
Sunday, March 22, 2009

SU Regionals

Well, I was able to spend a great day yesterday with Dawn and Laura at the SU Regionals. We had so much fun together! This was the first time we met in person and yet it was like we had known each other a long time. It just goes to show that those cyber-connections over stamping are really precious! It was a lot of laughter and conversation, and a little stamping too!

We found out about - and laughed about each other's stamp that Dawn can't spend more than 30 minutes on a card...and that Laura might not have chosen her colors in 30 minutes :) ...and me? ha ha...well they laughed that I had to trim my already die cut stamps (hey I don't like edges!). It was really fun and I feel really blessed to know these girls they are warm and fun and generous. And I feel blessed to have stamped along side of them!
Here's a picture of the three of us at our table (thanks Bev for taking it!), Laura, Dawn and I.

Dawn and I ...

Laura and Dawn....
And Laura and I who also work together on the Flourishes Design Team.

A fun day...and now I'm home today with a feverish boy....I am also super behind on commenting on blogs and please bear with me! I appreciate all of you who come over here and say hi....and I'll catch up soon! I've been working behind the scenes on finishing up my niece's baby blanket and 52 baby Thank You's for them (I'll show you the fruits of my labour this week), and I'm getting ready to paint my bathroom this week too!


  1. Oooooooooh, I'm soooo jealous that you got to meet Laura and my girl Dawn. Looks (and sounds) like you three had a really great time!! gorgeous girls, you!

    I'm sorry to hear that your son has a fever. I hope it goes away. Poor guy. :(

  2. I'm jealous, too - LOL! But so glad you all had such a good time! Hope your son feel better soon.

  3. OH goodness I'm sorry that your son isn't feeling well. Poor little thing! Hope that fever breaks and he's back running around like normal!

    Your pictures turned out so good! I love that one of the three of us! I look funny in the shot I have, I must have almost blinked or something!

    It truly was a WONDERFUL funfilled day!!!

  4. Oh the talent in that small little group! A special get together indeed!

  5. How cute are you guys!! How cool and special to finally meet each other!
    I hope your little guy feels better soon.

  6. You girls are so cute and look like you had such a fun time! That is just a blessing for you all! Hope your little ones is better soon! Hugs..

  7. Oh, you girls! You look so happy and like such great friends! I know you probably picked right up like you've known each other for years. Wish I could meet you all, too. BTW, I'm like Laura -- maybe in 30 minutes I will have picked my colors. Oh, to be more like Dawn! I hope your little guy feels better real soon.

  8. Green with envy here, too....I am sooo glad you had a good time and got to meet two wonderful Dirty Girls!!! Hope you DS is better, fun to come home to sick kiddos!!!

  9. Glad you had a fun time, nice memories to cherish for always. Sorry your son is sick, it has not been a fun flu hitting everyone that is for sure!

  10. How awesome that you all got to meet and hang together...JEALOUS! :) Looks like you had a fabulous time too! Hope your son is feeling better! {{{hugs}}}

  11. Oh, I am jealous too! It looks like you guys had so much fun---oh, okay, I am happy for you too!
    Hope your son feels better soon!!

  12. I agree with Denise, I'm positively green with envy! I wish I could have been there to stamp with all three of you! I'm a few days late in posting, I hope your little guy is feeling much like himself now.

  13. How cool that you 3 got to meet in person and spend the day together!! What fun!! And what cuties you all are!! I hope your little guy is feeling much better now! (When you get a chance, take a look - I tagged you on my blog.)

  14. Color me GREEN, GREEN, GREEN, maybe sometime I will get to each of you peronally! Laura and I sound alike...I always have a plan in my head and a sketch...hehe but then the card takes over.Hugs to the little one and hope he feel better.

  15. Sounds like fun! I saw these cute photos on dawn's blog! *jealous* It looks like so much fun!

  16. I am so jealous. What a fun time. I am sure you all had a great time. Regionals is always a great way to share with fellow stampers. My son is sick too. Ugh.. No fever just a cold..

  17. Looks like you three had a blast!! I hope your son will feel better soon ... there's some nasty colds and flu going around here anyway. We've all had it. Yuck.

    Have a great day, Christine!

  18. How fun...and I love the pictures of you all!!

    I hope your son is feeling better soon!!

  19. Sounds like a very fun day!! Totally jealous!!


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!