
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Friday Focus - More is More!

Hello again Everyone!  How have your last couple of weeks been?  We are scheduled to return home about the time this post goes live, so I'm sure I'll have lots to tell you in the days ahead once I recover :)

But today is my turn for a Friday Flourishes Focus and it's a fun one today...I've asked Jami Sibley to join me on the Flourishes Blog to showcase the More is More challenge ...Jami was the originator of the challenge and it was so fun and a blessing to have her guest stamping with me.

Here are my More is More Creations pair....

It was so fun to use the Berry Sweet set again and color it in two different styles....

On this "less" version I went with a very Clean and Simple classic style.  I gave the berries and leaves color by stamping directly with my Ranger Distress ink pads (Barn Door and Forest Moss),  I used the larger leaves and berries in the set and my Eclipse tape to mask so I could form a berry bunch.  Then I used my waterbrush to slightly soften the colors directly from stamping onto the paper and then added a little distress in that I had smooshed onto an acrylic block to add in some more soft watercoloring.  I really love the softer effect.    Accents and the lines are really simple on this card.

Designer paper is actually from an old SU Christmas pack.

Now here is the "more"version.

Again I've masked and stamped the larger leaves and berries but this time in Memento Tuxedo Black ink and then colored it all in with Copic Markers.

I've added some layering to the main image, and then changed some of the shape to the under layers, adding scalloping etc.  I like the country feel to this card. I've doubled up on the ribbon using Satin and Crochet and some extra 1/2 pearls, and I also added dp to the sentiment layer, and I rounded the bottom of the card too on this version.

It's always fun to do More is More, be sure to check out what Jami did on the FLLC Blog and on her blog aptly titled ....More is More :)  

Thanks for dropping in again and I look forward to catching up with you soon, after bed, a shower and I'm sure a lot of laundry.  I know I'll have lots to share with you!


  1. Both of your cards are BEAUTIFUL Christine, but you know I especially love the RICHNESS of the MORE version! Thanks so much for asking me to play along - I loved it! Hope you had a wonderful trip!

  2. Both cards are awesome! I must admit I love the more vibrant one. Just Beautiful!

  3. A gorgeous set of cards! They are both beautiful but I think I'm partial to the "more" card. I do love the vivid colours!! Can't wait to hear all about your trip and I hope that it was a blessing to have gone.
    Beth Greco

  4. I love both your cards Christine!! They are gorgeous but I love the vibrant colors and details you added to the more version. Both are stunning!

  5. These are so pretty Christine.. I love the coloring as I always do on your cards.. We missed you this week at CHA and I look forward to the day we get to meet in REAL life... Hope you had a great week..

  6. These are both so pretty! I love how soft the first is and how bold the second one is! Such a beautiful way to show the versatility!

  7. Oh WOW Christine I LOVE how you colored both of these...SOOOOO BEAUTIFUL!!!!

  8. Welcome back Christine! These are both beautiful cards but I have to say my preference is the more is more - you do "more is more" very well!!!! Wonderfully coordinated embellishments and such perfect coloring as usual. A delight for my eyes!

  9. hi christine
    hopefully you had a nice holiday

    your two cards are beautiful
    I like the card of more it is brighter off colors
    your coloring is great as usual

    greetings karin

  10. Hello, Christine! I wanted to tell you how much I love both these cards. I could not pick a favorite because both styles appeal to me equally. I was unable to leave a comment on the Newsletter, darn it! It was a wonderful post and I so enjoyed Jami's guest appearance.

  11. Wow! Christine, both cards look wonderful! I do love the more version better. The colors just pop and your coloring is so beautiful!
    Hugs and smiles


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!