
Friday, July 1, 2016

Wonderful Lemonade

Hello Friends!  Happy Canada Day!  We’re celebrating my nation’s 149th Birthday today!  Yep we’re still a baby as far as nations go.  I’m proud to be Canadian and rejoice in the freedom we have.  I am grateful for the abundance we have and the beauty of this land.  

Today we’re ushering in a new month long challenge at Power Poppy.  The lovely Kathy is our hostess and here’s what she had to say about the B Happy Challenge!  

"It's the first Friday in July and that means it's time for another Power Poppy Power and Spark Challenge!!  This month I’m challenging you to B Happy!!  What does that mean??  Get searching and find things that start with B and make them the focus of your card!  There are sooooooo many things to choose from, think Birthday Cake, Bunting, Banners, Bouquets, Butterflies, Bees, Buttercups, Backpack, Berries, Blue, Brown, Beige, Bow, Bling, Buttons, Brads, Border Punch and so on!  Let your imagination run wild, have some fun, link up to the challenge below and most of all...... Be Happy! "

So this pretty little scene from Tea in the Garden is created with some B’s in mind.  I’ve used a tealy BLUE palette, made use of lots of BANNERs, BUTTONS and BAKER’S twine.  I’m even calling that little glass of lemonade in a BALL Jar as a B too.  

Doesn’t that scene look refreshing?  I added the sentiment from the pretty new sentiment set, Nice Things to Say, (and it has a lot of nice things to say in in!).  

Here’s the Copics I used.  

Now we hope you can join us for the challenge this month.  Just create something with B’s in mind and link it up on the Power Poppy Blog.  You could win a Power Poppy set of your choice!

Here’s the gang playing along today:  

Christine Okken
Kathy Jones


  1. Well this certainly is a B Happy card Christine!! Love that colour palette and of course your colouring is divine!!! A big Happy Canada Day to you - hope you have a fun, celebratory day!! :)

  2. Oooh, I love these colors and this fantastically gorgeous card! Such a fun challenge this time. Do you ever make an ugly card? You've sure never posted one. I love everything you make! Happy Canada day!

  3. Oh, Christine, what a gorgeous card, and your coloring is so amazing! I agree with Leslie that your cards are fantastically gorgeous, and I really love this layout and the beautiful DP you've used along with that sweet button and twine bow for the challenge. Yes, I think there are lots of B's we can use for this challenge, and what a great card to get us inspired. Hope you have a lovely weekend, and I hope you had a Happy Canada day! Big hugs, sweet friend!

  4. making me thirsty - love this card - especially the colouring

  5. WOW I love how you colored this fun image up Christine.


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!