
Monday, June 13, 2016

Borrowing Design Principles Tutorial

Hi Friends!  Today I’m up on the CardMaker Blog for my last guest tutorial.  It’s a fun one where I show how to borrow design principles from areas like photography, floral design and even hairstyle!  I hope you can pop on over and take a peek.  Here’s a peek at one of the design principles in action that you’ll see there....



  1. Christine, I loved the tutorial you gave on the CardMaker Blog! It's brilliant, and I can see why this little piece of acetate is so helpful. Thank you so much for sharing it, and I hope everyone hopes over to read it and see your samples. Big hugs, sweet friend! (P. S. And I love all your cards and amazing coloring!)

  2. Very cool, thanks for sharing that, I think I may have been doing that without realizing in some of my cards but now it will be easier with a piece of acetate to know that I am :) Beautiful cards to show us your examples!

  3. Beautiful card Christine and thanks so much for sharing that tutorial. I think I will need to print it up in massive format and check it often, I never have any idea of where things should go, I just wing it and spend a lot of time wondering if it looks right. Again thanks for the share


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!