
Sunday, May 1, 2016

The Gratitude Project - Week 17

\ˈgra-tə-ˌtüd, -ˌtyüd\

The quality of being thankful:  readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. 

Hello again!  I’ve almost let my Sunday pass without getting to another week of my gratitude project.  We had a busy week and then a weekend with a wedding....but I couldn’t let May Day pass without a picture of something I’m grateful for.  This week it’s my favourite spring flower:  Tulips.

This year we’ve had a very early spring, the earliest flowers I can remember, and, even better, my tulips this year are stronger and more abundant than I’ve seen in years.  Just the pop of beautiful colour and shape is enough to bring me joy and thankfulness that spring is here.  There is such a lovely simplicity to their bloom.

My husband had to prepare for a banquet and needed something for centerpieces, of course I suggested tulips, so this basket is not from my garden, but from the flower shop.  I love them all bunched together like this.  

And then I took a few shots over the last week of my tulips starting to bloom.  I love the look of these yellow tulips before they are fully open as they have a beautiful shade of yellowy-green.  You can probably see a couple of dots of purple.  That’s my muscari or grapevine hyacinth coming up too.  I love them paired with tulips.  

And here are the tulips a few days later.  I have red, purple and yellow and you can see my bleeding heart growing in the background.  That’s also looking gorgeous this spring, filling out so nicely.  

Tulips are equally beautiful on the inside too aren’t they?  I’m so grateful for this beautiful handiwork to greet me each day.  Flowers for me are a simple and radiant expression of hope.  


  1. Thanks for sharing your gorgeous Tulip pics with us Christine.

  2. Oh, Christine, what a beautiful post for today! I LOVE tulips too and love the beauty of all that God has blessed us with! What gorgeous bouquet centerpieces you've made for the banquet, and I know everyone must have enjoyed them! It takes artistry and the right placement for tulips especially, so I admire that! Beautifully done, sweet friend! Hugs!

  3. It is wonderful to go out and see all the beautiful colors, shapes and styles God has blessed us with to enjoy! Lovely Pictures!


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