
Friday, July 20, 2018

Kindness is the Way for Home Decor

Happy Friday to you all!  We’ve got a gorgeous jam-packed few days ahead with Power Poppy’s 5 Day’s of Digis Release!  I’ll tell you, WOW you are going to love what’s in store.  Marcy’s really put her heart into these beauties, and we’re kicking it all off to day with a stunner that is FREE, FREE, FREE!  (I get just giddy saying that because it’s just like her to be so generous with you!)

Introducing Kindness is the Way!  Here is Marcys description of it.  

Our first 100% FREE download with a botanical theme — I am proud to offer Kindness is the Way here at Power Poppy. Whether you've never worked with digital stamps before and want to give it a risk-free try, or you are an experienced digital download aficionado in search of new flowers to color, this image is here for you! I've prepared an allover pattern of Gerbera Daisies in black and no-line versions. Then you also get two versions of the background with the phrase "Kindness is the Way" superimposed, using lettering that you can color in. Lastly, a single Gerbera Daisy is included in case you want to just keep things simple.

As you can see I decided to make a larger piece for my home decor.  I love that about digital images. They are so easy to manipulate to a much larger size without taking away from the integrity of the original drawing.  This is an 8 x 10 sized piece.  

We’ve done a lot of work around our house this spring and summer, and I’ve done a lot of painting inside the house, so now I’m looking to put different artwork on the walls.  I’ve always had this dream of having art with encouraging verses and words for us to be inspired by, so when I saw Marcy’s illustrations for this release I knew it was perfect for my theme!  You can see how it looks on our mantle in the photo at the beginning of the post. What family doesn’t need that reminder for how we treat each other and how we live in this world of ours!

I took my time and watercoloured this beauty in shades of blue, blue-green, grey and green with my Gansai Tambi watercolours on Arches Cold Pressed Watercolor paper.  I use 90 pound weight for digitals because it runs through my printer perfectly.  

Here is what it looks like in more natural light, so you can see more of the texture of the paper, which I always think is part of the beauty of watercolour.  

Here’s just a peek at what part of the digi looks like, there’s so much more in the actual FREE image. Pop on in to the store and pick it up!  And thank you Marcy for your kindness in bringing all of us such a lovely design!

I’ll be back tomorrow with some more from this release,’s another piece of watercoloured artwork!

And now here’s the rest of the Bloom Brigade and Instant Gardener team playing along today...

Christine - you are here


  1. Oh my, Christine, your watercoloring is more and more beautiful! I LOVE these colors (some of my favorites), and what gorgeous shading and depth. The colored-in sentiment is beautifully done, and it really is a lovely piece to remind you all of a special way to treat each other at home. For if we do so at home, we will tend to do so outside the home. Beautifully done, sweet friend, and thank you for sharing your gifts with us. I truly want to try watercoloring more (between that and my pencils, it will take some time!!). Hugs and love! xoxo

  2. How smart, I never thought to use watercolor paper! Totally need to try this. This is really so amazing! I love that you did a large size and framed it.. Really beautiful.

  3. Gorgeous piece, it is always good to have a reminder to be kind to others, gorgeous coloring :)

  4. Christine, this is gorgeous! Your water colouring is amazing, love all the tones you used. What a great idea to frame this, a lovely piece of artwork with a wonderful sentinent! Thanks for sharing.


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!