
Sunday, July 10, 2016

Cottage Rose

Summer is in full swing in our neck of the woods.  This week our kids are all helping lead Vacation Bible School at our Church, and they’re all looking forward to it.  There’ll be an extra 150 people running around all week and it will be awesome.  

Summer to me speaks of roses.  We have a couple of rose bushes in our garden.   The more red rose is really thriving and is growing up around our lamp post to be about 4 1/2 feet tall, the other more pink rose is also starting to take off and is sending out new shoots to make it a much larger plant.  

So, with roses in mind,  it was fun to pull out this beautiful rose from Power Poppy from the set Everything’s Even Rosier.  This set is available now in polymer and the single rose is also available as a digital stamp too, as Rose and Chamomile.  

I paired this beautiful pink rose with some lovely country cottage roses from an older collection - Bo Bunny - Prairie Chic.  It’s a perfect match!  I finished off the design with some beautiful rolled rose netted flower ribbon and some butterfly accents.  

Here’s a few pictures of the roses in our garden.   I took these pics tonight after some rain we had earlier today.  

Look at these 8 buds getting ready to open up in the next week or so.  

These blooms are almost done, but are making way for more popping up around the other parts of the rose bushes, I love their long blooming nature!  

Here are the Copics I used for to pretty rose above. 

Playing along again in the 30 Day Coloring Challenge!  


  1. Oh, Christine, your card is gorgeous, and I love the DP you've used! It's perfect, and the embellishments are wonderful additions. And your rose is so beautifully colored * sigh * -- just love the dimension and colors! I so miss our roses when we lived in NJ. I had the most beautiful rosebush, and after cutting it back severely each year, it would grow huge again and bring forth such amazing roses. I'm so glad to see the photos of your roses and love sweet the different stages they are in. Enjoy them, my friend, and thanks for sharing this lovely rose with us! Hugs!

  2. The rose on your card is as beautiful as the roses in your garden. Pretty pink and green and gingham with the pearl butterflies. Your papers and trim make this a total rose card! Such a soft, pretty photo of the rose buds. Don't you just love the anticipation in a garden?

  3. What a stunning card. I cant get over how you have colouring this rose, what talent you have. Just so beautiful.

  4. Beautiful card, lovely coloring and that ribbon goes perfectly with it!!
    Wishing you and all that come to VBS have a blessed week!


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!