
Friday, October 27, 2017

Mini Minty Village

How has your week been friends?  I hope it’s been full of things you love.  We have had a very full fall.  Last Saturday, I was heading up/leading a women’s retreat that I’ve been working on for months.  I had a beautiful team of about 30 women helping me, and to see all the work we’ve done for the past months come to life, and to see it have such a deep impact in people’s lives, was really special.  

But, after all that I could use a getaway right about now!  When I look at this sweet little village scene it, and how dreamy it looks - it makes me want to sneak right in!  I love this brand new set from Power Poppy called Glitter House Village.  The sweetness of the Church and little houses gets you in the mood for Christmas!  

I chose to colour it all up with some minty-blue-green tones to give you the feel of a crisp winter night.  The background paper helps give that bokeh feel and then the touches of glitter on the icicles, iridescent ribbon and the scene give that fresh fallen snow feel.  

On these next two pictures I hope you can see some of the sparkle.  I covered the scene with a glitter pen, and some Wink of Stella pen, so at the right angles. the whole scene totally sparkles.  

I’ve added a row of sparkly icicles along the bottom with a The Cat’s Pajamas die, covering it with glitter.  It adds that icy touch.   

Here’s the Copics I used.  

Pop on by the Power Poppy Blog to see what fun is going on for Good Vibe Five!  

Christine Okken
Julie Koerber
Stacy Morgan


  1. Christine, what a joy to have had a women's retreat and been part of impacting the lives of so many women both on your team and those who attended. May God continue to bless all that was said and done. Yes, you certainly could and should have a getaway after all that work, and what a beautiful and exquisite card you've made and colored. I love your color palette, and it does feel icy cold (in a good way) with your exquisite coloring. I love the die you've used and the DP, and your icicles are perfect with all the sparkle and glitter. I love the ribbon all works so beautifully and will be cherished so much! This is truly such a darling image, and I love it so much...brings back memories of some of the things my mom loved. Sigh. Thanks again for all your inspiration for this wonderful release, and I hope you get some rest and downtime this weekend! Hugs and love, sweet friend! xoxo

  2. CHristine it is darling! I adore the coloring and yes you can see the sparkle. Oh doesn't it look awesome, fabulous card. Sounds like the retreat was keeping you busy, enjoy all of it!

  3. LOVE the icy colours you chose! Such a beautiful card!!

  4. Christine, I attended our women's retreat which was held at a local church, so a " stay retreat." Afterwards, I thought how tired the women who led it must I was tired just going. But it was so worth it and very edifying and encouraging speakers. I do hope you can have a little reprieve. Your card is just beautiful...I do see all the sparkle and glitter too !!

  5. Christine, I attended our women's retreat which was held at a local church, so a " stay retreat." Afterwards, I thought how tired the women who led it must I was tired just going. But it was so worth it and very edifying and encouraging speakers. I do hope you can have a little reprieve. Your card is just beautiful...I do see all the sparkle and glitter too !!

  6. This is such a wonderful card !! I love the cold color combos.

  7. This is just amazing!! I love the color scheme you chose and the way you die cut the village out with that pretty lace die cut. The addition of the icicles at the bottom is perfection!


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!