
Saturday, January 8, 2011

Stamping in Snow

Long post....lots to say and show!  Well, the blizzard continues reports thought we'd get about 25 centimetres of snow (about 10 inches), and I'm sure we've had a lot more than that.  My husband's had his exercise shovelling lately.   Our neighbour had a heart attack this summer so he always shovels his walk and driveway's keeping him busy!  I've been busy stamping all day - so there is something creative at the end of the post :)

This is out our front door right now... if you look down at that front spruce tree behind the post there's about 6 feet of snow piled up.  I really need to paint all our trim work this spring, you can see the post is wearing!

And in our backyard...

What is on the Adirondack chairs is what's fallen overnight. and there's about a foot and a 1/2 on the trampoline.  And you can see it falling still from the sky, now it's started to blow around too.  You can see it's almost to the top of the 6 foot fence on the back of the yard.  

And now for a bit of a contrast to some warmth...some of you asked about our Beach Night Youth Event that I spoke about last night.  I thought I'd show you a few pictures.  

This is our Youth Building, we call it The Lighthouse.  It's actually another 1940's church property two-doors down from our main property that our Church bought a number of years ago.  The basement houses our Daycare and the upstairs is what we use as the Youth and College site.  It's perfect for so much because it has a tile floor on the main area and then raised areas for small group rooms and a kitchen etc.  So I'm standing in front of the ping pong table and foose-ball table taking a picture down the length of the building.  My husband and our volunteers built a "crib" from 2 x 4's and then tarped it and then carted in about 10 000 pounds (4 yards) of sand.  Here you can see some of the guys had the beach volleyball going on, at the back on the stage you can see we have some ambient beach and ocean going on the big screen and on the left of the big screen you can see some of the kids playing Wii Resort.  There's stairs that go up on the left as well that have our tarped area for the bathrooms and then our Cabana for food and slushies.   We turn up the heat so it's like 30 degrees Celcius (almost 90 degrees Fahrenheit), and the kids wear shorts and soak up the warmth.  

Here's my husband at the Cabana serving up slushies, nachos and pizza.  All the sand was carted out yet last night with the help of our volunteers and parents and it was put into the daycare playground so it's a win win for us.  A lot of work for an event, but it's worth every minute for the joy we and the students get out of it :)  

Alright, so what did I accomplish in my stamping?  I realized that I hadn't inked up any Verve for a long time, so I pulled out this weeks Mojo Sketch 172

And made this....

And I'm just beside myself about how it came together!   I colored the pretty flower from the Great Friend set, stamping the medium and smaller outlined flowers and coloring them with Copics (BG72, BG75, BG28). Then cutting them out, curling the smaller flowers petals and popping that on top of the medium blossom.  I love how the dimension looks!  I've used some Memory Box Tinsel dsp and also some Webster's Pages - Waiting for Santa/Sweet Season for the different plaids.  I love how they go together!

I should have taken another picture from the other angle so you could also see the pretty tiles I added on the left side as the accents - cause they're really pretty, but I deleted all my extra pics already!

Have a great cozy night!  See you again on Monday!

Recipe:  Stamps - Verve - Great Friend;  Ink:  Memento Tuxedo Black;  Paper:  Flourishes Classic Ivory, Baja Breeze, Webster's Pages - Waiting for Santa and Sweet Season, Memory Box - Tinsel dsp;  Accessories:  Big Shot, Labels 16 Nesties, Ric Rack Die-Namics (MFT), Lacey Circles Nestability, Vanilla Seam Binding, Twine, Dimensionals, Victorian Embossing Folder, Adhesive Tiles, Dimensionals. 


  1. Gorgeousness! Pure Gorgeousness!

    That is a lot of sand! I bet you'll be finding that in weird places for the next 4 years. It looks like a ton of fun, and what a statement to the kids that you invest that much time and energy in their fun and fellowship. Good times! Happy New Year, sweet friend!

  2. I love your interpretation on the sketch. So creative!
    Lovely card!

  3. That is a LOT of snow!! Just saw pics on Tanis' blog as well - your hubby got quite the work out! Believe it or not they are forecasting 15 - 25 for us on Wednesday. We'll see if it materializes and if so I'll be empathizing with your hubby re: the shoveling as I love the work out :)

    Thank you SO much for posting the Beach Day pictures. Wish I lived closer so I could have come :)

    Your mojo card is GORGEOUS!! Love the lacy nestie and that flower together - will be casing that some time for sure!! You rocked that sketch and are a winner in my books :) Stay warm and safe!!

  4. WOW! That sounds like a fantastic night with teens, so fun to bring in all that sand.

    We have our share of snow too so no sympathy from me, lol. But tell your hubby to get a snowblower!

    Great card too!

  5. Very pretty and not like the snow craziness you have going on. EEK... I would stay inside also. The kids look like they had a great time.

  6. beautiful card christine, great colors and beautiful papers.

    greetings karin

  7. So pretty Christine! I love the dimension of the flower and the great colors!

    I love the pics of the beach volley ball! Great in the middle of a blizzard! We got only about 2 inches on Friday, but another storm is on it's way Tuesday. It won't be as much as yours, but enough to be annoying. But I love the snow, so I do kind of look forward to it :)

  8. Oh wow is that alot of snow, we are suppose to get 3-6 inches tonight but we don't have any on the ground at the moment, what a fun time must have been had by all, great idea!
    Your card is so pretty, just love the color in the flower and the wide ric rac is so neat!

  9. This is absolutely amazing Christine! I am breathless!! Your flower and all the details are just fabulous!!!

  10. Such a beautiful card! Thanks for playing Mojo Monday!

  11. Congrats, Christine!!! You won over on the Mojo Monday blog!!

  12. this is such a beautiful card-congrats on your mojo win-a well deserved honor

  13. Stunning! I love the colours and patterns and texture!


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!