
Saturday, May 5, 2012

Project 365 - Week 18

Another very busy week in our household!  Between school trips, ball hockey games and youth group events, work search committees and regular family stuff, we had our hands full!  A good full though.  :)

April 29 - Grandpa and the little guy :)  We had a rare Sunday afternoon ball hockey game and this is my Dad with our sweaty youngest son after the game.  I love this picture.  He was so happy that Grandpa could be there.  It was his first ball hockey game since his time in the hospital so it was extra special.  I love this picture of my Dad too.  

April 30 - Waiting for the Travellers - My husband and daughter went to Whistler, BC for a huge Band Festival.  She is very privelaged to be in this HS Symphonic band, it has a reputation of being one of the best in the country.  Anyway, this was us waiting for the busses to get back.  I made my son give me a nice smile, not one of those goofy looks I commonly get :)

May Day!  May 1st - My City through the seasons - I saw a website recently where a father took video of his daughter once a week for 12 years, then put it together in high speed.  It was the coolest thing!  I was thinking how that might be cool in photography form of the seasons in my city.  So these shots above are what I'm considering doing.  The top photo is a ravine close to our home, the next shot is in the river valley in our city toward the Provincial Legislature.  As you can see, it's not green yet here, it's starting, but we're not there yet.  So, you may see more of these each week or two to see the progress from spring through summer through fall.  You can click on these to make them larger.  

May 2 - This Buds for You.  My budding maple in our yard, you can see the "whirly-gigs" on the tree from last year and the leaves just starting to bud.   Can't wait till all the green comes!  That early acid-green that comes is my favourite of the green colors.  

May 3 - Tulips after the rain - A little rainstorm passed through and then some beautiful sun.  So, here's my little dwarf tulips with some raindrops.  That red is so vivid isn't it?

May 4 - Soft Pretzel - A little snack action at the ball hockey game for one son, yummy, but almost too salty. 

May 5 - Driveway Hockey - Ah my boys, they play a whole day of games in their league, and then they come home and head right outside to play more hockey on the driveway.  Not the best shot as it's through the window, but you can see our older son shooting, the fuzzy orange ball and our youngest in goalie gear going down for the save. They have so much energy :)


  1. This is what the boys do with soccer in the backyard. Great photo's. I do like the one of your son without his cheesy smile also. :0)

  2. Great set of pictures :) Love the one of your dad and son.

  3. Love your pictures. Had no idea you lived in the same city as me. Thought you lived in the large one south of us.
    Love your artwork too. You are so creative.


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!