
Monday, February 12, 2018

Cheesy Valentines for the Non-Cheese Lover

Funny story.  When my husband was small he came home from school one day and because his mom was at work, he decided to help himself to a snack.  That day, he decided to eat a whole double pack of Kraft Singles.  In. One. Sitting.  Gross!  Nevermind that it’s not really CHEESE and is probably one chemical away from plastic.  Needless to say, it made him totally sick and he’s been repulsed by cheese ever since.  I find this to be a complete shame since I’m pretty sure I’ve never met a cheese I didn’t like.  

Guess what, this will be his Valentine!  I love the punny element to it and it’s even more funny given his dis-taste for Cheese.  As soon as I saw this illustration from Marcy I knew it had to be for my beloved!  It’s another one from the Power Poppy Va-Va-Valentine’s Collection.  

Cheddar is a personal favourite of mine, so it’s leaning heavily on orange and some fun silver elements like the heart grate (how fun is that), and the touches of metallic paper.  

I used a polka-dotted embossing folder inverted so the dots went in, like the holes in the cheese, and then added washi tape, hearts and some silver sequins.  A sweep of light BG11 ink over the sentiment gives it a little bit of extra pop and contrast.  

Much cheesy love to all of you!  


  1. that is just too cute and I so love the colors you used in it too, great texture and design of the card!

  2. Hahahhahaha! I'm sorry about Terry's youthful misadventure with the cheese, but you can laugh about it now. I feel the same about those non-cheeses. Include Velveeta in that. But real cheese -- ohhhh -- I could put it in everything! The sharper the better. LOVE your cheesy Valentine in the nontraditional colors and the inverted embossing. So CUTE!

  3. ha ha oh my word... yea I am with you its not real cheese and I like choose myself. But too funny. I think he will love this even with the cheese. :-)

  4. Well, I missed not only this darling card but the super funny story behind it! I am sitting here pinning your cards and laughing hysterically. You are too cute! Hope Mr. Terry liked this one and got a giggle out of it! :-)


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