
Friday, February 26, 2016

Spring Nest

Yesterday we had a day that was 9 C, or 48 F...that’s just amazing for February here!  All the snow is melting, water is running makes you believe spring will be here very soon.  So I was definitely in a spring mood when creating this card.  It’s with Power Poppy’s new Bloomin’ Wonderful set, and the sweet little nest that I was really looking forward to playing with.  

Stamped on Kraft paper, then coloured with white prismacolour pencils with colour added overtop I love how it feels like the earthyness of spring.  

The pop of purple crocuses are so sweet especially with those robin’s egg blues in there.  

Here’s the inside of the design. 

Have you played along yet in our February challenge?  It’s all about switching up your colouring method from what you normally use.  Enter and you could win a Power Poppy stamp set of your choice! 

Here’s the Bloom Brigade bringing you inspiration today...

Allison Cope
Christine Okken
Julie Koerber
Leslie Miller


  1. So sweet and pretty with your coloring on kraft. Love the flags in your design, too. It really looks like spring here!

  2. Oh, Christine, I'm so glad you had a nice, warm day for you up in the north! Yes, that's definitely spring-like weather and a perfect time to make this darling card! I love this sweet wreath and how you've colored it on kraft. Just beautiful. And I love the layout with the newsprint background and the pennants heralding spring. Sweet inside as well. I love it, my friend! Sending up more warm hugs!

  3. Christine, our weather patterns sound a lot alike!! You've made a beautiful card so full of spring-like nostalgia!! I must try that white prisma on Kraft cardstock...every time I see it I swoon. Love the adorable pennant banner, too!! Wishing you a blessed weekend!

  4. The newsprint background looks so pretty with the image! I love the way stamping on the kraft and using the white before coloring looks! Beautiful card :) Here in the southwest it has been in the high 80s for a couple weeks, I think summer is just around the corner here!!


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!