
Saturday, April 21, 2012

Project 365 - Week 16

Week 16!  A quick reminder to my paper-crafty friends, I have blog candy HERE till Tuesday night....don't forget to enter!

A lot of what you'll see this week has to do with food.  I'm not really sure why?!  

Sunday April 15 - Paninis!  We have developed a weekend routine, usually on Saturdays (but this week it was Sunday supper) to have paninis.  Yummy hot grilled sandwiches (on the George Forman Grill!  Works great!).  A combination of rye bread, meats, cheese, grilled peppers, pickles etc.  The kids love it. 

Monday April 16 - He Remembers - One lovely thing about my husband is that he remembers things, and is thoughtful about them.  The older two kids had mentioned off-handedly that they love pears.  I haven't bought any for a long time, so when my husband went to get a few groceries he picked up pears.  The next couple of pictures are pears as I was playing around with white balance, but the above one is my favourite :)  

In this one the light was too blue, I didn't have quite the right white balance, but it is kinda cool too.  Sort of a watercolory-still life effect. 

And this one is pears in direct sunlight with hard shadows.  I kind of like the contrasts and the shadows from the chair spindles to the left.  

Tuesday April 17 - Asian Lunch - Went for our Tuesday lunch date for some rice bowls and got this fortune cookie.  They have great shape.  The detail is good if you click on it to make it larger. 

Wednesday April 18 - Red Red Robin - So good to see them back in our neck of the woods, but I felt so bad for the poor little guy.  We had yet another spring snow storm and the ground was white for several days and these poor guys must be having a hard time finding bugs and worms!   I think he was going to have to resort to our bird feeder for sustenance.  

Thursday April 19 - {{{Coke}}} Sigh...  Best drink ever!  I'm surprised it's taken me this long to photograph it's loveliness!  (LOL!)  Well, probably because I didn't drink it for 3 months, knowing it's not very good for me.  But when my Dad went into the hospital I went on a little hiatus from my abstaining....I should get back to it again....but it's just so yummy!

Friday April 20 - 40th Birthday - My sister in law is celebrating her 40th Birthday this week, so we had a little party for her at my Mom and Dad's place.  My brother is lighting all the candles and I love the look of curiosity on my nieces face.  The backlight is a little strong from the window behind...but it does have a bit of a dreamy effect.  

and it was also our daughter's 1/2 Birthday, she's 15 1/2 now so I had to take a picture of her too and include it.  The contrasts are great in this picture I think. 

And guess what, not a spare minute Saturday to take pictures, we had 2 ball hockey games, a musical that one of our students were in and people over for supper.  I completely forgot about my camera! But I've given you lots of peeks at our life this week.  Thanks so much for dropping by!


  1. Christine, these are great photos and I really like seeing the contrast in the pear pics.

  2. These are fabulous except for the Coke. It should be Pepsi..!


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!