
Thursday, December 24, 2009

Happy News - and the Reason for Christmas

Merry Christmas Everyone!     I have some happy news today too :) 

I have been asked to be a part of the Our Daily Bread Design Team as a Guest DT member for the months of January and February!  I think this is especially fitting to announce Christmas Eve, as Our Daily Bread offers beautiful stamps with a Christian focus, which for me is especially meaningful! 

And it's new release time for ODBD....with new stamps coming January 1st.  I have a Sneak Peek for you today. 

I watercolored this beautiful Cross with the greenery with waterbased markers.  I masked the Cross and dove and sponged the background, I wanted it to have the feel of growth in it with all the green.  Then I added a light wash on the dove and added Stardust pen to give the bird shimmer, as well as the sentiment tag, which I hope you can see better here...

There is a repeated dove in the designer paper too.  Couldn't you see yourself using this card for many occassions?  The Our Daily Bread Design Team girls will have lots of Sneak Peeks for you over the next few days, so be sure to check them out!  There are a number of fantastic new people joining the team! 

My Christmas Message for You: 

I'd like to leave you a with a story my precious Sister-in-law wrote as their Christmas letter a few years ago, she wrote so beautifully, and for me it is a powerful story of the truth of Christmas and why we need the Cross.

"No touching. NONE. NO."  This is what our children heard over and over as we prepared for a quick family outing to an expensive knick-knack store in search of that perfect Christmas gift.  Upon arriving at the store, we rehearsed the rule one more time.  Our 3 year old daughter's wide blue eyes looked up at me as she asked, "Will you touch, Mama?"  I looked back at her and casually stated that I could touch because I would be very careful. 

Upon entering the store, the kids' eyes glowed with excitement.  "Look, Look!"  They squealed in delight, leaning into items dangerously in hopes that maybe the item would reach out and touch them.  "Too Close!  Too Close!"  I scolded, initiating another rule.  My husband and I shot a knowing glance at each other, agreeing silently to find the gift promptly.  We split up to cover as much ground as possible in the least time.  After what seemed like hours I happened upon a beautiful, hand-crafted nativity scene.  I knelt down to show my two and three year old the delicate pieces.  "Look, these are the shepherds.  And look!"  I exclaimed, "the Magi!"  I was turning each piece over gently searching for the price.  It was under baby Jesus.  I put the baby down again with care, comtemplating the possible gift.  Our 3 year old in sheer delight, grabbed the donkey and lifted it up for me to see.  "And look Mama!  Here's the donkey!"  I snatched it quickly from her tiny hands and scolded her.  "NO Touching.  None.  NO!" 

I gently reached down to place it back on the shelf when the most unusual thing happened.  I DROPPED IT.  It fell to the ground, ending with the sound of a crack that echoed throughout the store.  Immediately I looked around.  The clerk was busy at the till, ringing up a sale.  "Now what?"  Our three year old asked.  "I must tell the clerk I broke it," I said soberly as I picked up the pieces and ushered the girls to my husband.  Sheepishly I showed him the damage and he shot me that unmistakable "YOU broke it?" look as he took the kids to a different part of the store, leaving me in line to 'fess up.  As the clerk was taking her time gift wrapping something.  I thoughtfully considered my options.  I wonder if I would have to pay for the entire nativity scene or just one piece?  Did the clerk really need to know?  I could simply put it back in place and we could leave never to return.  After all, it was an accident.  I had really tried to be careful, yet still managed to break it.  Scripture says "All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God,"  I thought to myself.  God was reminding me why I needed Jesus so much. 

In comparison with God, there was nothing I could possibly do to earn my way to heaven.  I would end up dropping that piece, making mistakes- because I was not perfect - as He is perfect.  My next thoughts were guilty thoughts.  What would I have done if one of the children had broken it?  Now here I was - guilty of the very act I would have punished them for, hoping for one thing MERCY.  I knew what I deserved, yet my heart longed for mercy. 

My waiting was over.  I approached the clerk with my hands held outward, revealing the pieces.  I looked her in the face and sadly admitted that I had broken it.  The clerk took the pieces in her hands, trying to place the figure back together.  "How much do I owe you?"  I asked.  She looked up from the pieces, smiled and said "That's ok"  I looked at her, making sure I had heard correctly.  Did she just say it was okay to break a part of an expensive nativity scene?  She comforted me with another gracious smile and then it registered with me what had just happened.  A feeling of relief swept over me, and I smiled back.  Of course it wasn't okay, but I was forgiven!  She was showing me that wonderful mercy that I had longed for but didn't expect.  The clerk's demonstration of mercy and forgiveness reminded me of the reason I celebrate this time of year.  God send His one and only Son Jesus to forgive me of my sinful human self and He alone has the power to renew my thoughts and mind, pulling me out of the desperation of life into meaningful, joyful existence with Him.  There is mercy.  There is forgiveness.  There is a perfect gift readily available for all who believe:  Jesus. 

Praying you experience that hope this day friends, Merry Christmas.

Stamps:  Our Daily Bread - Confirmation;  Ink:  Stazon Black, Stazon Brown, Kiwi Kiss;  Paper:  Kiwi Kiss, Kiwi Kiss Patterns DSP, Watercolor paper, Chocolate Chip, Chocolate Chip Prints,  Cardstock Vellum;  Accessories:  Big Shot, Texturz Plate, Labels Two, Labels Five Nestabilities, Fancy Tags Shapeabilities, Waterbased Markers, Aqua Painter, Sponge, Eclipse Tape, Stardust Pen, Silver Brads, Kiwi Kiss Satin Ribbon, Button, Dimensionals.


  1. What a beautiful post... Merry Christmas, Christine!

  2. So beautiful...Merry Christmas!


  3. What a beautiful card, and what an awesome story from your SIL. Thanks for sharing it, Christine. I hope you and your family have a most special Christmas time.

  4. What a wonderful story -full of beautiful meaning. Thanks so much for sharing this!! AND a HUGE CONGRATS to you for being on the Guest Design Team with ODBD!!!! Thats fantastic! I cant wait to work alongside you whom I admire greatly. Wishing you and yours a blessed and most beautiful CHRISTMAS!!! :)

  5. Thank you for sharing your SIL Christmas letter.

    Have a Merry Christmas.

  6. What a lovely example of what Christ has done for us. Thanks for sharing it. Congrats on the Guest DT position too. Have a blessed Christmas celebrating the birth of Christ, God's gift to mankind, and may His love, peace, joy and hope fill your heart in a new way this blessed season!

  7. Christine your card is beautiful and so is the story you shared! I'm so happy and honored that you'll be joining us in the bread basket!!! I hope your CHRISTmas is filled with Christ Himself... mercy, forgiveness, reconciliation, all wrapped up in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger! Merry Christmas!

  8. What a beautiful card Christine!! Congrats on being asked to be a guest designer. They're blessed to have you as part of their team!! Thanks for sharing that wonderful story too!! It truly touched my heart!! Merry Christmas!!!

  9. Gorgeous artwork & what an amazing stamp! Congrats on your guest dt work! It's a beautiful thing to see Christ's redemptive love all around us. Have a Merry Christmas!

  10. Love your card and the cross stamp is beautiful! Such a touching story. Merry Christmas.

  11. What a beautiful Christmas Story. Thank you so much for sharing. Congrats on your DT status. I know you will do beautiful work. Merry Christmas and a Most Happy New Year.

  12. Merry Christmas. I can't imagine a better match than you on ODB Design Team - with your gifts and talents and their stamps - what a winning combination!!!! Blessings

  13. Tosh is so correct! We truly are blessed to have such a wonderful Christian joining us in the Breadbasket! Thanks so much, Christine!

    Your card is awesome! I love the masking and coloring, very pretty!!!!

    Wonderful message in your SIL letter!

  14. What a beautiful story and a beautiful card. I am a new stamper and learning so much from everyone. I raise tame white doves and really love the dove stamp. Merry Christmas and wish everyone a blessed New Year.

  15. Congratulations on your news, Christine! You're perfect for them and they for you. Beautiful card, and thank you for a lovely story. Merry Christmas!

  16. The story you shared really touched me, it is a beautiful example of the mercy we are given every day!
    I look forward to seeing your lovely creations with Our Daily Bread Designs, congratulations on becoming guest designer.
    Your card is beautiful!!

  17. This card is wonderful
    I hope,you have a verry goog christmas time.
    Annette from germany

  18. Congrats on your Guest DT gig! Gorgeous card and coloring, Christine! Beautiful story of forgiveness! Blessings to you and yours!

  19. Christine, I truly appreciate your Christmas post. Thank you for the wonderful reminder of the truth of who our God is.

  20. Thanks for the reminder of our need for mercy and forgiveness and not just for ourselves but for others and especially our children!!
    What a lovely family picture.
    Huge hugs for the DT at ODBD. What a fantastic accomplishment. You deserve it for the wonderful wonderful work you do.
    Beth Greco

  21. So incredibly beautiful Christine! Thank you for sharing!


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!