
Sunday, September 6, 2009

Celebrating 100 000 with Blog Candy

Well, last week I passed that little 100 000 marker on my visitor counter.  I appreciate all of you who come to visit me here on my blog, who leave me a little comment, who share this creative journey with me. 

I have some wonderful things to give away to celebrate this little blogging milestone! 

  • It includes 1 Spellbinders Shapeabilities Floral Accent, 1 Spellbinders Piercabilities Fancy Scalloped Border, 1 Spellbinders Shapeabilities Ribbon Tags Trio, 7 Copic Markers (BG13, BG15, YG03, YR01, YR04, RV00 and R59). 

  • AND not pictured - one stamp set from the new release this week from Flourishes (you'll start seeing sneak peeks on Wednesday).  

  • AND not pictured, any one set of my Stampin' Up! retired stamps (I'll let you chose from the approximately 60 sets left). 
HERE'S THE RULES:  All you have to do is leave a comment on this post with your name and email address (one comment per person please), telling me about a milestone you have celebrated in your life in the past (big or small :) )....or soon will celebrate, and how you're celebrating! 

Drawing will be Saturday September 12, by noon Mountain Time.


  1. Well the next thing to celebrate on sept 27th is our 22nd wedding anniversary.Its not all been roses but each challenge has made us stronger as a couple.We came to Canada with virtually nothing and made a life for ourselves.Next feb our son will be 18!I cant beleive it:)
    congrats on your visitor count,its a joy to read all the creative blogs and be inspired,thanks for sharing with us!

  2. Congrats on all your hits. My last celebration was when my oldest graduated high school! I feel so old some days!

    thanks for the chance to win.

  3. Congrats to you! In February my son turns four andy daughter turns two!! We plan on having a wonderful weekend with lots of family!

    Snarflemarfle AT gmail DOT com

  4. Congrat's on your 100 000 hits. I love your style of cardmaking.

    Our next big thing to celebrate is actually this week. On Sept. 10 it will be my husbands and my 21st Anniversary. We are going on a wine tour on the weekend and will probably celebrate by going south this winter when the snow flies.

    Thanks for the chance to win.

    Gloria splitcoast sister at g mail dot com

  5. Congratulations on 100,000+ on your blog. Thanks for sharing your creativity with us. An upcoming milestone for me, is my 14th wedding anniversary. It seems impossible that it has been 14 years- but good ones. Maybe I can talk my husband int trying a new restaurant!

  6. Awesome blog candy Christine!! Congrats on your 100,000 hits!WOW!! My milestone is we are in the process of buying our first house!! yayy!! Im so excited!!

  7. My husband and I will be celebrating our 42nd Anniversary...who would have guessed! LOL

  8. Congrats on your blog success! Your artwork is so creative. I always enjoy visiting. After a lot of physical pain I am now able to walk around the park! I'm going to celebrate by trying to go around twice!! whoohoo!

    Linda C.
    leenda1 at cox dot net

  9. What wonderful blog candy! Congrats to 100,000 hits. Well, I guess my big mile stone is my husband and I will be celebrating our 13th wedding anniversary on Oct, 8th..... as they say time sure does fly when you are having fun! Seems like yesterday when we went out on a first date. Each and everyday I am thankful that I met him!

  10. Christine, you have a fantastic blog, I love all your creations!!! :-) Thanks for sharing with us.

  11. You have a very nice blog. There are many things I celebrate, especially since the passing of my husband. I have learned to celebrate each day with family and friends.Congrats on your blog hits.

  12. Congratulations!
    Well I guess our most recent biggest celebration was our oldest graduated high school ... for a while there I did not think I was going to make the attitude years! But we did and he just completed his first year of college and his attitude seems to have gone - one down 2 to go!
    We celebrated with a big party!
    thanks for the fun!

  13. Congrats on all your hits. I really enjoy your blog and get tons of inspiration from it. In July, I celebrated my 13th wedding anniversary. In a few days (28th) I will celebrate my 53rd birthday. In a few weeks(10/2) I will celebrate the birth of my 4th granddaughter! Lots of milestones in my life!

  14. This is a really tiny milestone for me. I'm highly addicted to caffeinated sodas. I just completed my 7 month free of caffeinated sodas...yeah me!

  15. Christine, I love your profile picture!!

    An interesting milestone for us is birthdays this year in 2009. My mom turned 80, I turned 50, my daughter turned 16 and my son will be 21. Kind of all milestone birthdays!

    Congratulations on you 100K milestone!

  16. My husband recently graduated from college! We made the decision a few years ago to make the sacrifice now instead of later (or never). I worked two jobs enabling him to focus on shcool... so his graduation was sweet for both of us! Thanks for the inspiration you provide here on your blog, and congrats!

  17. /Turning 50 was a milestone. a milestone to go down hill. blah.
    Just recently I had back surgery to repair a herniated disc. Not fun, not fun at all.
    What would be fun would be to win your fabulous blog candy!

  18. Congratulations to you, Christine!!
    My last celebration was the 14th anniversary in July. I can't believe it's been already 14 years since I said "I do"!!

  19. Congrats on 100,000 visitor count. I too hit a milestone of 50 years young in August and celebrate 16 years of marriage in September. I survived teenagers and for those who have/had them now know what I mean.
    I love your site and have it on my google toolbar.
    Keep the ideas coming

  20. Congrats on all the hits!! I would say that one of my biggest stamping related milestones this year was to be chosen for a design team, a guest appearance and the winner of the PTI MTT challenge all in one week!! My PTI honor is partially due to you and the fabulous purple and green wedding card you made with Friends 'til the thank you! And thanks for the chance at some lovely goods!

  21. Congratulation Christine on your milestone. My milestone is finishing all my cancer treatments...from beginning to end it was 8 months worth! I love your blog, thanks for sharing.


  22. Wow, 100,000 is lots of hits and lots of posts. Congratulations. My 50Th Birthday is just around the corner and it will be celebrated with our friends.

  23. Congratulations! I really love your blog! My biggest achievement was when I got my University Degree, it took me a while but I didn't give up!

  24. a milestone I have celebrated recently in my life is that I turned 35, I've been married for 5 years on August 14th , my mothers anniversary of the day she passed away 12 years , and my mama ( aunt ) is turning 70 in Sept 27 and we are holding a huge birthday bash for her in a hotel , and one day before that I have an exam to get my license to practice a specific type of nursing :) all in a span of 3 months :)

    Love your blog and thank you for the chance to win :)

  25. Hi Christine

    Congrats on your 100,000 hits! I love your blog and fantastic artwork! Thanks for sharing!

    My husband and I just celebrated our 39th Anniversary and we had our kids over for a wonderful BBQ. Lots of fun, laughing and celebrating. On Halloween we'll celebrate again as we've been together for 4 years before we got married..I was 16...he was 17...LOL! Sounds like a song! Everyday is a wonderful adventure...still!

    Awesome blog candy, you will makes someone very happy!


  26. Congrats on your 100,000.

    I look at your blog on a daily basis and am amazed at your creations. They are so inspiring!

    I am currentkly celebrating every day. I'm the wrong side of 40 and have finally met a wonderful man. The bizarre thing is we have known each other for 28 years. Its great and we have a lot of time to make up. Life is good.

    Keep up the good worr.

  27. I subscribed to your blog several weeks ago and love seeing your new creations. My milestone that is coming up will be my daughter turning eight. They told me I would never have children...imagine my surprise eight years ago! She continues to be my blessing in disguise! Congrats on your 100,000+!! I love seeing your new projects!

  28. Congratulations on the 100 000 visit. Quite an accomplishment. I will be soon turning 60, my third grandchild will be here shortly, and my youngest son is getting married. I have a lot to be greatful for.

    Thanks for the chance to win.

    Marthamh2 at aol dot com

  29. Well, I'm not sure this could be considered a milestone or not, but my husband and I have begun taking extended camping trips. This is something we've always wanted to do and now we're where we can do this. It is a bit scary to be gone for a while, but we really liked the one we recently went on and look forward to more.

    Congratulations on your 100,000 blog hit! And, thanks for the chance to win these great blog candies!

  30. Congratulations on your hits and your neat blog! You do fantastic work. My last celebration was when I managed to walk up the steps after my ankle fracture this year. I was downstairs for about two months! and had not been in my stamp room! My hubby and friend had brought down things for me to work on though it just wasn't the same. Thankfully, I am now moving good!

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Thanks for the chance to win blog candy Christine - love all your cards.
    My recent celebration was turning the big 6 0. To top that off last year I lost 60 lbs and have kept it off.

    Congrats on your visitor count

    Madlynstamps on Splitcoast

  33. Congratulation!!! And no wonder--you have a lovely blog.
    My last milestone was probably my 50th BD.

  34. Congratulations! WOW!!! You truly are an ispiration to so many! Thansk for the chance to win some candy... my most recent milestone...I had my 60th birthday in July with a surprise party planned by hubby and daughter -- and I was turly surprised! His gift to me - a Yorkie puppy! Truly a wonderful milestone - and 6o? it's great!

  35. Congrats on all your hits! I have 2 milestones that happened at the same time! I finally became a mother at 34 years old and also quit smoking when I found out I was pregnant! So, I gave life to my daughter and she gave me life by getting me to quit that BAD habit!
    Thanks for being so generous!

  36. Congrats on 100,000 hits...a wonderful and inspiring blog! One of my biggest milestones was graduating college as an my early-30's, I worked full-time and went to college at night part-time and finished a four-year degree in 7 years. I encourage others to go's never too late...and time passes anyway. Christine, thanks for sharing your talent and passion of stamping with us! Hugs!

  37. Wow!! What wonderful blog candy! A milestone I celebrated was my 10th wedding anniversary. My husband and I left the kids with mom and flew to Chicago for a wonderful weekend. It was fantastic!
    Jennifer Evans

  38. Congratulations! I love visiting you. Well, the first thing on my mind is my baby girl starts her first day of Kindergarten tomorrow. I was able to stay at home with my kids until they hit school, so now a new chapter of my life starts. Thanks!

  39. Congratulations on reaching 100,000 visitors. I just celebrated my fourth year of being cancer free in June. In that respect, I consider everyday a celebration of life.

  40. Lots of milestones. Joined Weight Watchers and have lost 15 lbs; will be married 43 years in January 2010; have a daughter who will graduate in 2010 with a PhD; I have been retired 6 yrs after 37 yrs of service with a utility company; turned 64 and am presently in good health!! I thank God for my many blessings!! Keep up the good work on your blog!!

  41. We love to celebrate milestones in our family! The most recent being my son starting Kindergarten! I celebrated by getting a pedicure and then the last day of that week of school I took all the kids to Chuck E. Cheese. Congratulations on your milestone! Enjoy each little milestone every day!
    Stacy -

  42. I am a Chicago Police Officer and stamping is my therapy. In April I celebrated 22 years on the force. I can still remember my first day in the academy, like it was yesterday!!! My Husband doesn't quite appreciate my stamping (the expense of having to buy EVERYTHING), but he does know I enjoy it. Thank you very much for a chance to win.


  43. Congrats on all your hits! The number doesn't surprise me because you always have the most inspiring and fascinating blog!

    One of the milestones that will always be cherished is the day my grandson was born as I watched in the delivery room. It was the most overwhelming experience of my life.

    Thanks for a chance to win your jackpot! You are mega generous!


  44. Bev Marubbio,
    My DH and I will be celebrating our 40th anniversary the end of this month. It's been a long year - I had a total mastectomy and reconstruction 17 months ago and recovery took way too long. We are enjoying our time together, taking small trips this year and enjoying family. God is good, all the time.

  45. Today, 9/7/09 is our 41st wedding anniversary. My husband and I share everything together and are extremely happy. I think everyday is a milestone when you can say that. I love your creativity and your website. Congratulations on reaching that 100,000 mark.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. Milestone: Empty nest!!! And I am soothing my "Wounds" by turning the extra room into my very own craft room!!! YEAH!! Now my husband can watch his ballgames and I can use my heat gun all at the same time!! I feel I have suddenly gotten a new lease on life! Now when my son comes home, it's guest room time!! Love your blog and thanks for the chance to win candy!!

  48. i have just recently found your blog, congrats on 100,000.
    my husband and i will be celebrating our 17th anniversary in the spring. we prob won't do anything really special, but i would love to do a cruise on our 20th.

  49. A milestone for our family was just last month when our son and daughter went back to school - both kids are now in middle school. One 7th grader, one 6th grader. No more kids in elementary school :<(. I "celebrated" with lots of tears as they headed off on the bus! How is it possible that both my babies are old enough to be in middle school?!

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  50. Hi Christine! What a great milestone for you--congratulations-and what awesome candy!
    My DH and I just celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary earlier this year--we went to Puerto Rico. That doesn't sound like a big deal to most everyone, but (blush) this is my third marriage, so it is a VERY big deal to me! That is not something I am proud of, but the Lord has blessed us in so many ways, and has used those experiences to make me grow, so I don't mind sharing it! Blessings to you!!!

  51. Congratulations on your hit counter---and fans! (me included!)

    I am about to celebrate probably the biggest milestone yet---in March my DH and I will become first time Grandparents! We are so excited and looking forward to holding and cherishing a new little one!


  52. Congrats Christine! You are one of my daily inspirations, as you know, and I am not surprised you've hit that count! I'm sure in no time you'll be at 200!

    Well, my stamping milestones are very precious to me, but this past month we moved into our new home and in a new state, so that was a big one for us! CONGRATS again!



  53. we have our 33 wedding anniversary coming up... we are blessed.. blessed with 3 daughters ... blessed with 5 grand childern.... blessed

  54. Congrats to you! 100,000 WOW! My major Milestone was quitting smoking and this year in March I celebrated my 14th Anniversary. My promise to myself was to take smoking time and turn it into paper crafting time...The money I spent on smoking ( and a bit more :-) now goes to crafting. Retirement in 2008 was another! I'm loving retirement!

  55. Congratulations on your milestone! I'll actually be celebrating a milestone this coming first year of blogging! I can't believe it has been a year! It really feels like I just started blogging yesterday, lol. I doubt my blog candy will be as fabulous as yours! Thanks so much for sharing!

  56. my cancer free anniv is coming up yippee
    thanks so much for doing this

  57. A big CONGRATS coming your way, Christine!!!! Ya know I love everything you create!!!! When I was young I used to celebrate simple things like the day all three of my kids were out of diapers, when they were in school all day, when they all got their drivers licenses, the day the last one graduated from high school and then one day they all graduated from college, and got married!! Whew....I feel like I've been celebrating a long time!!! I usually said a prayer of thanks for such wonderful blessings and ate a little chocolate to get myself ready for the next milestone!!

  58. The next milestone i will be celebrating is sending my first born off to grade one. A milestone that is bittersweet.

    Love you blog. Congrats! Thanks for the chance to win.

  59. Our oldest son was 27 when he died in a 4-wheeler accident. I felt an emptiness I had never experienced before. I turned to food as a comfort. Because of this choice, I gained 50 lbs. and still had the empty feeling. So I joined a weight loss group and worked hard and lost those 50 lbs. and feel more able to cope and handle the situation. I know now that the food wasn't the solution. Only faith and time can take care of the feelings. Its been a year since I lost the weight and I haven't put it back on.
    My cards help so much to keep my mind busy and I don't feel like eating when I am working on something.

    Pattyjo :+)

  60. Well - next May will be our 25 wedding anniversary and I know that's a long way away BUT - I want it to be perfect! Trying to decide where to go and when. We have known each other for 35 years and were Jr. High Sweethearts! It's a special time for us and our children!

    I love your blog - thanks for sharing your ideas!

  61. PICK ME, PICK ME!! Milestone, wow, that is a toughy. The obvious is my daughter who is my life! But personally, losing 50 lbs with Weight Watchers over 5 years now. Gained a bit back lately but working on keeping it off! Great candy girl!

  62. Right now, I actually have a lot in my life to celebrate. nothing big, but all milestones to me: my husband I celebrated our 26th anniversary in May, my daughter started 4th grade this year, we are all healthy... so life is good! Thanks for chance at some fab candy!

  63. How exciting girl! :D That's a TON of hits! A milestone that I hit just recently was starting the building process! We are currently underway in building our first house and we couldn't be more thrilled! The hard thing about this is the fact that my stamping time will probably be cramped but at least I have a new stamping space to look forward to!

  64. Congrats on your 100,000 visitors! That's amazing! The biggest milestone I'd like to share is that I'm pregnant with our first baby after years of trying! My husband and I are so excited to reach this important milestone in our lives! Thanks for letting me share this in your blog!

  65. Christine, Congratulations on your 100,000 visit... your art deserves it and I thank you for sharing with all of us. Whether we win the candy or not, we win by visiting your site. My milestone is my 7th wedding anniversary to my supportive and wonderful husband. We met each other while doing ministry in a maximum security men's prison! He loves my stamping and quilling.

  66. Christine, Congrats!!! My milestone is my husband and I just celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary. We met in a Super Maximum Security Men's Jail as we were both Chaplains. Thanks for the opportunity - the candy is simply wonderful.

  67. Well done! I visit your blog almost daily; love your art works.
    thanks for the chance to win the fabulous blog candy.

  68. Congratulations on your accomplishment. My upcoming celebration is celebrating 25 years of marriage.

  69. The last milestone we celebrated was our 46th wedding anniversary in July. As someone else said, it hasn't all been a bed of roses and we have had our trials and tribulations, but I thank God we are still together and have a loving and large family, 6 children (yours, mine & ours), 10 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren.
    Congrats on your hits. I enjoy visiting your blog and thanks for all the inspiration.

  70. Sorry,I didn't include my e-mail on my post -

  71. I just read your long post, I can not believe that SU is dictating what people can and can't use on their own personal blogs.( poor choice on their part) I love to see the creations everyone makes with and with out SU stamps! You made a very good point, good luck with your discussion. I have been enjoying your blog.

  72. Wow Christine you outdid yourself on the blog candy. How very kind of you. I have enjoyed your blog for sometime. You always leave me inspired.
    The next celebration I have is my son's 28th birthday. He is such a blessing in my life. I celebrate my son everyday by thanking God for him!
    Thank you for inspiring me with each and every post you complete.
    hugs from Alabama,

  73. Hello Christine,
    Congrats on the 100,000 hits. Love the blog.
    I retired at 58 and will be turning 60 in a few months and then comes the 35th wedding Anniversary. Life is good!

    Linda Henry

  74. Congratulations on your milestone! I also know you made a difficult choice, but prayerfully the right one for you. Thanks for a chance to win the wonderful blog candy.
    My next milestone is my daughter turns 14 soon and is still the sweetest thing in the world!

  75. oh good ole milestones - reason's to celebrate for sure - hehe

    The most recent milestone for me was sending my (baby) off to kindergarten. So many mixed emotions. Sad that he's not so much a "baby" anymore - happy that in a large way his journey has started.

    We celebrated his start by taking the boys to chukee cheese yestersay (saturday)

    A BIG congrats on you visitor count! Thanks so much for all the inspiration and information I get from your blog.

  76. Congratulations on your blog hits...that's amazing when you think about it! We are celebrating our parents' 50th anniversary this December...I'm so blessed to have them still with us and that they are together in this day and age.

    Thanks for a chance to win this awesome blog candy!

  77. Wow a "milestone" that I've celebrated or will celebrate. You know I think becoming a Grandma when Coleen was born was a HUGE milestone for me. I have loved that child to "the moon and back" as she's fond of saying for the past 4 1/2 years now and look forward to many milestones in her life now.

  78. We are looking forward to celebrating the day our son comes home from Iraq! It has been a tough year him and his family, and we are counting the days down.
    Congrats on your hits. I very much enjoy your blog and the inspiration you share with us.

  79. Somethimes I think i am forever celebrateing. Fun. This past June I turned 50, Yes I just told my age and my ceiling didn't fall in on me. We also celebrated our annve. 23 years and in the same month my daughter turned 16. Our up coming celebration is my husbands birthday in Sept. Thanks for the chance to wim

  80. Milestones are important and shoul be celebrated. Coming from a large Italian family, we celebrate everything. MY most recent milestone was my birthday in late August. For me it was great to celebrate by shopping for some new stamp supplies and then hibernating in my craft room to create. My blog is still new but I love to create things to post for all to see and I love to search blogland for new ideas. I've stalked you incognito and have enjoyed the inspiration you bring. Congrats and thanks for sharing.

  81. Milestones are all the events in life that we are fortunate enough to reach. I think just being ALIVE is a milestone.
    So enjoy your blog. Congrats on your 100.000 hits.

  82. Well,this year is full of milestones. Our youngest graduated from high school in June.we had all of the senior year lasts and we moved her to university 3 weeks ago. It is very quiet around here and we are still adjusting to the empty nest. My birthday will be a big one this year too. I can't believe I will turn 50 on Oct 31st! I still feel like I should be about 30! And as if that wasn't enough,I've had some major health issues and found out I have to have some major surgery in a few weeks.But hopefully the surgery will fix the issues I've been having and we can enjoy our empty nest and celebrate this new stage of our lives.
    Thanks for the chance to win this awesome blog candy!I'm so sorry you have had to make these tough choices.I love your blog and your style and I hope you will keep sharing your creativity here!
    Inky hugs,

  83. Congratulations Christine for the 100 000 hits! Your blog is so inspiring and I love visiting it everyday to see what you are doing next.
    My last celebration was the 41st anniversary. So hard to believe it's been that long, it seems like only yesterday. We have 2 lovely grown children and we are blessed with 4 grandaughters and one grandson.

  84. My mile stone was in April when my husband and I celebrated our 47th anniversary. We thank the lord for every year he has given us together and the 4 beautiful children he gave us to care for, Love your blog and your beautiful cards.
    Mary L Schreiber

  85. Woohoo! Congrats on the hits (I just passed my 100K too!)!!! You are such a talent, it was such a pleasure to be on the DD with you and to continue to follow your work! Hugs,

  86. Congrat's on your 100 000 hits. I love your style of cardmaking. Christine, you have a fantastic blog, I love all your creations!!! My upcoming celebration is celebrating 7 years of marriage.

  87. Well, not a normal milestone but my baby just started high school! :(

    I can't believe how fast time has passed, just yesterday she was toddling around. So for those with little ones, hug them, love them, cherish each moment because time goes just too fast.

    Congrats on your hits, not surprised with your wonderful blog.

  88. Great blog candy!! Congrats on your 100,000 hits! Great things are happening in my life and on September 12th my step daughter is getting married. She picked a great guy and we are looking forward to the whole weekend with family and friends. Thanks for the chance to win some blog candy and have a great week.

  89. Congrats on such a well-read blog! My milestone? Five years of marriage as of the 18th. We both consider it a wonderful blessing since we were in our late 30's (VERY late :) ) when we got married and neither were expecting to find someone at that point in our lives. My hubby said we'd celebrate all year long, so we went on a cruise in March and are getting ready for another trip soon.

    What generous candy! Thanks for a chance to win it.

    pbft1 at yahoo dot com

  90. What great blog candy. I love your blog and all your beautiful
    artwork. Thanks for the opportuniy to win. Barb

  91. I celebrated my 10 year wedding anniversary with my husband on May 22nd, 2009. We have had a lot thrown at us in our 10 years together, but we've made it through, and grown stronger for it. I love your blog and look forward to it each and every day I visit. Take care! Thanks for the candy!!!
    Melissa Caufield

  92. congratulations on 100,000 hits! I've just started my blog and I have a whole 5 followers, lol! I'm also an SU demonstrator with hard decisions to make. I love seeing your creativity and am glad you'll be continuing. My husband surprised me with a cruise to Alaska for our 25th anniversary! It was amazing up there. Thank you for a chance to win some great blog candy!

  93. Wow! 100,000 hits! That is fantastic. There is a very impressive celebration coming up for me. My husband and I will be celebrating our 50th Wedding Anniversary on February 1st 2010!. It is unbelievable to us that so many years have gone by, so quickly! We will be celebrating the birth of our 25th grandchild in October and we just celebrated the birth of our 4th great-grandchild this past weekend. I love the work you do and appreciate being able to enjoy all the beautiful work you do. Sorry about SU. That is such a shame. I suppose I will be losing my demonstrator too. That makes me really, really sad, as I also love the SU products. Good luck.

    Deanna Collins

  94. Congrats on 100k hits! The latest celebration for my family was my parents 46th wedding anniversary. I made a card for them that was inspired by you and they loved it!

  95. I'll be celebrating a 10 year milestone with Stampin' Up! as a demonstrator. With that said, I'll be leaving the company as well. I've been contemplating it for over a year now and finally made the decision to step away. It use to be a lot of fun and now it's more work. I feel like I don't get paid for my time anymore and I want to get back to stamping for the sheer enjoyment of it!

    Here's to hoping I win! thanks!

  96. 100,000 - that's something to celebrate! My biggest recent celebration was my 50th birthday in June. My husband and my best girlfriend put together a fantastic party for me. It made me realize again how truly blessed I am with wonderful friends and family.


  97. My DH and I just had our second granddaughter on July 21st, only 16 months after having our first! Being a Grandma is GREAT!!!

    moot96 AT aol DOT com

  98. Congrats on the 100,000 mark Christine. I am so happy for you. I think my greatest milestone is that all three of my daughters are in college this year and I have survived the first month without them. I hope and pray each day that they do well. I am blessed with great children. Thanks so much for sharing your life here with all of us.. You have been a true inspiration to me..(I am still practicing the florals..) hehe..Hugs.

  99. Well, I haven't read your post yet about change, got distracted by your blog candy alert. I plan to read on and hope all is OK.
    My big milestones all have to do with my daughter right now, she is about to turn 2 (in two mos). My life is so different in so many ways with my child, mostly good, none are really bad, just different. So I continue to work out these roles of mom, wife, FT working mom, stampin' up demo and try to balance them all.
    Thanks for your wonderful blog!

  100. Hi, I love your creatons, thanks for sharing, tomorrow is my baby's birthday! She'll be 2 yrs. old!!!
    We will bw having cake and icecream, what else?!! ....Gina F

  101. I have 7 milestones in my life and they are all my grandchildren. They all have brought me so much happiness. They all are so loving, caring and the best grandchildren anyone could have had.
    All I have ever wanted was to be the best I try to earn those granny points as often as I can...ha ha

  102. This fall my son will be 5, I will be 32, my husband 42 and we will have been married for 9 years. WOW!!! I don't know where the time has gone. Congrats on your counter and on your decision, you have to do what is right with you.
    Thanks for this awesome blog candy.

  103. Hi, I enjoy receiving your posts almost daily. You are so creative. The milepost I am about to celebrate is my "50th Wedding Anniversary". Quite a milestone, I would say. This occurs on October 10th. Look forward to winning all this blog candy. Blessings, Vicky

  104. Hi, For some reason I could not get my comments posted with my e-mail address. It is My name is Vicky. I just posted above. Blessings,

  105. Congratulations Christine! I always enjoy viewing your blog and seeing your new creations!
    I think my milestone is our youngest daughter moving out of the house and joining her sister in an apartment where they both attend college. Even though they are close by, I miss them and the house is awfully quiet. But I feel I have so many friends on SCS and can always come here when I'm feeling a little lonely or just want to share my excitment over a new card!!
    Many blessings to you!!

  106. This comment has been removed by the author.

  107. Oh heavens!!! I am miserably close to "40". I have been planning with the girlfriends and we are going to do a spa day to really celebrate the event!


  108. Hi Christine...enjoy your blog..congrats on the 100,000 visitors~! WOW, that's great...
    My recent BIG milestone is that after five years of THINKING it over, I have decided to finally become an SU Demo...Im sorry to hear that you're leaving us, but I do understand your decision to go. You have to do what is best for you!

  109. Hi Christine,
    Well, 2009 is a year of milestones for my family - there has been something special for each one of us. On 2 February my daughter turned 18, on 1 March my son turned 21, on 21 April my husband and I celebrated our 25th Wedding Anniversary and on 24 July I turned 50! On each of these occasions, we celebrated with a meal out together at a nice restaurant. We celebrated with just the 4 of us, because there is huge significance to us in having our family of 4 to celebrate together: 3 years ago my son had a serious automobile accident 2 weeks after his 18th birthday. For a long time he wasn't expected to survive, but he did, although with a severe brain injury. After much prayer, many miracles, and 13 months in hospital he is now making steady progress. For me, this year has been an awesome celebration of life, and of family - the year that 'almost wasn't' for us as a family of four. For each of us it has been so special to value and treasure each other's company on each one of these special occasions, and especially to have our family circle unbroken.
    Have a wonderful day.

  110. Congrats to you! My milestone would have to be our grand daughter went off to college. Wow, where did the time go.
    That is ... My at sign shows up funny for some reason on here. Nan g

  111. Past milestones have been me graduating from nursing school which was fantastic given my grades in high school. In October we are going to celebrate our 37th wedding anniversary. We both have the week off so we're going to golf many days that week and go out for some great dinners. Congrats on your milestone and thank you for the opportunity.

  112. Congratulations on your 100,000 hits!! Thank you for the chance to win, Christine!!

    I'll be getting my master's degree next May.

  113. Wow, there are so many accomplishments; Married 31 years to the same guy, kept the same horse 14 years without wanting a new one until now, living through the empty nest periods and planning wedding with DD.
    Congrats on your hits...lovely blog candy!

  114. Congratulations on 100,000 hits. I am hoping to celebrate when I finally find another job. And how will I celebrate ~ by telling everyone that's prayed for me and encouraged me that it finally worked! Best of Luck with your creative future. whimsicalhatbox at yahoo dot com.

  115. Congratulations on your milestone! I follow you through google reader and I'm not sure if my reading counts on your stats. Anyway, your blog is inspiring and I love your creativity. Thanks for inspiring me!

  116. I am new to Flourishes and have jumped in with both feet...I love your work and congratulate you on your milestone. "Eveything happens for a reason" is my mantra. Good luck!!

  117. Congrats on 100,000! I have had two major milestones. My youngest Son graguated high school. The second kind of my own little milestone, I have turned a room in our house to my own studio. YEAH!!!

    Thanks for a chance to win such a great prize (which by the way would totally help me stock my new room!)

  118. WOW!!! Congratulations!!
    Our oldest son will be turning 18 this December. We are going to ttrow him a surprise birthday party. I swear just yesterday he was nine. My how time flies!!
    sillyscrap at aol dot com

  119. Congrats on you blog milestone! I have just discovered your site and you have some beautiful creations.

    My most recent celebration was my youngest daughter's QuinceaƱera (15th birthday-a big deal in Latino culture) and it was a big one! We also celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary that day with a blessing and a new ring! :-)

    Thanks for the chance to win such a great giveaway!

  120. OOPS! I totally forgot to leave my email address before.

  121. Congratulations on your 100,000th blog hit. I love your cards - you are so incredibly talented. We just celebrated our 27th anniversary. I can't believe it has been 27 years already and that we have a son who is 21 and a senior in college. Life needs to slow down a little bit. Thanks for the chance at the blog candy :)

  122. I really enjoy visiting your blog!
    Congrats! For many years, becoming
    a grandmother was just an elusive
    dream. But, finally, by God's
    grace, I am Grandma! The most
    precious grandson came into my life, and that just may be the
    biggest milestone yet! Thanks for
    the opportunity! Diane H.

  123. I turned 60 on vacation in Florida with my husband of......eight years!

  124. Congratulations- you are quite an inspiration to many.
    Today (sept 10th) is our 32nd wedding anniversary and I love him so much- he is my carer, my lover & my friend.
    Thank you for the chance to win these incredible goodies.
    Best wishes,

  125. Congrats on your 100000 posts! Very generous blog candy you're offering. I don't really have any milestones coming up BUT I've been on a mission to clear the storage room from clutter and after the last consignment sale I attended a 3 weeks ago, I am happy to report that the boxes and other stuff are no longer double stacked ... my next goal is to see if I can uncover a wall or two.

  126. This comment has been removed by the author.

  127. Hi Christine,

    I hope I got here in time! A milestone for me was going on a wonderful trip with my mother to Alaska. We went by ourselves and left our husbands at home. We felt pretty proud of ourselves and had a great time! We have promised eachother to go on a trip together every year now!!

    Congrats on the visitor hits!!

    Lesley :)

  128. Congrats on all your hits.
    Thanks for sharing your creativity with us.


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!