
Friday, January 29, 2016

The Gratitude Project - Week 4

\ˈgra-tə-ˌtüd, -ˌtyüd\

The quality of being thankful:  readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.  

Today I bring you my “adopted nephew”.  He’s the son of my dear friend and I’m grateful for his little life.  His momma and I have known each other for a number of years.  She volunteered in the youth ministry when we were Youth Pastors, my husband performed their premaritals and wedding and over the years we've gotten to know each other really well through a mentoring relationship and friendship.  She’s one of my favourite people.  She has such a warm genuine heart, she speaks with authenticity and kindness and really values people in ways they can feel.  She’s loyal and fun and kind.   

I remember one time when we were doing some mentoring and were supposed to keep it to an hour.  After at least an hour and a half I looked at her and said, “we’re just not one hour people”.  :)  

So, this fall when this little guy was born, they became a family of three and we were so excited for them to become parents.  It’s SO fun to watch her as a new mama and see the ways that God is shaping her through raising this beautiful little guy.  

He is so sweet.  I described him this week as “soulful”.  He looks at the world with such attention and  thoughtfulness.  It’s so delightful to watch him grow.  I told his mama before he was born that because of how much I love her, and couldn’t wait for him to arrive, that I was going to be his adopted auntie :)  

Look at those sweet baby blues!  Can’t you see that sweet little personality starting to grow?  

Here are he and his mama together.  I am so grateful for them!  


  1. What a little cutie pie! We love you Christine (and your family), more than I can say in words!!

  2. Oh, Christine! My heart melted when I saw this precious little guy! He's totally adorable and is going to be a heartbreak when he gets older! How precious that you've brought him into your family as an "adopted nephew." What precious parents, and with you always there for him and them, he is going to grow to know and love the Lord! Hugs!

  3. Aloha Christine! What a precious!!! I just want to snuggle and kiss him lol! (And I love your swirly card, too!!!) Big hugs ♥

  4. Thank you Christine for pouring love onto our little grandson. Being in another city, it warms my heart and eases my mind to know that such quality people love and support our daughter, son in law and now our grandson. He is our ray of sunshine!


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!