
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sweet Pansies and some sweet Candy!

Yesterday this little blog passed the 400 000 mark in visitors so I thought a little blog candy was in well as a pretty peek at another Flourishes New Release card, sound ok to you?  I appreciate all of you so much and am so thankful for you coming by and leaving your comments, it's such an encouragement to the artist in me!

First the card....I was playing around with this pretty paper from My Mind's Eye and some of the "hospital Prismacoloring" I did to put this card together.

It makes for something sweet and feminine doesn't it?  This was a deconstructingjen sketch from a few weeks ago, I thought it showed off the frilly sweet side of this card.  It uses the brand newly released Botanical Bookplates Volume 2 set from Flourishes.  

Alright now to the Blog Candy, I've been saving up for a while and I have a big envelope full of pretty things to give away...

I have 9 yes, count them NINE Flourishes sets to give away (one not pictured)
the last month's released Botanical Bookplates Volume 1 
and not pictured Heartlines
(value $153 - thank you Flourishes!)

3 almost complete packs of 6 x 6 Prima paper pads.  I have used a few sheets (Fairy Flora, Sweet Fairy and Jack and Jill)  but there is tons of paper here.

Two of Flourishes Exclusive Tailor Made Dies
Classic Botanical Bookplates Die (this goes with the Botanical Bookplate set above)

and goofy me, I placed an order for 2 of the SU! Big Shot Textured Impressions Designer Frames so you can have one :)

Total Value is approximately $200

How's that sound?  

Alright here's the RULES:  

1.  You need to be from North America.  I'm so sorry to my other friends around the world, but a package like that mailed overseas would cost me a small fortune.  

2.  You need to leave a comment on this post with your name, email and then tell me what your favourite feature on the blog is, or a thing you'd like to see on the blog in the next 100 000 hits :)  

That's a requirement.  If you don't fulfill #2 you won't be counted.  I have to have some rules people! :)  

3.  Deadline to enter by is 10:00 PM Tuesday April 24th.  I'll post the winner on Wednesday April 25 on the blog :)  

Thank you so much for how you brighten up my days and allow me to be creative!  It's such a blessing in my life!


  1. 400,000 hits! Congratulations! Your card is gorgeous! Beautiful coloring, colors and design! Love the ribbon & bling! My favorite thing on your blog is your artwork! I also really enjoy your new project photos. I hope you continue all of the above!
    Linda Carson
    leenda1 at cox dot net

  2. Springy and delightful. Congrats on the hits, I am barely at 125000. lol Goes to show you who people like. :0) Have fun picking your winner. I am commenting just because you know. ha!

  3. WOW! Congratulations on your, actually a HUGE milestone. 400,000 hits is a lot of mileage! :-) I really love your Copic coloring. I am just beginning to use them and I watch your blog to see how to shade and make the project come to live. In the future, I'd love to see more masculine cards. There's not much out there that really get to me. Or maybe I've been missing them, but men cards are so hard for me. Thanks for your great inspiration and the chance to win!

    Bobbi Miller:

  4. Christine
    Congratulations on reaching 400,000 visitors to your blog. I love your colouring on cards and also the super feminimity of most of your cards. I also love your project 365 this year
    Madeleine Barnett

  5. Dear Christine,
    Wow what a terrific accomplishment to have 400,000 visitors to your blog but I can sure see why! Your blog was one of the very first ones I read when I began this crazy, addictive but wonderful craft and I have been with you ever since and I'm not going any where in hopes that your not either! There's lots I love about it, your designs, coloring ,your use of so many products but the one thing that really stands out is your individualism and your warmth as a person. You can't find that in a lot of blogs. It's just facts and nothing else . So I know I've gotten long winded but please don't change a thing Christine. You have been truly Blessed. Thank You for always inspiring and sharing.

  6. Oops I forgot my full name and email as I got long winded above.
    Joanie Garramone

  7. Congratulations on your milestone. I really like when you use the prismacolors. I don't have the copics, and the pencils are something I can relate to. Thanks for the chance to win.

  8. I already have the stamps and dies and just wanted to say Congrats!! Your card is gorgeous!!

  9. Congrats on your blog milestone! I love your cards ad have been hinting very strongly to DH for some markers. Thanks for the chance to win.

  10. Congratulations on hitting 400,000 visitors. I've certainly helped to contribute to that. I love coming to your blog. I think my favourite feature would be postings about techniques, colouring; storage ideas; etc. Although primarily I come to see your cards, I also enjoy your project 365.
    Thanks for the chance at a fabulous stash of blog candy.
    Beth Greco

  11. Congrats on the milestone and thanks for the chance to win such yummy candy!
    I would like to see more in the way of tutorials and specifics on items used to make your cards.

  12. what a fabulous card and beautiful flowers christine.

    greetings karin

  13. Congratulations!! My favorite is your beautful coloring skills and I am really enjoying your project 365 photos.Thank you for the chance to win such a generous prize package.

  14. Congratulations on your milestone! I'd love to see tutorials about how you color those flourishes images.

  15. Congratulations, don't think I'll every be able to get that many, I can't keep up with anything. I like way to many things to try. Your cards by flourish are the best of the bunch. The coloring is the best. Also look forward to your 365 pictures. Think I'll try that in 2013, much big things will be happening in our family that year.
    Hugs and God Bless,
    Gretchen Wilson

  16. Congratulations !! What a milestone, but that is cuz everyone loves your work. I love seeing your work, but also enjoy hearing about your family as well. What generous blog candy. Have a great day, Hugs n' Stuff, Lynne

    Lynne Ann Hurlburt

  17. I love all that you do from sharingyour personal life, so I can pray for you and your tutorials especially coloring. May you be blessed as you share with others.
    Carolyn Picken

  18. Now that is some eye candy and blog candy! Love the colors and the sketch in your card. Congrat's. And the blog candy is so fabulous, I would LOVE to win! My favorite feature about your blog? I love getting your blog posts in my email, so the email link, the posts, love the cherry and polka dot design. Love the images you use on your cards too. Hope that qualifies me, lol. What I would like to see is more of the same great cards and tags, and share information - links to tutorials, colors you used, paper you used, etc.

  19. Am from the USA...rural upstate NY. Love your blog and have followed for a long time now. Congrats on all your hits...with your talent you deserve them!! I would like to see more of just what u do now. You give us tons of inspiration!! Looking forward to tons of new cards, etc. on here in the future. And your blog candy is out of this world. Hubby has cut me off from buying so I would really love to win this. Thanks for the chance.

  20. Wow, that is quite an impressive milestone! Aside from seeing your gorgeous card creations on your blog, I've really enjoyed your photos from your 365 project. It brings your readers into your daily life and helps us get to "know" you better!
    Wanda Cullen

  21. Congratulations on getting 400,000 visitors! It doesn't surprise me. You make BEAUTIFUL cards!! My favorite thing is to see your beautiful card designs/layouts & copic coloring perfection each time I come to your blog! are an AMAZING artist!! Sometimes I keep whichever card you have just made up in my computer screen when I am Copic coloring so I can TRY to get the beautiful results you do! Everything always looks so real when you color it...I'm still working on mine. LOL!

    Thanks for the chance to win an INCREDIBLE prize!! I could REALLY work on my coloring if I won! :O)


  22. Wow, 400,000? I love your cards and look forward each day to your creations. I would love to win the flourishes stamps. I have several of them and love all the flowers.
    Karen Ilsley
    scrapbooksrme at aol dot com

  23. Congrats on your 400,000 visitors.Your blog is so inspiring to me and really gets the creative juices flowing. I love that you use something other than copics because I have more pencil crayons, than copics. Your card is absolutely gorgeous. Keep up the amazing work, and don't change a is already perfect!


    Shirley Fread

  24. Great milestone! Congrats :) Love the flowers and how you coloured them. Sooo can't wait for spring! Thanks for the chance to win some goodies too! Cards are great of course, but I also love seeing pics of your family and am very much enjoying your 365 pictures :)

  25. I really enjoy your blog - thanks for sharing as you do! I don't even know if this is possible, but what I'd like to see on your blog would be a search feature - so I could search for specific ideas, for example; birthday, masculine, thank you, etc...

    Thanks so much for the chance to win such an amazing collection of goodies!

    Elise Gerard

  26. Holy wow! Congrats on the amazing milestone - 400K hits is no small feat! I've become a new follower with the last Flourishes release, so I can't say I've seen a ton of your posts. I can say that I love your coloring, which is why I've become a follower :o) I do wish I could see your posts in my reader rather than just a few lines. I know that drives traffic to your blog, but when you follow 200 or so blogs, it's nice to be able to see things in one place. Anywho, just keep doing what you do! Here's to another 400K hits! {{clink}}

    Alyssa Scritchfield

  27. 400K hits is awesome! Congrats! I would love to see a once-a-month posting on a favorite card you have done in the past and why it is one of your favorites. I'm always interested in how wonderful card artists like you regard their own work and which cards give them the most satisfaction. Thanks so much for sharing all your fantastic creations. I look forward to every post!

  28. I just want to let you know that your cards are beautiful.I have purchased many of Flourishes stamp sets because of seeing the cards you have made.I love the way you blend all the colors together.Also I appreciate you making your faith real for all to see.Thanks so much Mary Miller

  29. Christine goodness 400,000 hits...that's AMAZING. What do I love most about your blog....Project 365 is always fun to read and I sit finding beauty in the daily shots. Of course your creations using the Flourish collections are always eye candy I check out before are a morning kick start to my day. Thanks for the inspiration to share with us.

  30. Beautiful coloring, matches your paper perfectly and I just love that pleated ribbon!
    I would have to say I just love your coloring and all the interesting styles you come up with!
    conniecrafter at charter dot net

  31. Gorgeous card! Gorgeous colors and coloring,
    I love coming here because of the inspiration. You do such beautiful cards and your coloring is fabulous. I would like to see more tutorials on coloring :).
    Thanks for a chance for some fabulous blog candy.

    Rebekka K.

  32. Congrats on hitting 400,000 visitors! I have been following your blog daily and love it! I love seeing all of the lovely cards you do from Flourishes and wish I could afford more of their stamps! I also enjoy seeing the pics you taking of home life, etc. So keeping your blog colorful and chatty the way you are doing would be great for the next 100,000 visitors! Such happy and wonderful blog candy! You rock! Eleanor @

  33. Congrats on 400,000!! I really enjoy your blog, esp. your Project 365 and you copic coloring tips. Thanks for sharing with us.
    Doris Jackson

  34. Congratulations on 400K visitors! I am so fortunate in finding your blog and love to print and save your beautiful cards for inspiration. I have not used copics as it's a luxury to have all of the stamping tools I want on a fixed income! I would love to wind your stash of blog candy! I enjoy your blog and hearing of your family happenings. More masculine ideas for cards would be good! Thank you

  35. Congratulation on the new milestone, I love your cheerful designs with sharp color mix and match, you always make eye catching color design that are cheerful, and that is what inspires me most. If I would ever suggest to see in the coming, would be more ideas on making cards for masculines, because I have a few close males friends in our team, I am dying to have some designs that help me to make their birthdays or celebrations. Thanks so much for the chance to win such a huge goodies.

  36. Congrats!! I've been checkin' out your blog for a long time now. I always look at your them now and then but I must agree, although you have beautiful women cards...the masculine ones would come in handy! Again, Congratulations and thanks for the chance to win.

  37. Congratulations...I am not the only one who enjoys your lovely blog! I love how you use die cuts in such a variety of ways. It inspires me to give somethine new and different a try. I think it is a great gift to inspire others! Thanks for the chance to win...hugs patty

  38. I really like looking at your gorgeous cards and how you use the various dies. I too have trouble with masculine cards, probably because I tend to use a lot of flowers. I need to get out of that rut I think, lol.

  39. WOW, what an awesome accomplishment; 400,000 visitors. I've enjoyed visiting your blog and look forward to coming back. I really think your cards are beautiful, I love your coloring skills and the colors you put together. Thanks for the opportunity to win some really great products.

  40. Welllllllll, I can see I'm not the only one who enjoys your blog! Holy macaroni! Congratulations, your number of hits is well deserved. What I love about your blog, I hate to say it because so many have already said it, but it is your artwork - you coloring, but also how you are able to put the bits and pieces from different companies together. I often save your photos and study them (in a fun way, not a work way!) to get some inspiration and try to figure out yours! You are very generous with your gifts and I appreciate that.

  41. Congratulations on your milestone, it's quite an accomplishment. My favorite feature is your copic coloring and embellishments. I'm fairly new at the copic coloring and your cards are always an inspiration. I love the way you always seem to have just the right embelishment on them, which I struggle with.

  42. Wow, that's a lot of hits. Congrats! Love the card. Such cheery colors, and beautiful coloring.

    Love everything you do. Variety is the sp0ice of life. I especially like to check out the coloring.

    Thanks for offering such a generous blog candy.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Christine,
    Congratulations on 400,000 blog visitors. You have lots of awesome cards on your blog, gorgeous coloring and I sure wish I was as talented as you when it comes to coloring. You Rock.
    So I would say my favorite thing to look for on your blog is how you color different images. Your combos always match and they are perfect.
    I love Flourishes, they have great stamps. Thanks for the chance to win you awesome blog candy.

  45. Congrats on 400000 visits!! That is just amazing. I am from North America. I like your Flourishes cards (always gorgeous)and the heartwarming feel of your blog. Hope Your mom and dad are doing better!
    Click on my name for email

  46. Congratulations Christine, what an amazing accomplishment! I love everything about your blog but I have to say my favorite thing about your blog is your positivity. You are truly inspiring to me and I'm sure alot of other people. I look forward to reading your posts and seeing your art everyday! I'm truly grateful to have found your blog:))) Michelle Denis

  47. AWESOME!!! Congrats on reaching this huge milestone! My favorite posts are when you talk about your design process, and when you talk about coloring decisions. Of course I love ALL your posts, but I really enjoy the posts where you outline your thought processes as you are making design choices about the card. :-)

  48. WOW what a milestone. I love all your cards and the way you color with copics. I enjoy all your art and just love your photo's. I hope you just continue to share your talent and great inspiration you give to other.

  49. Congrats on the great milestone! I have followed your blog when I 1st discovered Flourishes, 2 years ago - I love your work! Also, I love your personal tidbits and your family sharing - It makes you a more real person, like a family friend from blogland! I would love to see more tutorials and just keep those beautiful cards and designs coming.

    Peachy Wessels

  50. Happy Milestones! Love visiting here for both your art and your fun photos. I'd love to continue to see more floral cards and photos Christine, but love everything you post.
    Stamper Gail

  51. Hay! Congrats! I LOVE your blog ... my favorite part is the coloring you do! It is amazing! The flowers look alive! Can only imagine what the cards look like "in real life"! LOL! My email is
    I would love to win something from flourishes... the stamps are gorgeous! Blessings on yah!

  52. congrats Christine and thanks so much for the chance to win some amazing candy!!!! I love to see your colouring techniques ~ your creativity is beautiful and you shading/colouring is
    thanks again for the chance to win this fabulous gift!Blessings to you and your family

  53. Your coloring is magnificent wished you lived closer I could use some instructions. Congrats on your hits.


  54. Congrats!! I just love the coordination of embellishments on your cards. Giving a detailed list of items used is also very much appreciated....thanks for a chance to win!

  55. Christine,congrats on your blog milestone! I'm a big fan of your work. Always find lots of inspiration here! The area that I would like to see in detail is your coloring and shading - Copics, prismacolor, watercolor - any and all helpful hints are welcomed.

  56. oops, forgot e-mail address
    Thanks for the chance to win this Fabulous giveway!

  57. Congratulations for having so many hits! And wow, what a generous blog candy too!

    I like coming to see your beautiful images colored with copics. You do an amazing job with them. Something I would like to see in the future would be more tutorials (like your recent one on how to make the envelopes) and lists of copics you used.

    Thank you so much for the chance to win!

    You can find me at Thanks!

  58. Just wanted to tell you how beautiful this is. Don't need the stamps ;)

  59. Holy cow! 400,000 hits! Congratulations! And all that blog candy too! I love your project 365 pictures. It's a great way to share your life with us readers. Here's to 400,000 more hits! Cheers!

  60. I just happened on your blog through a link from heather jenson and you caught my eye! Because I was attracted to your use of vibrant colors and unusual pairings of elements and color, I kept scrolling and have now added your blog to my "favorites". Will return often for more unique ideas and inspiration! Kathy Hakos (

  61. Congratulations ~ what a milestone. I love visiting your blog to see what you will be creating next. I love to see techniques with coloring, organizing, sketches, etc.. so any of those things would be awesome to see. Thanks for the opportunity to win this awesome prize package. blessings ~ Pam

    sapperiam at g mail dot com

  62. Congrats on getting 400,000 hits! I really enjoy the cards you share, especially all the layering you do! Showing various ways to use the Textured Impressions Designer Labels would be most helpful in breaking me out of the rut I am in for ideas! Great job, love your work and sharing. Sue-Lynn Bock. Suelynn99pa @ gmail . com

  63. Happy 400,000 hits! Imagine how many lives you have touched, blessed and encouraged! I have loved your creativity not only with your beautiful cards and the way you use all your stamping resources so effectively, but also in the way you have shared different aspects of your life and walk with the Lord- encouraging me to be more intentional with my own family.
    Beth Taylor

  64. Congratulations! Wow, that's so exciting! And not at all surprising. I have always loved your cards going way back. Anyway, my favorite feature is anything having to do with Flourishes. Their stamps blow me away and your designs are awesome. Winning this blog candy would be a dream come true!!!

  65. Well im learning to color like an adult :)

    Michelle jadaa


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!