
Friday, April 29, 2016

Created to Create

I’m so excited to show you the new digi Created to Create from Power Poppy!  It just makes me happy!  I completely love how Marcy illustrated it with the beautiful flowers, notebook and the paint palette.   And the sentiment means so much to me!  I so agree with it!  I believe God created me and when I create I feel like I’m honouring Him.  That sense of joy and delight in creating really speaks to me.  

I played with a new medium today!  I bought a small set of Inktense pencils at the art store the other day when I was there with my daughter.  I’ve heard a lot about them and the rich pigment they give, so I thought I’d experiment a little.  Do I ever LOVE them!  Because this is a digi, I printed it out on XPress It Blending cardstock, thinking I would colour with Copics.  But, when I got the Inktense pencils I thought I’d see what would happen.  

Though the paper did warp a little bit, the pencils are so smooth and blend so well that I didn’t have any issues.  You really don’t have to add a whole lot of water to the paper to get a really nice effect, and the depth of the pigment is amazing.  Also, because they are actually INK rather than paint, once it’s dry it’s permanent so you can also add other effects/treatments overtop if you like.  

So...all that to say, I created a simple little frame that can hang above my desk and celebrate why I love to create.  I wanted it to really have that watercolor washy look with lots of vibrant colour.  

I cut the frame a few layers thick and put a backing on to give it some weight, and added some satin ribbon between the layers.  

And here’s what it looks like hung up at my computer at home!  

Here’s the gang playing along today...

Allison Cope
Christine Okken 
(you are here)
Cindy Lawrence
Julie Koerber
Kathy Jones
Katie Sims


  1. Gorgeous card and love that the most amazing creator our God designed us to create as well.

  2. it's very creative and beautiful Christine.
    Gr Karin

  3. Oh, Christine, this is gorgeous, and how exciting that you used some new Inktense pencils. It really is beautifully colored, and I love the color-wash look. And what a beautiful framed piece to hang above your computer, as you remember that God has blessed you with the wonderful gifts of making gorgeous pieces of artwork to honor and glorify Him! Beautifully done, sweet friend, and have a wonderful weekend! Hugs!

  4. What a beautiful take on this stamp set and how it speaks to you! When I look at your creations, I have absolutely no doubt that God put that talent on you to touch others -- you have an amazing gift! Hope life is grand in your neck of the woods!

  5. Oh, I LOVE this new digital stamp from Power Poppy!!! As you know, I am a HUGE fan of Marcella Hawley's work and of the DT, and of course that's how I found your work, Christine. You and the other DT members have so blessed me with the wonderful artistry that God has given to each of you. What a special and wonderful way to express your desire to create that comes from our Savior! I love the bright, vivid, positive colors and think this is absolutely delightful!!! I'm glad that Marcella usually brings these digis out in her clear stamp line, although I probably need to get using the few digis I have bought from her awhile ago, I've never used one... :)

    SO bright and beautiful, Christine!!! I LOVE it!!! :)

    Best wishes to you,


  6. So beautiful, you have highlighted it to perfection. Such a gorgous card.

  7. Absolutely beautiful, Christine! This fresh and pretty vision will be the perfect spark to get your creativity flowing. Couldn't resist those Inktense Pencils? It turned out fabulous!

  8. Oh my goodness Christine, this is gorgeous. I love this bright and fresh colors, just so lovely.
    This is the perfect image for the budding artist as well as for the more experienced one.
    Thank you for the inspiration.

  9. That is a great idea for this image and pretty coloring!

  10. Oh where do I start? I LOVE that you made it into a home decor piece, I love the colours you chose, I *love* your colouring!! I've never had Inktense pencils, but I've heard they were good.....sigh another thing to add to the wish list.... :)

  11. Gorgeous and smart to make it so you can hang it Christine. Love it.


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!