
Saturday, July 30, 2016

The Gratitude Project - Week 30

\ˈgra-tə-ˌtüd, -ˌtyüd\

The quality of being thankful:  readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. 

Just a few sweet photos of the week that bring me gratitude.  

Our youngest son returned home after 8 days away in another province with a great friend.  They spent the week at their cabin on the lake and he learned to fish!  It was something he set as a goal for this year, and he had such a blast with them catching 9 fish over the week.  This was the big one, a 20-ish inch sturgeon.  My friend took this picture after he reeled it in (he had snagged it on the tail so it was such a workout getting it into the boat).  The pointy nose of the fish is still outside the frame.  It was a fish he was so proud to catch and release.  Apparently sturgeon grow about 1/2 inch a year, so this one’s been around a while.    I feel so grateful for the week he had bonding with his friend, boating, fishing, paddleboarding, swimming, tubing...all so much fun.  It totally filled up his tank, and we feel so blessed he could go, and so blessed for such great friends.  I love seeing our kids thrive and grow.  

Today we spent a good portion of the day bringing in some of the fruits of our labour :)  I harvested all the peas, pulled in 2 zucchini’s and then starting picking cherries.  My word, we have so many!  We took off 16 lbs today and I’m sure there’s 100+ more pounds still on the tree.  I’ll have plenty to share, and I just pulled a cherry pie out of the oven that smells wonderful.  I feel very grateful for the beauty of abundance in our yard, so grateful for how God waters and grows all of it, and how we get to enjoy it!  

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