
Monday, April 11, 2016


Welcome to Tuesday and another fun challenge at The Cat’s Pajamas!  This week, your challenge is to be inspired by “Wings”.

When I first thought of wings, I must have been thinking about getting away on some wings!  This fun bunny from the set Take off immediately came to mind.

It’s still one of my favourite TCP sets because there’s so much you can do with it.  Today I did a mix of colouring and paper piecing with vibrant patterns and colour.  I used a mix of papers from my stash for this one, just finding patterns and shades that went together.  I think there’s some MFT and Echo Park in there from several different packs, stitched in horizontal layers.  

The most interesting bunny in the world is coloured in Copics and the wings, plane interior and nose of the plane are all paper pieced.  Isn’t plaid FUN?  It always adds such great whimsy on cards.  

Next I used TCP’s Stitched Clouds CutUps and the Cloud Border Die CutUps so he’d be up in the sky and finished it off with a sentiment from Hang In There, Baby!

He’s a cutie!  

Here’s some more Wing Inspiration from the Cat Pack....

Brenda Nakandakari
Christine Okken (you are here)
Deborah Anton
Jessica Rone
Julie Elak
Nancy Thomas
and Alma at the TCP Blog!

And here’s the details on the challenge...we hope you can join us....especially since there’s a fabulous new release at TCP coming soon!

  1. Every other Tuesday a new challenge will be posted on The Cat’s Pajamas blog and our Facebook page.
  2. If you want to play along you just upload your design to The Cat’s Pajamas blog page using the InLinkz button by the Monday, 11:55 EDT before the next challenge.
  3. You are not required to use a Cat’s Pajamas stamp or die but if you have them we would love to see them.
  4. On the following TCP Tuesday, the winner will be chosen from the previous challenge and will receive a Cat Cash Voucher for $10 or $15 if a TCP product is used.


  1. too cute, love the pattern for the wings too!

  2. I love this set and your gorgeous coloring makes me love it even more! Glad you had a wonderful holiday, your pictures are beautiful! Praying you find your answers. To me, the first step is realizing there is a need for change and you are on your way.

  3. So cute! Look at the shine on that airplane! Love the paper piecing and your mix of papers on the card. "The most interesting bunny in the world", teehee! Love that!


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!