
Monday, July 11, 2016

Bundled Up!

How about another fun round of Christmas in July?  It’s hard to imagine snow right now in the Northern Hemisphere with the beautiful days of summer going on, but it’s always great to get a jump start on Christmas early!  :)

I pulled out these sweet sheep from The Cat’s Pajamas called Melt My Ice.  I think they’re pretty adorable.  I gave their wool some fun swirly colour with Copics.  Adding the look of texture to colouring is always fun.  

For accents I added the fun Icing Border Cut Ups die, some pretty sequins in tealy-blues, and then a wee bit of baker’s twine in red.  

Here’s the Copics I used.  

Here’s the TCP Challenge info for Christmas In July, jump on in!  

Every other Tuesday a new challenge will be posted on The Cat’s Pajamas blog and our Facebook page.

  1. If you want to play along you just upload your design to The Cat’s Pajamas blog page using the InLinkz button by the Monday, 11:55 EDT before the next challenge.
  1. You are not required to use a Cat’s Pajamas stamp or die but if you have them we would love to see them.
  1. On the following TCP Tuesday, the winner will be chosen from the previous challenge and will receive a Cat Cash Voucher for $10 or $15 if a TCP product is used.
Now before you about some SALE NEWS from The Cat’s Pajamas?  It’s a 25% off sale!  


  1. Your coloring of the lambs is simply amazing! Beautiful card.

  2. Oh, how cute! You sure made those sheep look fluffy with your coloring. Amazing, Christine!


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!