
Saturday, July 17, 2010

ODBDSLC21 - I Sought the Lord

This will be a long post people....just so you know, lots of important stuff inside, creative and personal :) 

As this post goes live I am on a plane with my husband, our children and a number of our high school students and leaders (21 of us) on a Mission Trip.  I'm beside myself about it!   I thought about not saying anything but I thought maybe you'd like to know too.  We'll be working with two Churches doing a Vacation Bible School at one, and then a Sports Camp and construction at the other church.  My husband has done this trip with the HS'ers twice before, but this is the first time for me and the kids to go with the team.  My husband LOVES these people and they love him and the Pastor and his family told him that they next time he comes that he needed to bring us with him - or he couldn't come back :) 

But, this wasn't an easy decision for me.  It's a lot of time extending myself out with a lot of people 24 -7 and especially with our children with us there too, and I was very anxious about it.  Though I have a very extroverted job in ministry, I am in reality still an introvert and need down time to all this was a big leap of faith and a big stretch for me. So, I promised my husband that I would pray about it.  I didn't get an answer for a long time, and then one day several months ago I just felt the Lord say "you can go", and I felt a deep peace about us going too.  His assurance washed over me and has left me a real sense of rest about the decision. we're on a plane.  You're prayers for doing our work well, and safety and effective ministry there are welcome!  It's so important to me to have our not only our HS'ers but our own children experience and love another culture, another economic situation, to see God at work in another place...and for them to be a part of it too.  Our heart is to be His workmanship and make a difference and do what God has prepared in advance for us to do.  (Ephesians 2:10)

So, this card for the ODBDSLC21 challenge (which is all about coloring) is kind of dedicated to what this Mission Trip is about for me, which I'll explain in a minute. 

Today is my last day on the Challenge Team with the lovely people of ODBD.  It's been just over 6 months and I've so appreciated serving with them.  They are wonderful women who's heart is to use their creativity to create and shine Light into the world.  Thank you so much Kelley and the ODBD team for your generous hearts and hearts for following Jesus.  It's been a pleasure working with you! 

I think this is still one of my favourite ODBD sets, Sing to the Lord, and I've given it color with Copic Markers (Y17, Y19, Y35, Y38, BH11, BG13, G12, G21, G24, Y3, W7), and popped the top blooms up with dimensionals.  I tipped the nestie shape slightly, framing it in the background with the Lotus shape Die. 

I love the accenting on the bottom with the folded papers (My Minds Eye), the Rings Border Punch from Martha Stewart and the Satin Ribbon. 

And I don't often decorate the inside of my cards, but I could not resist this one, it's from the Scripture Collections set and the verse really defines for me what the next days are all about. 

So...I'll be absent here on the blog for a little bit...I'll see you again toward the end of the month, with lots of news about all we've seen and done.  Thanks for your visit and your prayers!

Now head on over to these girls to see what beauties they've colored up for you...Chrissy, Chris, Francie, Patter and Sabrina.


  1. Beautiful card and beautiful story of obedience and trust. I know the Lord will sustain you and honor your step of faith. This card is really nice. The colors and details are great! Enjoy the trip.

  2. Oh wow, LOVE this color combo!!!!!! Grey is something I rarely use but when I see it--WOW! Your creation is stunning, and we are truly, truly going to miss your creativity on the team!!! Hugs and blessings to you!!!

  3. A team from our church just returned from a trip to Haiti. Life-changing experiences. I will most certainly be praying for you my friend! God will use you all in mighty ways, can't wait to hear about it!

  4. Thanks for sharing your story, Christine. I think it is a wonderful thing, and I wish you a happy and rewarding trip. Many blessings to you and your family, I know you will touch a lot of hearts.

  5. Hugs and prayers for your travels Christine. I know you will touch hearts and yours will be touched. I am like you and would have had a strong yes from God to go. :0) Your card is beautiful girlie! Love your coloring.

  6. this is very beautiful card christine
    lovely colors and all fit together

    greetings karin

  7. This is stunning Christine!! I so love your coloring and the papers you used!! Gorgeous creation as always!! We are so going to miss you on the team!! Thanks for everything!!

    What a touching post!! I pray that God will continue to guide you and keep you all safe as you follow His leading. Have a great trip!!
    hugs and blessings,

  8. I have really enjoyed your art work.

  9. Lovely card, this is such a sweet bird image. Keeping you in my prayers for your mission trip. Things go well when we go with God's blessig.

  10. Lovely artwork! I'm thrilled the Lord led you to go! You'll be blessed & will be a blessing!

  11. Best wishes Christine - such a beautiful story for you to share. I will be praying for you on your journey. This card is even more beautiful because of its special meaning and significance. Take care!

  12. Your card is gorgeous! Love the colors and dimension! Good luck with your mission are truly an inspiration!

  13. Wow, Christine! Beautiful card - but even more then that - a beautiful story - of waiting, praying,being obedient! My prayers
    will be with you and your family. You and your family will be a blessing to so many people.... in turn you will be richly blessed yourself!

  14. Beautiful card! Love all the layers and colors. Best of luck on your mission. Bless you all.

  15. Such a beautiful creation, Christine! Blessings to you and all who will be with you on your trip! Prayers and hugs!

  16. Christine this is a beautiful card and a wonderful reminder to seek the Lord and He will deliver. I'm so grateful that you did indeed decide to share your story on your blog and I pray that God will bless you and your family during your time away as you share His love with those you come in contact with.


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!