
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Tin Tin Tin

**Scroll down a wee bit if you'd like to see Barbara's Retirement celebration card :) **

Welcome to another Flourishes Free for All Friday.  Today the Design Team is going to focus on how to use some really great tins we have in the store.  If you stopped by yesterday you saw the pretty barrettes I created for my nieces for Christmas, and today I'll show you how I packaged them all up to be special for each niece.

Each of the little nieces received two barrettes and two little tins, especially made for each of them;  the tin matching the barrette that was inside.  I have two nieces with "A" names that that's why they're are four A's.  To customize each tin I pulled out some new and fun Basic Grey paper called Indie Bloom  .  It has great vibrant colors in it with fun patterns.  I traced each tin and trimmed out the paper, covering the inside and outside to match, using ScorTape so it would stay secure.

I labelled each tin with Flourishes Country Charm Labels sets, and the Spellbinders Grommet Tags.  Finishing the tins off with some fuzzy chenille ribbon attached with Scor Tape along the bottom, and some pretty gem embellishments.  

Now check out the inside with the barrettes!  See how each barrette fits perfectly inside the tin?    

Join the rest of the DT today for some creative ideas with tins!  Best news?  They're only 75 cents in the store!


  1. hi christine, does tin boxes are decorated beautifully and what great flowers you have made.
    the card under is gorgeous.
    have a happy new year.

    greetings karin

  2. beautiful colourfull creations!!
    xx petra

  3. How darling!! Love those little felted clips -- too froo froo and fun! And, your tins... just perfect!!! I bet they all squealed! :-)

  4. Well you are just miss talented Christine. What a great way to package the barettes, very sweet.

  5. These are pretty! Your nieces will love them!

  6. Fantastic Christine! The outsides are just as beautiful as the gifts inside! Great idea!

  7. Oh, what beautiful packaging for your cutie pie barrettes!! I would imagine these brought such a smile from your nieces, Christine!

  8. Cute, cute, CUTE gift idea, Christine! The custom clips you made are so pretty, too. Very special gifts from the heart. I love this idea for something to put in the tins. Thank you for the inspiration!

  9. Lovely boxes! I'm sure there will be plenty of happy squeals when they are opened!

  10. Love the tin boxes...great gifting! I

  11. These turned out to be such great boxes for your cute barrettes! LOVE the bright colors!

  12. Oh my goodness.. I am loving this idea. I miss the girl's barette days. I did their hair everyday before school. This is so neat.


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!