed your blog for a while and fully support your your creations and am glad you will be able to freely create. I'm right there with you!

  18. I am so sorry so many have been forced to make such a heart wrenching decision. The creative process should never be about "having to" or "required to" do something. And, it is the creativity and sharing in it that got us all into the blog and gallery world.

    So, while one door closes..... I will be looking forward to seeing you bursting threw doors that you never thought existed!!! Welcome my friend to the worldwide web of the stamping world!!!! It can be a refreshingly new perspective!!! Take that deep breath and boldly GO!!! WooHoo!!! {{{{Hugs}}}} Christine!!!!

  19. Oh I feel for you girl. I am not a demo, but just about every demo I know has had their tummy in knots over this. It was a hard decision and thankfully it's made and everything does and will work out. I am glad this was your decision, I just can't imagine you NOT designing with Flourishes anymore!! Hugs to you!

  20. Look up for many more gorgeous skies ahead! It may seem difficult at this time, but it WILL get better! I love Flourishes and many other companies as well and can not see having to make such a dogmented choice. I, too, think SU has shot themselves in the foot in the long run. I do not believe it is right for anyone to tell me what I can or cannot do on my own personal blog!!! That should be against the law!

  21. I have really struggled with this too. I gave up my demoship a few months ago and have really missed it. If it were not for SU I would never have fell in love with stamping. I use so much SU stuff still to this day. I think that it has to be on an individual basis as to the "choice". I give you so much credit and I am sure this was a tough one..Hugs to you.. I am so happy that I will see you in the Flourish gallery...

  22. What can I say that hasn't already been said? I hear your heart! I will continue to follow your blog as you are an inspiration to me! I'm a hobby demo; just discovering other stamp companies; and love it all! You are a wonderful designer and to have your talent limited is not what God had in mind when he blessed you with it! so ---- you go girl! He is in it - it is right Peace and Joy to you this day! Ruthie

  23. Christine, I have heard this from a few of my fellow bloggers and I am sorry you have had to make this decision. I disagree with the SU policy and I hope they come to realize that this is a mistake on their end. There are so many avenues out there for one to stretch their wings and fly and allow their creativity to soar. I think you should send a copy of your posting to SU, it is very well written and probably expresses the heart view of many Demonstrators.

  24. It is really sad that you and others have to pick and choose. You have done what you need to do and you will be blessed with your decision. I am not a SU demo but if so, I would agree with your decision. There is a big world of stamps and supplies out there that a paper crafter needs to explore and be happy with. I have spent much more with other companies than SU over the past year and this will probably continue to be that way although I will still buy from my demo. In fact, we still have not gotten out new mini catalog yet.

  25. This is a beautiful card, Christine. All your work is lovely. I've found your blog more recently than some others that I follow, and I always love your work from all the various stamp companies. So sorry to hear about this wrenching decision, but I agree that it's been so important that you have sought God's guidance and that He will continue to direct and bless you in whatever you do. Thanks for so beautifully expressing this decision process with us. Continued prayers for you!

  26. Wow,I'm a hobbyist demo, not on any design teams, but you summed up my feelings for the changes at SU perfectly. IMO they have not really thought this out very well and are going to lose some wonderfully talented people, like YOU. I wholeheartedly support your decision.


  27. Oh, my friend, I know so many people in your same situation. I don't know why anyone would think that this is beneficial, but as you said, they have a right to do what they want but I'm saddened to see how many people it's affecting by having to make such a choice. I wish you all the best and will look forward to continuing to come to your blog and see what you have for us! You should be able to blog about whatever inspires YOU because you are such an inspiration to us! Hugs!

  28. Christine
    I am one of those SU demos who won't be affected by the change,
    since I don't blog or represent other companies. I personally understand what they are trying
    to say, but sometimes I don't feel like I'm a demo first before anything else. Also the blog is your personal blog which you pay for and I don't feel they should dictate what you put on it. I think they will be losing lots of you wonderful demos out there.
    Hugs, Barb

  29. I am a fellow SU demo, and though I'm not affected by it as you are, this is just "one more nail in the coffin" for SU in my eyes. I recently filled out the demo survery and hope they got the message loud and clear that they are not putting their demostrators first anymore, and haven't for some time. The ONLY reason, I continue to be a demo for them is to receive my discount. When that is no longer a priority, I will have to say goodbye as well to a company that no longer cares for me and hasn't for a while. I am so saddended that talented people such as yourself, are leaving a company that I also belong to, but in my heart, I am cheering you on and saying GOOD FOR YOU! Take a stand, and follow YOUR heart. It's the only way. And maybe someday, SU will realize what they are losing and ask themselves, was it worth it? I guarantee, the answer will be no. Good luck to you in all your creative endeavors and I will continue to visit you regularly as I do now and I actually look forward to your future with your creativeness. Take care.

  30. I love how you stated that. I am not nearly as eloquent, but feel the same way.
    Your card looks wonderful! I love everything you create. You are an amazing artist!
    Hugs and smiles

  31. Christine, I can't imagine anyone stating these views any better. Rest assured, that with your creativity, you really shouldn't lose any followers.

  32. I'm really sorry that you've had such a heart wrenching week, Chrisitne! From many things I've read, there are a lot of people making the same decision, and I can't help but think it's going to cost them dearly in the long run. You're a wonderful artist and I will follow your site, no matter what products you use! Your non-traditional Christmas card is lovely! I hope your decision has brought you peace of mind and you can now enjoy your love of stamping again! Sue (suen)

  33. Just to clarify something I posted above--the "them" I referred to was SU, not the people who are having to make such a hard decision! Sue (suen)

  34. We'll miss you in the SU demo world, but I understand your decision. Thank you for being so gracious about your many others haven't. I really appreciate that. It shows your integrity.


  35. So very well said! I am new to your blog, your art is beautiful! I am sorry you had to make this choice. You have followed your heart, and I look forward to seeing your future creations!!! Take Care

  36. Your decision is the best for you and that is all that matters. Your fans (SU or not) will still be here. If some move on, there will be more to fill the gaps, because we love what you do with whatever stamps you've got. As they say, "You go girl!"

  37. I so totally support your decision to leave the SU family.. Your work is lovely, and inspirational. I will continue to be inspired by what you produce, and even more so that it will be done using more than just SU products...
    many thanks!!

  38. Life is sometimes filled with tough decisions - it is not always fun, but life goes on .... and with your talent it will. Beautiful card!

  39. love your cards- I didnt hesitate when the new requirements came out, I signed them immediately, but I dont use many other products either so it was an easy choice for me and this is my business and income-

    have fun stamping!

  40. I am sadly giving up my SU demoship as well, for many reasons and not just the IDA issue.I know it was a painful decision for you as it was for me. I love the art of rubberstamping and because of that, I see and recognize the art of others and it's not all at SU!!! I'm a big fan of Marcella Hawley's as well. I love your work and keep sharing the art of rubberstamping, for you are a master of the trade!!Best wishes!!

  41. Sorry to hear that you are leaving SU, Christine. I am not a demo but my own demo (in NS) is also leaving SU. It is a tough decision for everyone - but you are so talented - SU will surely miss you

  42. Christine, first of all let me say how much I love your blog's facelift, it's beautiful!

    I'm so sorry to hear of your dilemma with SU. I first heard about the change on Cindy's blog. I went to the SU site and read the new agreement. There are several other items in the agreement I was shocked with and know in my heart that I couldn't live with. I left SU six months ago and haven't looked back. I love the company, it's what got me started stamping in the first place, but it's not the company that inspired me and taught me all I know. Splitcoast has that distinction and will always be close to my heart.

    I believe you've made the right decision and I'm so very happy that you're following your heart. You are such a wonderful asset to Flourishes and I believe they are blessed to have you on their team. God be with you girl, spread your wings and fly! Hugs, Jerri

  43. {{Christine}}, I'm sorry you had to make a choice, but it sounds like a lot of thought was put into your decision. I wish you all my best, girl!! Hugs!!

  44. As an ex demonstrator from years ago, all I can say is I'm not surprised SU did that, I'm surprised they let you do it for as long as they did. I know you all feel saddened now but it passes quickly. And remember, you only get a small discount, eaten by shipping and sales tax and most people (at least me) don't really make that much money. So gals, it's ok if you quit SU, really it is.

  45. Christine, I don't think you're being overly dramatic at all. It's a perfect analogy. Since I was just a hobby demo I gave it up a while back (when my stamp room threatened to burst at the seams). This is a tough decision for many people and I hope it won't be too damaging for SU! I'll look forward to being inspired by your non-demo SU! creations, as I love all your work.

  46. Wow! I was directed to your post by someone else. My post was so incredibly similar to yours. You, however, were a bit nicer than I. I know that things have changed a bit in the policies this week. One person mentioned that it was because SU wasn't specific enough. I believe it's called "damage control:)" I will not change my thoughts on SU either. I agree with you that I can no longer represent them in a good light. My respect for them has dwindled significantly. So know you are not alone in your choice. I was going to leave anyway because it was getting to hard to be a hobby demo. Now I know I made the right decision. You can read my post if you like...

  47. Christine I know exactly how you feel and I've been in the same emotional state for the past week. I am still praying for clarity. I hope you have written to SU to express your feelings as I am still hopeful for a revision and turn of events with the new policies. They need to hear from each and everyone of us effected by this! I knoe the Lord has a path for each of us and if mine involves leaving SU I just hope I can do it with as much grace and peace as you have shown here. HUGS!

    Oh and your card is really really adorabale!

  48. All I have to say is this....
    Love ya girlie!

  49. So sad that you had to make such a difficult decision. ((((((HUGS))))

  50. What a lovely Christmas card! Love this image and all your wonderful details!

    Your creations are fabulous! I respect your decision and your integrity! Hugs, Fran

  51. You always have great ideas, thanks for sharing.
    Sherrill Graff


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!