
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Project 365 - Week 17

Hello again everyone!  Hope you've all had a good week.  Ours was a week of mixed joy and sorrow.  Three women we know passed away this week, they are all bringing in this Sabbath Day in heaven.  And our daughter was able to head out with her HS bands on their Spring Tour so she's having a blast playing and sightseeing in Whistler, BC. I know she's having a great time.  

On to this week's pictures.  

April 23 - Tiny Ladybug - at the Project 365 Blog the theme for last week was tiny things.  And I found this very lovely little ladybug meandering through the sprouting flowerbed in front of the house.  I love ladybugs :)  They're just pretty AND they eat the aphids that I fight with on my lupine!

April 24 - It's 50!  Tuesday nights is our small group Bible Study night, and we're in a leadership study with our Senior Pastor, pictured above :)  It was also his 50th Birthday and we brought them treats.  We are very blessed that he's our friend and Pastor.  My friend made this fruit basket for him!  Yummy definition on those blackberries!

April 25 - Administrative Professionals Day - as a Pastoral Staff we treat our Admin Staff to a special lunch made and served by us (in matching chef aprons no less :)  and then give them cards and plants to say thank you.  It's always a nice time together.  I feel very blessed to love the people I work with and really enjoy them a lot.  

April 26 - North Side Moss - I've always wondered if that cliche was true, that moss grows on the north side of the tree, it does!  Of course, it also grows on the other sides of this tree too!  

April 27 - Daffodil Day!  In honor of those fighting cancer, those who have fought, and to raise money to help those who will fight.  I wear my daffodil in honor of my beloved husband.  It was kind-of a fun shot to do too in the bathroom mirror!

April 28 - First Tulips - a gorgeous day today, and these are always my earliest tulips.  They're the dwarf kind but oh are they pretty!  We still had a day of sleety-snow this week that melted the same day, so I haven't even been able to get into my flower beds at all.  

I had to add this one too.  Today when our older son had his ball hockey game, our younger son played hide and seek with one of the coach's daughters whose just 5.  It was so sweet to watch them, so this is him counting so she can hide :)

1 comment:

Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!