
Friday, December 3, 2010

Who Knew? Cards and Scrapbook Pages!

I can probably count on one hand the number of times I've created a Scrapbook page in the last year.  Like many of you, that's how I got my start in papercrafting...but stamping just held my heart, and my scrapbooks have taken a back-seat.  But today I get to combine both loves in a card and scrapbook page inspired by the card, in the Stampbook Saturday post at There She Goes.

Our daughter turned fourteen in October and she got all dolled up on her Birthday for school, so that morning I took some pictures of she and her brothers.  She has this lovely purple dress, and we have a deep brown leather couch and green pillows so I knew that was where I wanted to head when it all started.   I always take my color cues from the pictures.   Which is fun because then you can get some interesting new color combos!

I began with the sweet card and the new ADORABLE set Wrapped in Joy,  and colored up this cutie to look a little bit like our daughter.  The purple dress on the stamp even has little ruffles like my daughter's dress too.  I used some pretty papers by SU! with the new In Colors (Pear Pizzazz and Concord Crush).  The same Beaded Nestability I used for the main focal shape, I used for the ruffles in the layers of the design.  

Then for the page I used a similar theme and feel...

The beaded nestability ruffles, the row of rose blossoms and the cute little girl as accent.  

So there you have it....a card and a scrapbook page inspired by it!  That was fun!  Hopefully you can take some inspiration from your cards to scrapbook pages, or vice versa!  It's a great way to jump start your creativity!


  1. Love the picture of the kids. Your youngest still had mischief in his eyes LOL (so does mine!). Great combo project - your page is wonderful.

  2. Your page and card are so pretty
    and your children look adorable!
    Love how you tied everything to
    your daughter! A big happy 14th
    birthday to her! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Christine, I'm so glad that your blog allows us to see the pictures so much larger when clicked on, my blog won't do that (sniff, sniff). You have been blessed with three of the most adorable children the Lord has created! I know you're so proud of them! The scrap page and the card are both fabulous! Oh my gosh, 14 already??? The time is flying!

  4. Hi Christine.
    What a great picture of your precious ones. Your page and card turned out perfect. Love the colors and layouts. Wonderful work!!!

    Hugs and Blessings,


  5. what lovely pictures and a great scrappage, lovely with that same card.

    greetings karin

  6. Great layout and too cute card! I have not managed to get one layout done this year, the cards just keep me too busy I guess

  7. WOWSA Christine! These are AMAZING! First off, your children are SO beautiful! Second, this color combo is OUT of this world! Third (lol...yes...I keep going!), I ADORE both the page and card!!!

  8. Yep, I'm one of those people that have let their scrapbooking slide a little...okay...a lot, lol! Your page and card turned out gorgeous! Love the bright, bold colors...and what BEAUTIFUL kids you have, Christine. :)

  9. What a gorgeous card and layout!! I just love the photos of your kids, your layout and card. Darling image, colors, and design! What beautiful children.

  10. What a cute page... the kids are super sweet and your cards is a great match. You get a keepsake and a card. hee hee


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!