
Friday, January 19, 2018

Rosé All Day Completed!

Earlier this week I showed you my initial progress on an art piece with Power Poppy’s new set, Rosé All Day.  Well, it’s complete!  I put some more time into it on Wednesday night in front of Season 2 of ER.  Man I loved that show!  Honestly it was a little challenging to decide what to concentrate on - the show or my colouring :)!  

The piece is just over 6 x 6 inches finished sized, and I placed it on my mini easel and for now it will go on our mantle.

It is primarily coloured with Copics, and I finished off some of the shading and line work with prismacolor pencils.  Even though most of the shades are in the RV copic family, I didn’t skimp, and used a whopping 46 markers on this design, so I’m not going to even attempt to take a picture of them.

I wanted each element to have it’s own “feel” and distinct shade of colour so you could differentiate between the elements of the design, but I also wanted it to have an overall cohesive aspect as well.  I tried to accomplish this by bringing some colours from other areas into each other so they would tie together.

For instance, in the roses, I used RV00, RV02, RV04, RC09, but I also added shadows with BV00 and BV02, plus a wee bit of B63 so that it tied into the more purple tones of the cyclamen and coloured pencil crayon (which I did with RV00, RV52, RV66 and B63).  The Redbud and ribbon are done in RV63, RV66, RV69.  Then, because I had some blue tones going on in the flowers, I did my paintbrush in B63, B66, B69.  It adds contrast, but takes on the tones of the shadows in the flowers.  No-line colouring has some challenges because you gradually start to lose your reference lines as you colour.  You can manage this by having another reference piece nearby to refer to, and in colouring you do need to add some definition in with your markers or pencils to your outer areas so you can see the shadows and a bit of the outline when it’s finished.

The leaves were fun to do, particularly those amazing varigated cyclamen leaves, I did them with a combo of G21, G24, G28 with some B10, B11 and B66 for the shadows.  This was one spot I added prismacolor pencil at the end giving the depths some blue-green and the highlights some yellow-green so that they tied into the more yellow green of the stems.  Super fun project to work on. Sometimes you just need a bigger piece to stretch you.  Thanks for enjoying the journey with me!  

Be sure to stop by the Power Poppy Blog to see what Marcy has in store today and also my Bloom Brigade sisters playing along with inspiration.  Don’t forget that our weekly Hues to Use Challenge is going on, as well as our monthly Power & Spark - Grab a Map Challenge.  You could win anything from a guest spot on the blog to a $50 gift certificate to the Power Poppy store!  

Christine Okken (here)
Julie Koerber
Katie Sims
Stacy Morgan

and Marcy at the Power Poppy Blog


  1. My stars, Christine.....I am completely BLOWN AWAY!!! Another to the list of favorites by you....this certainly belongs on your mantle for all to see! Love, love, love all of the detail you put in this image.....truly amazing! You have such a gift, my friend!

  2. Christine, your finished design is so lovely--great color choices. Thanks for sharing the finale!

  3. Christine.... outstanding! Oh my word your coloring is gorgeous. Love the new digi and your creation.

  4. Christine, this is STUNNING! Your no line colouring is amazing, love all the colours and all the detail on every piece of your image. Thanks for sharing your finished piece. WOW!

  5. Oh my goodness wow that is just beautiful, so stunning!! Lovely delicate framing around it!

  6. Oh my - oh so incredible - what an amazing card creation, Christine! A true masterpiece. I especially like your attention to detail in the pencil, those tiny bees, the lovely leaves, the lady bug's head, the highlights in the brown stem of your flowers -- gosh -- and that glorious highlighting throughout. SO LOVELY! hugs, de
    {Creative Smiles}

  7. Oh, it's beautifully cohesive and jaw-dropping gorgeous! There are no words adequate. I enjoyed reading your creative thought process and explanation. This is one for the record book, Christine! See... I told you there are no words adequate.


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!