
Saturday, January 2, 2010

Grandpa's Birthday Apples

I'm BACK!  Didn't even know I was gone didja? 

We left on Boxing Day for a week in the mountains.  It was really a wonderful time.  Our kids had never been to the place we go (in Canmore, Alberta) in the winter;  we always go in summer.  So it was a whole different experience for them.  A week of sledding right outside the house on the hill, winter hikes in the snow (oh so beautiful!), lots of family games and movie nights.  The peace is so extrordinary there. 

But, now we're back and school starts on Monday can you believe it?  We missed my Dad's birthday while we were gone, so we're going to celebrate with them tomorrow after Church.  I colored some images while we were gone, and thought this one was especially fitting for my Dad.  He has an apple tree, actually it's a crab-apple, but he's grafted on some larger apples, and for the life of me right now I can't remember what kind.  But our kids LOVE the apple tree and "Grandpa's Apples".  We eat them, make pie, make this will be for him.

I was able to play in the Featured Stamper challenge at SCS tonight.  Woo Hoo, it's been so long since that happened.  Today it's Ann (ArDodd) (she has some beauts in her gallery!), and I cased this cardKeeping the same stamp set, slightly different basket contents, basic layout etc. 

I did something wonky with my watermark and now it's showing that goofy box.  I'll have to ask my techy-guy to check it out (aka husband). 

I colored the basket and apples with Prismacolor pencils.  And I popped up the picnic blanket.  It's even yummier in real life, my night pictures weren't cooperating with me tonight.  I also mirrored the diagonal plaid in the scoring on the chocolate layer. 

Alrighty....I'm off to get an earlier bed-time.  Vacation takes a lot out of you doesn't it???

Recipe:  Stamps:  PTI - Vintage Picnic;  Ink:  Black Stazon;  Paper:  Kraft, Chocolate Chip, Flourishes Classic White, Riding Hood Red Striped paper, Animal Stories DSP;  Accessories:  Big Shot, Labels Two Nesties, Corner Rounder, Twine, Vintage Brads, Dimensionals, Prismacolor Pencils, Scorer


  1. Your Dad will love this Beautiful birthday card. Great colors. Now it's time to rest up from vacation :)

  2. Glad you enjoyed your vacation! Sounded yummy! Your card is gorgeous and I am sure Dad will love it. I have this set and need to put some ink on it!

  3. WOW Your dad will LOVE this Christine, I LOVE this image and your color combo!!!! AWESOME sketch too!!!! BEAUTIFUL!!!!

  4. OH WOW Christine!! Im sure your dad will flip for this beauty!!! Awesome card!

  5. Darling card, Christine :D I love the scoring on the chocolate panel and your colouring is amazing on the image. Great colour combo and the brads along the bottom add a nice masculine touch. I'm sure your dad will love it :D Hear you re: vacation wiping you out - I can' wait for the kids to get back to school so I can have some much needed mommy time and stamping time LOL!

  6. What a handsome card! Your Dad will love it!

  7. This is absolutely beautiful Christine!! I so love your combo of papers and colors with that gorgeous apples image. Gorgeous coloring!! Your dad will love this!!! Beautiful design!!

    Glad you are home safe and sound.


  8. Beautiful card, Christine! Love all the elements from the texture to the rounded corners to your fabulous colouring!

    What a wonderful holiday with the family! Hope it wasn't too cold for you all!

    Yep...back to the regular routine tomorrow!

  9. Ohhhhh, this is beautiful! He'll LOVE it!

  10. Sounds like an idylic vacation in the woods, you are so fortunate to be able to spend that time with your grandparents like that!! Great memories for the kids!

    The card is great, hopefully your Dad really enjoyed it!

  11. This is a beautiful card, Christine and an absolutely perfect image for your dad.

  12. Sounds like a wonderful time together! Happy belated Birthday to your Dad!! Wonderful card, Christine!!

  13. What a fantastic card for your Dad!!! I loved your apple tree story and could see why this card will be perfect for him!!! Love the design and colours you've used too!!


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!