
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas Blog Candy and 101 Pea Pods

How about some Christmas Blog Candy???   ...well you'll have to read to the end of the post :)

This is what I've been working on  - for it seems like forever!  Birth Announcements for our sweet new nephew.  My husband's brother and sister in law had their 5th baby!  And we're so happy it's a boy :)  Anyway....she requested 150 birth announcements...I asked her if 100 would be ok, especially since I couldn't color the peas until I knew if it was a girl or boy. 

I'll admit mass assembly is not my favourite thing to do, BUT, it was for a special little someone. 

Here's a picture of the pieces :)

They needed to be simple, so I could make this many of them, and still pretty flat so they were mailable. 

The pea pods are copic colored and the designer paper is American Crafts.  I almost think I like the white ones better, though I only added them because I ran out of Old Olive!  Stamps are SU Event Full and Teeny Tiny Wishes, plus the smallest circle from an old SU snow man set (an "O" is also our last name initial - theirs too :)  and the little tiny smiley face in the background is an old SU set Small Sayings - I thought the smiley face matched the peas so well). 

Well, still here and interested in the Christmas Blog Candy?  I want to say thank you for coming back here and being interested and supportive of what I I have a complete set of Flourishes A Year of Flowers Calendar Set (I, II, and III) that I'd like to give away.  They are a STUNNING set of sets. 

Rules:  Leave a comment on this post, and tell me something that gives you hope in the year ahead.  One comment per person, please leave your email address in the post.  It makes it much easier for me :)

Draw:  I'll draw on the evening of the 26th probably after 10 pm MTN. 

Merry Christmas Friends!  I have a few more surprises this week so keep stopping by!


  1. Wow!! What a job!! The card is so cute!! I would love to win the blog candy!! My favorite stamps are flowers.

    Thank you for sharing.

    Gail Wise

  2. Very cute~ the cards caught my eye on Splitcoast because I am having a boy in April. My hope is that everything goes well with him! Thanks so much for sharing the great card!

  3. You have been a card making machine!! Darling announcement card :D Hopefully you won't have to do some for number six LOL!

    Thanks for the chance to win some goodies. I love flower stamps - think over 50% of my stamps are flowers :D What gives me hope in 2010? Nothing more than my faith in Christ and His sovereignty over all things in my life, as well as His amazing love and faithfulness to me and my family.

  4. Oh I just love your annoucement cards! Those peas in a pod are cute, cute, cute!

    What gives me hope in 2010? That families are getting closer together because of this economy. They used to be consumed with things, bigger, more, more, more.... but because of this shake up they are getting back to the basics.....that gives me hope that deep down inside we still have morals within us that matter.

  5. Oh these cards are just soooo adorable, Christine! Love them all!!

    What wonderful blog candy too!! What gives me hope for 2010 is my wonderful family and my faith in God! Without them I would be nothing! :)

    I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a blessed new year! Hugs to you!!

  6. Happy Holidays to you and yours. Thanks for such a great blog.

  7. Beautiful! The sound of my grandchildren's laughter and the sparkle in their eyes is what gives me hope for the future. Family, friends, faith, love and laughter, hope springs eternal.

  8. amy cards..they are so cute!

    I hope for everone a great and happines year!!


  9. OMG, I love them. you did a great job. I would agree sometimes the mass assembly is too much, but it is so worth it in the long run.
    what gives me hope in 2010, the abilty for people to change.
    thanks for the wonder cards and i will add you as a favorites so i can continue to keep up with your stuff. Thanks Kay
    enjoy your holiday.....

  10. Wonderful announcement cards Christine. What gives me hope for 2010 is the birth of our first grandchild in the spring. Ruth B.

  11. my kids - they are so full of energy and so bright - they give me hope for the future.
    Enjoy your time with your family!


  12. What adorable announcements Christine!! WOW! 100!! I cant mass produce so kudos to you!! Awesome blog candy too!

  13. The most I have ever been able to mass produce is 40. Anyone who makes cards knows that was a BIG request and there must be much love!

    what gives me hope in the new year is that the spring will come and it's never to late if you start now.

  14. Awesome announcements - so cute!

    My family gives me hope and sustains me during the rough periods.

    Happy Holidays to all.


  15. Oh my goodness...look at how sweet this card is! But 100 of them? You are a sweet, sweet lady!!!
    What gives me hope in the new year is first, Jesus. He loves us where we are, and that gives me peace. Second, we had lots of marriages in our family last year, with two more this year and a baby on the way....there is something bittersweet about seeing our children become adults, but a joy to see them accomplish their dreams! Thanks for the chance to win and Merry Christmas to you! You inspire me every day!

  16. LOVE LOVE LOVE the sweet pea baby announcements! They are absolutely adorable.
    I always look forward to a new year of new friends, new projects, and new adventures! I wish everyone health and happiness for sure! We could use some about right now! :)

  17. I have been following the Flourishes DT because of how beautifully everyone colors the elegant images. The monthy flower set is fantastic and would be fun to own since there are so many card and calendar samples.

    Thank you for offering the complete set for some lucky winner.

    The question of Hope is difficult to answer. My Faith in God and Jesus is my foundation. My families love and support surrounds me with love and security.

    Knowing that most people are good is comforting. And the passing of time eases pain and gives me hope of things changing for the better.

  18. You're a good sister-in-law! 150! WOW! Looks like you have these jewels under control though! The only thing that gives me hope these days is knowing that God is in control of all things! Have a Merry Christmas Christine!

    leenda1 at cox dot net

  19. Hi

    THanks for the blog candy., I would like to say health for everyone for the next year.

  20. Hey Christine!...or should I say Auntie Christine. :) CONGRATULATIONS on your new nephew. FANTASTIC job on the announcements....they're beautiful, and you made so many!

    Merry Christmas!!

  21. Those announcements are just tooo cute!! Love the peapod. No matter what is going on my hope for the new year is in the fact that I have a Savior that is in control of it all! I can trust in that and have peace. I absolutely love love love flowers and this set is Wonderful. What a blessing just for the opportunity to win it! THANK YOU

  22. Opps, forgot my

  23. Look at all those!! Wow!! You have been busy! They are all just so adorable--what a great design. Awesome!
    I normally don't enter blog candy drawings but I just {heart} that new set by Flourishes so I'll take a chance this time. Something that gives me hope in the new year--simple, my husband coming home from Iraq after being gone a year!!
    Happy Holidays!

  24. Your cards are adorable! I can't imagine making that many cards at once.

    Jesus gives me hope for the future! Another thing that gives me hope is the development of a publicly available test for XMRV, which is a retrovirus recently found in people who suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome. This disabling disease has kept me housebound for the last 10 years and I'm looking forward to new treatments coming out of this exciting discovery!

  25. Thanks for the chance to win. I hope the doctors are able to find out what's wrong with my husband. They have been unable to find anything up to this point. Hopefully good days are ahead.


  26. hope you had fun making all those cards- they look fab- my thing that gives me hope is that I might win this set as I would love it- but seriously my family give me hope every day and my daughter is due to have her second child (our 7th grandchild in 3 and a bit years)in April so that is great considering we nearly lost her 10 years ago with menniggococcal- and we hope they get the finance worked out to build their own home instead of renting

  27. My only hope is that Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem and that he rose victorious from the grave to save us from sin and Satan. May you have a Blessed Christmas and may God bless you in the year to come. Hugs, Nellie.

  28. Hi I have to believe my husband had a heart attack and is out for Xmas but we have to go back to hospital for more surgery my sister has stage 4 cancer and one has to hope there are better days ahead or we couldn't go on. i love your cards and look forward to seeing what you have done Merry Xmas to you and yours

  29. These are so adorable, I know your SIL loved them! Congrats on the new nephew. Oh my word 100, I haven't done 100 cards in two years now . . . LOL! Please don't enter me for the blog candy, just wanted to comment on the adorable cards. Merry Christmas Dear Christine to you and your family. Wishing you all His Blessings! Hugs, Jerri

  30. You made the birth announcements so beautiful,the parents should be very pleased with them.My hope for the coming new year is for all our children grow up safe, healthy, and loved. I would love to win the flower stamps.

  31. What fun birth announcements, you did a great job with them, and so many too! Congratulations to the new parents, babies are such a blessing and this little guy has four siblings to teach him all the tricks. I think the year 2009 was hard for a lot of people and my wish is a better year for all, filled with all good things.

  32. Beautiful cards....100 of them! Wow...My hope for the New Year... I hope people looking for work will find it, and that our economy will be heading toward recovery. Happy Holidays to all!

  33. Super sweet card- What a special, loving Auntie you are! My love and faith in God always gives me hope for each and every day and of course for the new year.

  34. Good Grief! At least they were all 100 the same. Beautiful job!
    The thing that gives me hope for the coming year is the support of friends. That leaves me feeling that I can face what life dishes out. Mary Christmas!
    Mary (

  35. WOW WOW WOW Christine these are awesome, you have been way busy!!!!!!

  36. Wow, that is one whopping pile of birth announcements......but very adorable! My hope for the New Year? Well, my hope is in Christ, whatever He wills for my 2010 I know will be in good hands! I also hope that you and your loved ones have a very blessed Christmas!!

  37. Christine,
    Peace is my hope for the world. God gives us hope but we must work on peace together as a people.

    You are an inspiration to us all.

    trishas dot timeless dot treasures at gmail dot com

  38. Wow, 100 birth announcemnets- that is incredible. My hope for the new year is that the economy will continue to improve so that people can get back to work and my company will continue to be able to support all of us. Thanks for the chance to win.

  39. Oh adorable cards! I love the flower stamps and a chance to own them. What gives me hope is my 5 grandchildren. Their laughter warms my heart. Debbie G

  40. wow i just did 25 baby cards for my friend and i thought i was gonna go crazy just from those. I cant believe you did 100!! Super Aunt to the rescue haha. Love the cards, love the blog!


  41. Christine, I love visiting your blog because your creations are so very beautiful and the thought that you put into them is so evident. I always have hope because of my dear family and wonderful friends that I am so fortunate to have.

  42. 100 birth announcements is quite an undertaking! They are SO cute!
    As far as what gives me hope in the year ahead...our nephew, Matthew, is now in remission from leukemia. I can see him getting stronger each week. He has been such a fighter over the past 15 months (since diagnosis). He truly gives me hope for the new year!!!
    Susie W.

  43. I can't believe 100 cards! WOW!
    For the new year my hope is that I will be healthy and productive - and I hope the same for everyone else.

  44. Wonderful cards. One of the things that gives me Hope is my best friend's children-young adults-who consider themselves lucky for their extensive education and present jobs and plan to pay it forward to others through their careers.

  45. Beautiful cards! I don't think I could handle that many. 30 or so of the same Christmas card does me in! What awesome blog candy. I wanted them, but want them all, so haven't bought any of them yet. Thanks for the chance to win. And what gives me hope for the future? Knowing that God is in charge. Merry Christmas! email -

  46. Wow! Lots of birth announcements! I also mass produce things and it is tedious but it helps keep us busy! I would love to win those sets from Flourishes! I wanted to buy them but am having to watch my pennies right now so couldn't. For the new year, I hope my family will be healthy throughout the year. It has been a rough 2009 but 2010 will be better! Happy holidays to you and yours.

  47. These are amazing. I love the little pea in a pod. He is so cute. I once created 40 Birthday party announcements for an 80 year old and thought it was hard enough, but 100!! WOW! That is amazing.
    My hope is in my Savior, Jesus Christ, my family and my friends.
    Thanks for an opportunity to win the whole set of Year of Flowers. That is by far the most beautiful set of stamps in a long time. I would love to make some calendars using these stamps.

  48. Cute card, thanks for sharing it . . . . and wonderful blog candy!
    What gives me hope for 2010 is having the assurance that God is in control!

  49. What a cute birth announcement!! My cousin just had a baby boy also.

    What a lovely opportunity for blog candy. Thanks so much for the chance.

    Merry Christmas to you!

    Beth Greco

  50. Holy smoke - 100 cards. You are a very good sister-in-law.

    What gives me hope is all the people I meet who still really enjoy doing something for others.

  51. Well, I'm a doofus and forgot my email! It's

  52. You have been busy but I loved the cards.
    What gives me hope is my Savior Jesus Christ. Also knowing that I have a Church family that prays for me on a regular basis. I'm very close to the people I go to church with. I know they live the life and know how to get a prayer through when things get tough. We are there for each other. In the world we live in, I believe it is important to keep each other in prayer.
    Have fun with your new nephew and Thank You for the chance to win this wonderful set of stamps. I would love to have it.

  53. Christine...these are just the cutest baby cards evah!!!! What a sweet thing to do for your brother and sister-in-law!!! That's some mighty fine blog candy, too...WOW, girl!!!
    What gives me hope for 2010?? We had a new baby boy born into our family in November and what a joy!! God has blessed my family with health and happiness.....watching the sweet faces of my darling kids and grandbabies gives me hope for a wonderful and blessed 2010!!

  54. What adorable announcements! I just finished 175 Christmas cards for my husband end of November. Mass production is so very hard and you did a fabulous job. What gives me hope in the new year is that my Dad will remain healthy and stay with us longer. Thanks for the chance to win fabulous blog candy!!

  55. My goodness - that is ALOT of birth announcements!!! That baby in a peapod is adorable - love it!

    What gives me hope in the New Year? The same thing that brought hope to a dying world at Christmas - the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  56. Wow!!! You've been busy- they are fantastic. Thank you for the opportunity of winning the flower stamps. The main thing that gives me hope is that God is in total control of EVERYTHING

  57. I love the peas! Thanks for the chance to win these beautiful stamps, they are awesome!
    The thing that give me hope is my faith in our Lord and Savior. Knowing that he is in control is all the hope I need.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  58. Love,love,love the baby annoucements. I had a baby boy 4 months ago and these would have been perfect. I hope for health, happiness, and peace in the year to come. Too much is going wrong in the world these days. We need to be hopeful that things will work out for the best.

    Thanks for the chance at the blog candy.

  59. My sister-in law just passed away she was the eldest of the remaining family. Her passing brought together a family that has been divided for years. My hope is that the whole family will become even closer in the coming year. Ann Lind

  60. Great job on the card, so cute. We have a new baby coming in the family in July. Can't wait!! What gives me hope for 2010? There are so many things but most of all is Jesus for with him all things are possible. Merry Christmas and a Happy Healthy New Year to you!!

  61. Christine, you cards are wonderful, thankyou. My Hope for 2010, is that we reconize that (it) is already in us, we must continue to find and show it, grace, patients, kindness and a smile even in these troubled times. That, is Gods gift to us, His Word, His Strength, His hope that we don't forget.

    We must rely on him when our strength weakens.

    We have two children in Japan, Army, and a son, Air Force going to Iraq again, my husband, a truck driver, just had surgery on his eye, but I will continue to believe in God as always, in these troubled times, HE gave His only Son to die for us, for our sins. But he also gave us beautiful flowers, to see to smell and to believe that tomorrow will come, and be better, if we believe.

    It's not easy for us, but it was not easy for HIM. Learn to enjoy the simple things of life, a sunset, rainbow or a flower. Thankyou

  62. What cute cards! My hope for the future is my son. He is such a generous and kind person, and I hope that never changes.

  63. Christine, I visit your site almost daily to see how you create and color your images...I love the new set, so much so, I'm going to sell my pSX alphabet set in hopes of buying the new Flourish flower set if I don't win yours, :)
    Christ is my hope in this journey of life and upcoming year.

  64. My dear Christine,
    You give me hope for the coming year, along with your encouragement and your friendship

  65. What a darling announcement card. Love the little pea. I spotted your card on splitcoast as my niece is expecting a baby boy in April. I had to go and checked out your blog. What a great blog giveaway.


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!