
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Blog Candy Winner!!

Thank you all so much for the really great comments and encouragment in entering the 400 000 Blog Candy last week!

I have to say it was really a blessing reading all your comments and hearing your input.  Here's some things I learned:

  • Based on one comment I've already added a SEARCH function on the blog, so you can plug in something you're looking for like say "masculine" and it will show you all those posts. 
  • Hearing that some of you take my photos and study them for coloring technique blows me away :)  (like seriously?  You do?)   And I love that you come to see my coloring, 'cause of course, that's my favourite part of it.  
  • I've heard you loud and clear that you'd like more "how to's" or tutorials.  I'll try to do better at that.  Honestly it's the time factor in what it takes to photograph and edit tutorials, but I can try to do it more often for you, or some more regular features that you'd enjoy.  
  • And again the #1 requested thing is more masculine creations.  I've thought about maybe doing a monthly feature on masculine
  • And hearing that you're enjoying the 365 Project really blessed me.  I'm not doing it here on the blog because I thought it would get a lot of comments, but as a way of being accountable to doing the project and sharing a little of my life with you.  And I'm so glad you're enjoying it.  I am too :)  

Thanks so much for joining me on this creative journey!  I have so much fun interacting with you and really appreciated all your comments.  Sometimes you feel like you're talking thin air out there, so it's especially nice to hear from you!  Big hugs from me!

and based on " two sons" (wink!)  who picked #47 the winner is...

Lynn Phelps:  AWESOME!!! Congrats on reaching this huge milestone! My favorite posts are when you talk about your design process, and when you talk about coloring decisions. Of course I love ALL your posts, but I really enjoy the posts where you outline your thought processes as you are making design choices about the card. :-)

Lynne, email me (see my profile page for my email) in the next 48 hours and I'll mail this out to you!  Congratulations!  Woo Hoo!


  1. I am overjoyed to have won this AMAZING collection of blog candy on top of the incredible inspiration I get from your blog! Thanks so much for sharing so much of your time and talent with us, and of course THANKS for the blog candy too! I feel truly blessed!

  2. Great suggestions and look forward to seeing the implementations :) Congrats to the winner!

  3. Gorgeous card, Christine!
    Have a great weekend!
    Hugs and smiles


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!