
Saturday, March 17, 2012

Project 365 - Week 11

Hello again friends?  It was a great photography week for me.  One of my high school students lent me some of his lenses and I have to say...A-MAY-ZING :)  I had  portrait lens and a medium length lens and a telephoto, plus his external flash to play with.  So, there's more than the usual number of pics today, first I'll show you my seven days pics and then I'll add a few at the end from a "photo-field trip" I took.  

Mar 11 - Spring is coming back to Canada!  The Canada Geese are flying back north.  I caught these two at a little park/lake we have near our house.  

Mar 12 - Streetlights and bi-planes - The City was replacing all our streetlights in the area with new LED lights that are brighter and use less power.  This guy was up on the cherry picker in front of our house, and I happened to catch a bi-plane flying above.  

Mar 13 - Thoughtful - My first playing around with the portrait lens on our older son.  Doesn't he look thoughtful?  Such a beautiful kid :) This week his Basketball team played in the City Finals and won gold!  

Mar 14 - Field Trip - I took the lenses and myself on a field trip to a spot in our City that has cool shops, cool architecture, and also has so much potential for shooting great photos. This is an old fashioned phone booth on the avenue outside a bookstore.  

Mar 15 - Tomato Soup and Goldfish - Lunch time with our youngest. I had to include two pics :)  He's just so cute.  He had just fallen at recess that day on the ice and got a fat lip.  My poor little guy.  You can see it a little in that first shot.  So soup was in order for lunch that day.  I love the smile in his eyes on the second shot.  

Mar 16  - The beauty :)  Our daughter sat for me for a few last shots with the portrait lens.  I love this natural look for her.  She's so precious, and she has amazing eyelashes too :)

Mar 17 - Tulips - They are one of my very favourite flowers.  I took this one with the portrait lens as well and I love the bokeh in the background!  It's so fun to take some shots and feel like you've accomplished something new!

Extras....hopefully you'll indulge me for a few more shots that were fun to take this week....

I love the detailing on this building.  

the old Post Office, now a restaurant
Pretty ironwork detailing

Love the rounded front corner on this building.  

And lastly a couple of Basketball City Finals shots

City Champs!  A great season, my husband coached the Junior High BB team this year, they played so well!  It's so fun to see these kids go from knowing very little about basketball (grade 7 & 8's), to being able to run an offence and play excellent defense, and go to the finals and win!

And this shot isn't photo spectacular because I couldn't get my camera flash ready in time, but it captures a sweet moment when our youngest son jumped up into his brother's arms to give him a great big hug after they won :)


  1. Fab photos Christine! They are all wonderful but the shot of the tulips is breathtaking!

  2. Those are GREAT shots! I'd love to do the same around the small City that I live in as well as in Winnipeg...there are some awesome places for photos there too!

  3. Looks like a great week, Great photos and so neat you got it all in pictures! Congrats to your son!

  4. wauwww what a beautiful children you have!!!
    xx petra

  5. Your photos are fabulous, Christine! I smiled when I saw the Ten Thousand Villages pic...I'm very familiar with Mennonite Central Committee and their global mission. I'm active in helping with the auction at the VA Relief Sale (I'm our church's rep) where all the proceeds go to MCC.

  6. TFS all of the photos. You have beautiful children. Your photos are wonderful. Hope to see more. I love the architecture in your city.

  7. Your children are beautiful. I love seeing the love shared between siblings.


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!