
Saturday, March 3, 2012

Project 365 - Week 9

Another week of photographs.  A little of this and that for you...

Feb 26 - The Scor Buddy and Scor-Bug that I was a little obsessed with this week...some bits and pieces of card construction.  

Feb 27 - My Bible, and a very special verse to my husband and I,  Romans 5:5 "And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us."  You can click on the picture to make it larger and to read the verse.  

Feb 28 - Mexican Lunch Date - We were given a gift certificate to a favourite Mexican Restaurant of ours, this is my favourite meal they have, Tacos El Pastor.  Very Mexico City, and the closest we have tasted to being authentic out of Mexico City :)  You sprinkle the lime onto the little tacos and then you can add the Salsa Verde too.  Delicious!

Feb 29 - Leap Day Orange :)  I keep of running list of shots I'd like to take so that on days when nothing spectacular is going on I can shoot something from the list.  The idea was "orange" and I thought of orange segments.  I've been working with apeture more and am starting to figure a few things out, so I like this shot a lot!  

March 1 - Snow Fort Building! After the foot of snow that fell last week, the boys built a fort in the snow my husband piled on the yard from the driveway.  It was really cool.  

Mar 2 - Doing Dishes - nothing photo amazing in this shot, it was just so sweet :)  My husband was doing dishes for my mom and our youngest helped dry.  I love my boys :)

Mar 3 - Another Family Birthday Party - Our little niece celebrated her 3rd BD today, so it was another party.  I snapped this one of our daughter with my mom.  I love how precious it is.  They have such a special relationship.  A really nice picture of my mom too :)  


  1. Love the last three. Special family shots :) The last one is totally precious!

  2. your photo's are stunning! Thanks for sharing :-)


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!