
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Heartfelt Wreath

As I mentioned last night in my 365 post for the week, three people in our extended life passed away.  This morning I was up for announcements at Church, so I was the one to deliver the news that a special lady in our congregation just passed away early Saturday morning.  For many it was the first time they heard, and there was an audible gasp from the body, and many tears.  It's a very tender place to be in -  to be the one to deliver that kind of news.  She and her husband were such faithful greeters in the lobby, or foyer or "narthex", whatever your Church calls it.  She met and knew many people just by greeting on Sunday's.  She was on top of who was new, and who needed help, and who to direct to who.  It makes me smile just thinking about it.

I want to be a person to leave a legacy.  Not that people "gasp" when I'm gone, but that when people look at my life they see that I have made an impact, left an impression of a Jesus follower that drew them closer to Him.  I'm pretty reflective this week, you'll probably notice, but I think that's the right posture to have.

This week a number of the creations you'll see will be in honor of these three women that passed away.  Today, this card will likely go to the husband of this lady above.

I pulled out a lovely FLLC set that I haven't used in a long time.  It's called Seasonal Wreaths, and it combines lovely wreaths that can be used for many different ocassions.  I paired it with a sentiment from one of our Christmas sets, Petals and Peace.  It suited what I was trying to say.

I love these Spellbinders Ribbon Banners, but don't like that when the cardstock doesn't show the definition to the banner in the embossing, so I sponged a little Craft Vanilla ink over the die in place, and heat set it, it was just enough to give it some pop.  And the embossing folder on the red layer is STUNNING, I wish this sketch allowed you to see more of it, but I'll have to do more cards with it then, its called Compassionate - Art Noveau.  I used this month's SFYTT Sketch, just squeaking it in on the last day.    The papers are Bo Bunny Serenity.  

Gang, I'm really behind on commenting on blogs this week.  Just too much going on and I apologize, I hope to visit soon, but I also have a crazy week ahead too.  Youth Ministry Events are in the "windup- for-the-summer-before-we-get ready-for-a-mission-trip-mode".  Just wanted to let you all know what's up and that I appreciate you!

Copics:  R12, R56, R59, YG93, YG95, BG53, BG57, BG70, E43, E44


  1. A gorgeous card for a wonderful life :) Can't wait to meet her in heaven. (((hugs))) to you!!

  2. this is gorgeous christine.

    greetings karin

  3. hi christine WOW WOW what a stunning card I love the colour,I also love the ribbon banners but as you say they do not show up well at times thanks for your tip on that.I send you my prayers and Sympathy on the loss of your friends ,my goodness 3 in one week,I will light a candel for them
    Regards Ita from Ireland

  4. Such lovely coloring of the wreath and pretty combo of papers, I am sure he will be very touched by this, we had a week like that last year in our church. It's hard to take it in when so many go at once. Take care

  5. just love the colors you have used for your bg paper and the wreath is just gorgeous....a lovely, lovely card.

  6. I am so sorry for your church's loss. This is such a pretty card and I love the colors together. Great job Christine. You do such great things..:)


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!