
Saturday, May 12, 2012

Project 365 - Week 19

Wow, what a week for us, so crazy busy, anyone else out there like that right now?  This next week will be better though.  I did manage to take some shots that I love along the way.  Hopefully you enjoy them too.  

May 6 - New Restaurant Digs for the Birds - my husband found this new birdhouse and I love it!  Isn't it darling?  Even little cedar shingles!  

May 7 - New Bike Path - on our day off my husband and I took the bikes out for a little ride and we found a new ravine path.  Really fun.  This is just coming up out of the ravine.  

May 8 - Hydrangeas!  On a little trip to the grocery store I found some bluey/purple hydrangeas and had to pick them up.  I'm going to try and transplant them in my flower bed.  We're Zone 3 Growing (yes very north) so it's a wee bit harder to keep them, and they need a little babying.  BUT I really love them, so I'm hopeful I can make it work.  

May 9 - Merge on The Rails.  

May 10 - Green Green Green.  Love.  I delight in spring.  

May 11 - Lover's Leap.  The most fun picnic game ever.  Our youth ministry is gearing down into summer mode so we end off the year with a big picnic for our youth families.  One of the games we love to play is this one (and we make parents play too!), you have partners going in opposite circles until the leader calls a "position" you have to get into as a pair.  It's absolute hilarity and chaos.  This position is called Man on a Mountain.  That's our youngest son and me in the middle (I'm in the green hoodie).   Other positions include Bouncing Chickens, Man Overboard, Bird on a Perch, Dog in a Doghouse, Bob in a get the idea.  It's so much fun! 

May 12 - Petals falling.  These tulips were just about done, and as the petal was getting ready to fall I could see it was good light for a nice detailed backlit shot.  

1 comment:

  1. I've had an insane two weeks - such a crazy busy time of year. Once Easter hits it's a blurr till the end of the school year. Love the pics. The one of the falling petal, the railroad tracks and the birdhouse are my faves.


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!