
Friday, May 19, 2017

Power Poppy Flower Bomb

Hello Friends!  How is your May going?  We’re in the midst of graduation season for our middle son, birthday celebrations, family coming from the States, and our youngest son’s baptism, all in the matter of a 2 week period.  Life is so full right now!  But, I wanted to sneak in with a little design I made with Power Poppy’s set called Flower Bomb.  Its a newer addition to Marcy’s growing Instant Garden digital images and it’s another beauty!  

I’ve put a pretty periwinkle and red combination together for the colouring, pairing it will a little designer paper, some embossed paper and a pretty vellum bow. 

Here’s a closer look at the colouring, you can see I’ve used the B63 to add depth into the rose petals and leaves, and it ties the colouring together better as well.  

Have you seen Marcy’s new theme for Fridays?  It’s called Good Vibe 5 Friday, and it’s full of fun and inspiration! I hope you can check it out.  

Don’t forget to join us for our May Power & Spark Challenge Frame It Up!  You could win a $50 gift certificate to the Power Poppy store!  Woo Hoo!

Here’s my Power Poppy sisterhood joining us today with more inspiration.  

Allison Cope
Christine Okken
Cindy Lawrence

Julie Koerber
Stacy Morgan


  1. Christine, this is GORGEOUS! I love the colors and your amazing coloring! Love how you've used B63 to add depth to the really does help to tie the colors together...brilliant colorist as always! Hugs! xoxo

  2. Beautiful card. Love the bright red and blue.

  3. Wow... Christine this is gorgeous. Talk about a color burst! Fabulous card.

  4. Those colors are amazing! Love your card, Christine - thanks for sharing!

  5. What a beautiful color combo for this bouquet! It's vibrant, yet at the same time soft, if that makes sense. So perfectly matched with your card stock and patterned paper, too. Lovely!

  6. Gorgeous coloring of the flowers, love the vellum bow to top it off!


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!