
Sunday, April 7, 2024

Cherry Blossom Scripture with PTI

It’s that beautiful season of Cherry Blossoms!  I know someone in Japan who is showing pictures of the beauty of the Sakura blossoms right now, and I wish I could see it!  Instead I pulled out some cherry blossom beauty from Paper Trey Ink called:  Into the Blooms:  Cherry Blossoms.  It’s a beautifully detailed die!  

I started with ink blending the layers, and assembling the flowers and leaves on stems which look so beautiful together!  Next I embossed this beautiful Bible verse called Psalm Reflections: December Mini in silver, and then ink blended around the die cut circle in soft pink.  

To coordinate with the cherry blossom theme, I also used PTI’s So Cherry Sweet Stencil for the background of the card.  

Then I surrounded the verse with beautiful blossoms and a few silver enamel accents.  Soft and so pretty! 

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