
Saturday, January 16, 2016

The Gratitude Project Week 2

If you’re looking for my The Cat’s Pajamas Sneaky Peek please scroll down :)

The Gratitude Project.  

\ˈgra-tə-ˌtüd, -ˌtyüd\

The quality of being thankful:  readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.  

Today I’m back with my second week of The Gratitude Project.  A way for me to give voice in picture form for what I am grateful for this year.  If you want to read more about what this project is this year please click HERE.  

Today I bring you a person!  She’s a pretty special one to me.  She’s my mentor and friend.  I’ve known her for a lot of years already.  Though her kids are now young adults, they were students in our youth ministry.  As I embarked on a Girls ONLY ministry night about 12 years ago, we really connected over it and a real trusted friendship was born.  When I needed a mentor a few years ago I asked her if she’s consider it.  Gratefully she said yes!  What I love about her is that she lives life with a real joy and enthusiasm.  She’s full of life and energy and a can-do attitude.  We laugh a lot, and I’d say that’s a real hallmark of our friendship, but she and I also have a good trust where we can go quite deep pretty quickly.  I value that so much.  We have REAL conversations about things that matter and it doesn’t matter how much time has passed between our conversations.  She speaks words of grace and encouragement over me, and also encourages me by listening and relating as a fellow struggler in this walk of life.  She’s really authentic about her walk with God and is passionate about Him and about other people.  She’s also such a servant heart and when she sees a need she can fill she’ll jump right in.  She’s a person who sees  others through a lens of love.  She loves her husband and kids with a great grace and in practical ways that are a big example to me.   She’s just fun, and I’m so grateful to have her in my life.  PLUS, she and her husband can cook the best beef stroganoff I’ve ever had :)  One of her many talents.  And, even though it meant her getting her picture taken at lunch this week, she was such a good sport about it and I hope it encourages her too, to know how much I value and appreciate her.  

So there’s my week 2 of The Gratitude Project!  

Anything or anyone you’re grateful for this week?  Care to join me?  Take a picture, post it and let me know and I’ll come by and see.  How much encouragement we can give each other by really SEEING all the things and people in front of us that we can be grateful for!  I know this has an impact on our joy and contentment in this life. That’s really what’s on my heart this year, eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart to speak it out.  


  1. Great post! I love both of you amazing women!!!

  2. Oh, Christine, I love your Gratitude Project, and I love this photo! Your friend has a beautiful smile, and what an adorable photo! What a tribute to your deep friendship and a special gift of being able to share and speak into each others' lives. It takes a rare friendship to be able to do that. And what a blessing to be able to walk with God beside a precious mentor like your friend. That's a gift from God certainly! I will have to see who I will be meeting this week to see whether I can snap a photo of them and share. I love the challenge. Thanks, precious friend, and have a blessed week! Hugs!

  3. Precious those people are in our life indeed :) Lovely tribute to her.

  4. It is a special thing when you find a godly woman to walk beside you and keep you on the right path, I too have found a friend like that at my church and it is such a special relationship!


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!