
Friday, September 16, 2016

Black-Eyed Susans

We have another gorgeous Friday in my world.  We’ve seen beautiful warm fall days with lots of sunshine this week and though my spring and summer flowers are winding down, this little gem we’re celebrating today is blooming beautifully!  It’s Black-Eyed Susan time!  Marcy has illustrated another gorgeous prairie flower in digital form that also celebrates a bit of a Fall Sale (more on that later)!

Though I have the yellow variety of Black-Eyed Susans growing in my flower bed, I looked up what possible other colours these pretty blooms might come in and I found a lovely variety called Cappucino (pictured below) that has more orange and rust in the tones so I thought that this type would be fun to colour up (and it was)! Marcy captured them so beautifully!  

I printed the image onto XPress it Blending card stock in a soft rust colour for a no-line look.  

(picture source) (aren’t they lovely? I like that the colour is quite veiny too, gives you lots of ways to interpret the colouring)

Really simple accents complete the design.  I went with a couple of blue buttons as I had given the background a soft blue hue.  A little vellum strip behind the image grounds the image subtly. 

Copics used:  Petals:  YR31, YR12, YR14, YR16, E07, E08, E09;  Centers:  E44, E49, YR31;  Leaves:  G82, G85, G99, YG91, highlights on leaves - BG90 and G20;  Shadows:  BV00, BV01;  Sky B0000, B000

Now I thought I’d show you the black-eyed susans I have in one of my flower beds.  They’re so pretty right now!  Those flower centers are amazingly intricate and the petals really have that skinny-spindly look that keeps them light and airy.  They are sweet and elegant alone or all in a bunch!  You know what’s funny?  I don’t actually remember planting them.  As they were coming up in the summer I thought....hmm are those dahlias?  Then as the flowers started to unfurl I was so happily surprised that I had somehow planted them last summer or fall.  They sit where my tulips come up earlier in the spring, so I love how they fill in the space as summer goes on.  

Just so pretty and cheerful!  Like little bunches of sunshine.  

Now for the fun fall SALE news!

Here are the details from Marcy:  

Hey Power Poppy Fans, have we got FABULOUS weekend deal for you! A selection of our favorite digital designs are available a special price! These late summer flowers and fruits are in full bloom — ready for you to download, print, and color to your heart’s content! Power Poppy’s brand new Black-Eyed Susans, plus Pure Prairie Bouquet, Sunshine of My Life, Cuppa Buttercups, and Apples in Season are just $4 each (save up to $2 per set) OR, get all five digital stamp sets in a bundle for $15 (a total of $14 savings). 

What’s even better? FRIDAY kicks off a Coloring Contest on Facebook! Use one of the five stamp sets above and you could win a $20 gift code to the Power Poppy Shop! Sale ends and contest closes Monday, September 19th at midnight. A winner will be announced on Wednesday, September 21th. To enter the coloring contest simply leave a link on the Passionate Paper Creations and Friends post to your card or creation. (Starts on Friday, Sept. 16th, folks, so start coloring and be ready to pounce!! 
Now we’ve got even more fun for you with the rest of the Bloom Brigade playing along today, they’ll have lots to show you with these digis that are one sale:
Allison Cope
Christine Okken (you are here)
Cindy Lawrence

Julie Koerber
Kathy Jones
Stacy Morgan
Tosha Leyendekker


  1. W.O.W!!!! Christine you TOTALLY rocked this - your colouring of these flowers is absolutely incredible!!

  2. Absolutely STUNNING, Christine! The no line coloring technique looks AMAZING on these, and of course you've done a stand-out job of coloring them! We also have the yellow variety in our flower beds; but I am loving that cappucchino variety! Might have to look into those. :)

  3. Absolutely stunning Christine! Your no-line colouring is exquisite! An absolutely amazing card!

  4. Oh, Christine, these are gorgeous, and I actually saw these as I was browsing through finding images...I remember them because of their name - Cappucino! Well, my friend, you have absolutely colored to perfect once again, and what beautiful definition in each stroke! I love the blue background and amazing touches to the leaves. I LOVE it all and really love the beautiful layout (you do know that I think of you when I make mine thinking, hmmm, does this have the thirds concept in it? hehe!). Truly stunning, my friend, and I love the beautiful black-eyed Susans you have in your garden! Oh, the beauty of what God has given us just a taste of here on earth! Hugs, sweet friend, and enjoy the weekend!

  5. Gorgeously amazing with your no-line coloring! Love the Cappucchino variety as well as your own pretty yellow Susans. They don't grow well in my garden for some reason. Maybe too cool and not enough sun. Now that our trees are bigger I have even less sun in certain areas. This is such a pretty digi and your card is a work of art!

  6. Aloha Christine, I wish I could visit your blog more often because it is a treat for my eyeballs to see what you make! You use such depth and contrast with your color combos so that images pop off my computer screen! Thank you for explaining about the cappucchino flowers - I had no idea but they are delicious lol! My mother loved black-eyed Susans and daisies so this reminds me of her ♥ Continued blessings to you and yours!

  7. Stunning Christine, absolutely stunning. Oh WOW. Crazy amazing gf.

  8. Beautiful, you captured them just perfectly, there are so many wonderful varieties out there. Like your little button and twine embellishment with it, Lovely card!

  9. this is gorgeoussssssssss Christine, flowers, colouring and card
    Gr Karin

  10. Gorgeous no line coloring! Stunning!!

  11. Gorgeous! These are so realistic.... The no line look is awesome. Leslie is still trying to get me to try that technique especially after my sepia apples. The colors blended so well, you did awesome. Truly gorgeous!


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!