
Saturday, June 9, 2012

Project 365 - Week 23

More than 7 pictures this husband and I took a little time for a date at a bakery we heard about and it was SO quaint and the pasteries were so pretty that I took a lot of pictures that day.  I thought you'd enjoy seeing them....

June 3 - Lupine - in our side yard, these are really showy flowers, they love our northern climate and you often see them on mountainsides or valleys.  I have a lot of trouble with crazy aphids on them, but right now they're lovely.

These next photos are from our Bakery Date.  The place is called Duchess Bakery and it's really lovely...

Here's what it looks like inside.  Mis-matched ornate chairs, cozy tables and lots of sunlight.  

Check out this stunning armoire!  They have it filled with bakery products for gifts.  So pretty!

One of the bake displays, there was another one just like it running in an L shape around the corner.  

Just look!  Little lemon meringue cakes! was so hard to decide!

Yummm chocolate....

Their namesake dessert - The Duchess


I loved how colorful this dessert was!

And here is what I chose, a chocolate meringue.  It was amazing to say the least.  Totally melt in your mouth with creamy chocolate inside.    In the background is my husband's raspberry white chocolate scone.  I'd definitely go back here!  It was a sweet date!

June 7 - City Shot.  Remember I said I wanted to take some shots throughout the seasons in our city?  This is more of the late spring feel.  So green!  Except for that one dead tree I wish I could cut out!  We have sunlight right now from about 5 am till 10 pm at night.  With dusk and dawn longer on each end.  Summer is beautiful here.  

June 9 - Dandelions  - Our little guy indulging his mom - trying this for me.  I think I'll try this shot again with closer range and quicker shutter speed to get the dandelion seeds blowing away too.  


  1. I love looking at your week's photo's. WHat a wonderful idea and way to make sure you use your camera. I got a SLR camera a few in March and have barely used it. I keep forgetting.

  2. What beautiful pictures! I want to go to that bakery! It is so cute!

  3. I think I have put on 5 pounds just looking at the bakery shots LOL! What a fun, warm place - love the furniture. We have a few hills by the freeway that have lupines on them and it is such a lovely sight to see a blanket of purple. Great set of shots this week :)

  4. Great photos and that bakery would not help my waist line any. hee hee Hope your date was rather special.


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!