
Friday, July 21, 2017

The Cozy Gardener

I’m back with another design for this month’s Copy A Bloom Challenge from Power Poppy.   And today I’m throwing in a bit more of a "Christmas in July" theme, with a botanical twist.   

When Marcy illustrated the lovely Fully Stocked set she included a stocking filled up to the brim with bits and bobs of doodads that every gardener would love.  It’s so charming! When I saw Katie Sim’s warm and inviting creation with it I knew I’d want to someday CASE it.  Today was the perfect opportunity for an Ode to Ms. Katie.  

Stamped onto XPress it Blending with Memento Gray Flannel ink, I coloured it up with Copics with that same warm cozy palette as Katie did.  I kept the same basic design with the woodgrain background, and the patterned paper, but changed up the base colour, used more patterned paper, added a burlap layer to frame up the stocking and add to the earthy feel, added gold Krylon pen to edge my layers, much like Katie often does and then used a different ribbon/button/twine combination.  Katie’s bows are always perfection, and mine doesn’t even come close!  

Here’s Katie’s gorgeous card first published here.  

A bit more close up of the colouring.  Come on in and join us with the Copy a Bloomie Challenge, enter your creation and you could win a $50 Shopping Spree to Power Poppy!  

Take a peek at what the rest of the Bloom Brigade playing along has to show off today, I know you’ll be delighted!  

Allison Cope
Christine Okken (you are here)

Katie Sims
Stacy Morgan

and our Good Vibe Friday here!


  1. Christine!!! Oh my goodness, I saw your lovely card in the gallery and was admiring it and then realized YOU had CASE'd mine! LOL I LOVE your coloring on this (and every other card you do, but you already know that!) The burlap layer and kraft card stock really looks awesome here with your darling stocking. Thank you so much for your sweet words, and by the way....your bow looks amazing! :) Sending you hugs, precious friend!

  2. Christine, what a GORGEOUS CASE of Katie's card, and I love warmth of your card base and great DP. Love the burlap too with your beautiful ribbon, ribbon, and twine! Yes, it's perfect...and so is Katie's bow. But they are different. I love your amazing coloring, and it's a gorgeous card! Reminds me I need to get on my Christmas cards too!! Love seeing the photos of your family on vacation. Enjoy it all! Hugs! xoxo

  3. Christine, this card is exquisite. The coloring is spectacular and the setting you've created with the various layers and sewing is just grand. Love this card. Thanks for sharing it.

  4. Absolutely Gorgeous, I so love the vintage feel with your coloring and the papers that compliment it so well, I would say you did a lovely bow!!

  5. Christine this is beautiful! I adore Christmas all year. I think your case is fabulous of Katie's.

  6. A beautiful card and a beautiful card to CASE! I love how you gave this such a vintage look with your coloring and design, and you brought in even more of the warmth that I always admire in Katie's cards. Your bow with the twine is beautiful, too, BTW. I'm looking forward to the new release!


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!