
Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Scripture Series III and Narnia

Today I’ve got a few things to show you, some Scripture cards and some photography too!

First up, Psalm 46:10 from Our Daily Bread Designs Scripture Collection 3, this one happens to be one of my husband’s favourite verses because it puts a lot of life into perspective and reminds us to rest in the truth that I don’t have to have everything figured out.  

I found this great page of patterned paper with the orange poppies and pops of black that set the tone for the design.  All it needed was a bit of layering and a great big silk bow and a couple of enamel dots to complete it.  It’s a great simple layout too.  

This next design is using ODBD’s set Scripture Collection 4.  I re-did an old layout with similar colours that I had used before in 2017, it really showcases repeated colour, texture and pattern in the design, and this one uses no patterned paper.  The leaves in the background are from Verve’s set New Mercies, and then I found an embossing folder to deboss the back layer.  It looks quite similar to the stamp set.    A bit of white sharpie accents the layers so they pop a bit more, and the little corner pieces are from TCP’s CutUps Scalloped Duo Die.  

Now for some pictures....

Last week we had some funny days of weather, lots of melting for a few days, then several days in a row of heavy fog, which left us with a very Narnia-like world for the next few days after that, until the sun finally came out and melted it all away.  I snapped a few pictures because it was just so spectacular.  Everything was completely covered in a heavy, crystal-like frost.  It was like our world was sprinkled with icing sugar, or a bit like those homemade snowflakes and icicles the kids make as a science experiment out of borax.   

By the time I got around to taking pictures it was already melting away, but I thought I’d show you a few of them because it’s so pretty.  If you’re in a southern climate you wouldn’t get to enjoy this.  

It was beautiful!  Just like jewelry for our trees.

Thanks for stopping by friends!



  1. wonderful scripture cards, so pretty and will be great encouragement to someone!
    Glad you shared the pictures that is just beautiful, we have actual had a mild winter, a couple ice storms and a small dusting of snow, no shoveling this year so far, very strange for us.

  2. Gorgeous cards and great photos. Very pretty, but I will have to stick to my sunshine in the south. :)

  3. Absolutely Gorgeous! Thank you for sharing the photos. I've seen ices torts while traveling in Pennsylvania and we experienced the infamous Atlanta ice storms in Jan and Feb 2014. Treacherous on the roads but so beautiful to the eye. Keep safe and God Bless ♡


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!