
Saturday, June 16, 2012

Project 365 - Week 24

You know, in my head June is supposed to be a "slower" month.  Yeah, um,  not finding it that way this month!  Some of you are probably with me on this right?  We've been so busy with graduations, youth events, sports, and school functions.  I'm pooped!  But a great week to show you about :)

June 10 - 3 on 3 BB - Our older son joined a 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament with his 3 best friends.  So, this is NEAT, an acronym of all their names.  They have been friends since birth really, one friend moved here a few years later, and what great young guys they are.  The tournament was so fun for them, even if they didn't win :)  

June 11 - This is what it's like with boys.  They were trying to see how goofy they could be.  

June 12 - Passports - We had to renew the kids' passports before we go on our Missions Trip this summer, so we took a trip downtown on our day off.  This is my favourite building in the city, which is also downtown.  It's a Hotel right on the river valley edge, and is built like a castle.  We stayed there on our wedding night almost 19 years ago, and it's as regal inside as outside.  

June 13 - :(  A boo boo I caused on our van.  GRR.  When I was leaving work I didn't notice that a neighbour had parked in our church parking lot about 2 feet out of the spot behind me.  Yeah.  I hit/scraped his metal plate from the tailgate of his truck on my left fender.  No damage to him of course, but not so much for our van.  All my fault no matter what, but a total bummer.  

So, I also added this pic from the day.  I was weeding my flower beds later that evening, and the bees were loving the lupine along side of me,  (you can see it in the distance above), so I snapped this one of one of the bees, click on it if you want to see him closer...

June 14 - Graduation :)  This is not actually a picture I took (because I can't believe it but I forgot my camera that day!), but this is our Intern at his University Graduation Ceremony.  We're so proud of him, and so blessed to have had him work with us for 6 years, he's like another family member to us.  This fall he'll be starting Seminary, and we're thrilled to watch him continue to grow in his leadership and calling.  

June 15 - My irises just started blooming this week.  

June 16 - Baby Shower!  This little lady was 5 weeks early, and she is only 8 days old, she's SO tiny!   She arrived in time to celebrate her baby shower today!  She's the daughter of friends of ours that were former volunteers/interns with us in youth/college ministry.  We've performed and celebrated the ceremonies for a lot of weddings of former leaders, and even students already, but this is our FIRST BABY from our leaders :)  She's just gorgeous!  Later this week I'll show you the card and present I made for her.  I got to hold her today and OH it was just delicious!

Happy Saturday everyone!  


  1. What a great set of pictures this week :) Love the NEAT picture - so good for boys to have good friends. The one of your two cracked me up - boys will be boys LOL. That hotel looks amazing and I can relate to the car boo boo ;) Always love flower pictures and congrats to your intern! Precious little girl...oh my...she looks about the size mine was born at full term (she was tiny - 5 lbs 13 oz). Have a blessed day :)

  2. Beautiful pictures! My son would be making the goofy faces for the camera too! Love all that you shared and that gorgeous baby! :)

  3. Christine, I love your blog. Your coloring technique is beautiful and the photographs are delightful.

    My summer inspiration are the hollyhocks blooming in my front yard. They are standing tall and proud against the unmerciful Texas summer heat and their colors are bright and pure.


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!