
Friday, March 15, 2019

Coral Peonies with Daniel Smith Watercolours

The kids gave me a gift certificate to an art store this Christmas, and with all the kuffufle around my husband being sick, here we are in March and I finally had some time to pop over there to pick up a few more tubes of Daniel Smith Watercolour paint.  So when I came home I used this gorgeous peony image from Power Poppy called Iresistable Peonies and some Arches cold pressed watercolour paper and did a little playing.  

For this design I used: Quinachrodone Coral, Hansa Yello Medium, Hooker’s Green, and Phthalo Turquoise, with Lunar Violet in the background. I finished with a little gold metallic from my Gansai Tambi paints.  

The sentiment die is from The Cat’s Pajamas and the little “YOU” stamped in green is from Power Poppy’s set, Bloomin’ Wonderful.  I think next time I’ll print the image a wee bit darker from the digital - because when you start to lose your lines, as the paint covers the image, I got a bit lost!  Still such a relaxing way to spend a few hours!  

Christine Okken
Julie Koerber
Katie Sims
Stacy Morgan
Tosha Leyendekker

and Marcy at the Power Poppy Blog


  1. Absolutely stunning Christine! Love your watercolouring, all the shades of colour you achieve. The colours are so pretty. Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. I don't know if I can bear to see anymore of your watercoloring, Christine. It's so beautiful it hurts. I hardly even have words. Incredible!

  3. Down right GORGEOUS!!! Oh Christine if only I would "think" about water coloring this good. Mine turns out like the 2nd graders at school. Stunning coral colors, adore the tiny scallop edge. Outstanding card girlie.

  4. Wow Christine, this card is irresistible! I absolute love this, what a gorgeous colours and stunning painting.
    I hope it's going better with your husband know.
    Thank you for sharing and have a great Sunday.

  5. W O W ! Gorgeous, beautiful and spectacular. You are an expert in water and Copic coloring. LOVE seeing your work.

  6. This is absolutely stunning Christine! I so wish I could even do a fraction of what you accomplished here -- the colors you chose and the way you brought this to life is incredible. Just wow!

  7. You are doing a beautiful job with these watercolors, Gorgeous!

  8. Christine, it's wonderful to see your amazing watercoloring. You've truly continued to grow, and I am in awe of your skill. What a blessing from the kids, and I'm so glad you were able to add to your watercolors. This is exquisite and beyond. I love the color and the elegant way to finish it with the scallops, the die, and the sequins. Sigh...stunning! Hugs and love! xoxo


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!