
Friday, August 25, 2017

Wheelie Great Birthday

Happy Friday people!  I’m popping in with a card I created for my brother’s birthday which is today. I thought that this awesome image from Power Poppy’s set, Move the Soul worked perfectly for a “young at heart” guy design.  

I pulled out some older designer paper from Authentique called Loyal initially because of the green and blue piece because it almost had the look of gears fitting together, and then I took my colouring cues from that.  

On the blue designer paper piece I added some tire tracks in Not Quite Navy SU ink to accent the background.  

I added some brads, which work here and were fun to use again since I so rarely do anymore.  You can also see that the motorcycle has varying shades of blue green and blue and I like that it gives you that iridescent metallic look.  

Here’s the inside of the design with more motorcycle tracks and the roughed up sentiment.  

Here’s the colours I used.  I know it looks like I used a ton of skin shades, that was just because the first ones I started with looked to peachy to me :), so I kept trying to dull them down a little.  

Here’s my girlfriends playing along today from the Power Poppy Sisterhood....

Christine Okken
Julie Koerber
Katie Sims
Tosha Leyendekker

and be sure you pop by the Power Poppy Blog for today’s Good Vibe 5!


  1. Christine, this is fabulous! I love this set and really need to make a card with it after seeing this one. I think one of my grandsons would love this! What great DP, and I love how you've used the tracks inside and out, and what a great job coloring! I love it! Hugs!

  2. This is a fun set to work with. I love how you've colored it, and the papers and brads are perfect!

  3. I love this card and so will my son after I make one for him. Thanks for sharing.


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!