
Thursday, March 2, 2017

The Daily Marker Hop

Kathy Racoosin of The Daily Marker is unleashing a world of color on her blog and Instagram (@kathyrac) this month, and she wants all of us to join her in the fun! 

The Daily Marker 30 Day Coloring Challenge energizes us to color something every day — even if only for a few minutes. Whether your love markers or prefer paints, colored pencils or crayons, all media is welcome! CLICK HERE to find out where to share what you are coloring and join the encouraging community of happy colorists. You'll also find answers to questions you may have along the way, participate in contests and more! If you share your work on social media, don't forget the hashtag: #thedailymarker30day and if you use our stamps and digis, add the hashtag #powerpoppy

My design is going to be quite soft and simple as I am recovering from pneumonia and it really knocked the stuffing out of me!

I chose to to a bit of a combination design using Power Poppy’s beautiful Azalea set and Power Poppy’s set Big Scripts combined with a soft watercoloured background using Altenew’s Hibiscus Bouquet stamps.  Though they are not azaleas, they have a bit of a similar feel, and I like how all of it pairs together.  

I wanted to use a soft palette, so I chose to go with coral and grey.  I started with the background, stamping the hibiscus and leaves in coral and grey ink onto watercolor paper, washing in the lines a little with my aqua brush to spread the colour and bring the flowers and leaves to life a little.  Next, I swooshed some embossing paste through a Tim Holtz Bubble stencil, setting that aside to dry.  

Then I stamped the azalea from Power Poppy’s set, and watercoloured with reinkers.  I added a scalloped frame so that the pretty mini azalea would have a place to sit.  I also stamped the “smile” sentiment from Big Scripts and washed out the ink a bit to soften it, cut it out with a tiny little border and added that to the frame.  

A smattering of sequins and a bit of twine complete it.  Soft simple colour.  

Now for the amazing, knock-your-socks-off- give-away news!  


To kick off the challenge, Power Poppy’s Marcella Hawley has a surprise of epic proportions! She’s giving away Power Poppy’s SOON-TO-BE-UNVEILED MARCH CLEAR STAMP SET RELEASE! That means EIGHT of the freshest, most fun Power Poppy designs to hit the market yet. It's a $144 value! Plus you can enter a friend to win.

Read all the details here!
Winners will be announced on the Power Poppy Blog/Instagram/Facebook on Sunday, March 12th, and also over on

Here’s the Power Poppy Bloom Brigade playing along today, then be sure to pop by the Power Poppy Blog to see where to hop to next!

Allison Cope
Christine Okken (you are here)
Cindy Lawrence
Julie Koerber
Kathy Jones
Katie Sims
Stacy Morgan
Tosha Leyendekker


  1. gorgeous design and beautiful card Christine

    gr karin

  2. Christine is stunning!!! I love the soft feel of the whole thing - gorgeous colours too! Hope you continue to feel better! Hugs!!!

  3. I love this card! It is so unusual, such an eye catcher!

  4. So sorry you were ill, but if this is you recovering then WOW! Love the colors, love the flower. Awesome creation.

  5. I will be casing this one! Lovely.

  6. Just beautiful! I love the combination of coral and grey that you used!

  7. Such a soft, pretty card. Love it. I hope that you are on the mend and at 100% real soon.

  8. What a gorgeous combination of stamps and colors! Sorry to hear about your pneumonia. I had that last year and it's no picnic.

  9. Stunning Christine, for being under the weather you whipped up a very creative card for today! Best Wishes!

  10. this card is amazingly gorgeous! hugs, treen

  11. Oh I LOVE the soft wash on this card and the texture paste!! Totally amazing design!

  12. Beautiful layout with your card.

  13. What a beautiful card, and created while you were suffering with pneumonia! Congratulations.

  14. Christine this is beautiful! Really like the warm colors, fabulous design as well. Hope you are doing better today... Hugs...

  15. SO beautiful and very creative!! The pneumonia didnt effect your mojo for sure!! Hope you feel better soon, its a tough one to recover from.

  16. Absolutely gorgeous Christine!
    I hope you are feeling much better!

  17. So sorry you have been ill. Your card is beautiful and elegant in spite of not feeling well. Thanks for sharing. Hope you recover fully and quickly. You have my prayers.

  18. DELIGHTFUL card!
    LOVE the flowers, LOVE the colours, LOVE the textures too!
    My talented crafty friend, Donna Woods, and I would love to get creative with these stamps :)

  19. so soft and lovely, sweet color combo and lovely design of the card.
    I hope you will soon be feeling much better.

  20. Hi Christine! WOW, HAS YOUR STYLE CHANGED!!! Maybe, just for this one card? Looks LOVELY! HOPE ALL is well! ;)

  21. Ah, precious Christine, yes, I'm sure you feel exhausted, and I pray you are feeling better each day and regaining your strength and energy. I love the card you've made, and what a gorgeous color combination! Beautifully done in every day!! Hugs and love, sweet friend...feel better! xoxo

  22. Beautiful card and beautiful stamp. Thanks for sharing. Tracey Magner

  23. Wow! Your card is fantastic!! Hope you are feeling back to normal!
    Marcella has what looks to be an awesome March release! Double Wow! Thanks for sharing your beautiful card!

  24. Lovely card with soft colors. Hope you have a full recovery very soon. Thanks for sharing ... and for the opportunity to win. (Not sure if I need to tag a friend in this comment, but just in case, Kent Cramer would also love to win.)

  25. I've just discovered the Power Poppy site & yours as well. I am so very sorry to hear you've had pneumonia.
    I pray you are on the road to recovery. Your Azalea stamped card is so soft & pretty. Here on the coast of BC most things stay green all winter, but you can always tell spring is coming by the vivid green on the new shoots. Not that we're seeing that yet, as we had an unusual long stay of snow in Feb. I've not been card making for long & am in awe of what I've seen on some sites, yours included.

  26. What a beautiful card and it's so unique -- I would never have thought to do anything like this! Love it.

  27. Gorgeous cards! Love the colors! Amazing blog hop with so much talent and inspiration! Thanks for sharing yours!

  28. Your creations are always gorgeous! I love visiting your blog. :)

  29. I hope you stay on the road to recovery. I am also getting over some horrid virus I picked up while traveling and I'm in my fourth week and over the symptoms but still tire very easily.

    I love the "softness" of your card. I also added coral and grey to my list of color combos to try. Very lovely card!

  30. Love your soft colors, beautiful card

  31. I love the layout you used on the card. I'll be filing it away in the back of my mind. Hopefully I will be able to find it someday when I need an idea for a card. I also really liked the colors you used.

  32. take care of your health chris. inspite you have created a lovely card with soft colours, beautiful inspiration. Thanks for the bloghop which made me to follow you.

  33. Very classic and subtle! Love it! It is for me totally uotside the box and you've encouraged me to attempt this! Thanks!!!


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!