
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Project 365 - Week 10

This week's photography theme....color :)  At least most of the week it is.  I think I have spring fever and took pictures that make me long for more than my melting white landscape here in Canada.  I also am becoming more adventurous and this week starting taking more of my pictures in Manual mode, not just AP mode or P mode.  I've been reading this blog:  My 3 Boybarians and her 31 Days Series on photography and it's making me more brave, they're just digital afterall, I'm not wasting film, and I'm learning with each shot, and sometimes it take a lot of shots to get a good picture.   So everything this week is still-life, often at my kitchen table, to help me learn in a more static environment.  Less moving parts!  :)  You can always click on any of the pictures to make them larger.

March 4 - White Snow - The one white shot of the week, it had snowed overnight and when it's wet snow it sticks to the trampoline netting in a neat way.  

March 5 - Sharpened Prismacolors.  

March 6 - A Dozen Roses - from my beloved :)  

March 7 - Green Glass.  I just love green glass :)  Like those old coke glasses (you can see one in the background), I did find these pretty ones at Pier One a long time ago that I love.  

March 8 - Skittles.  Grandma left an after school treat for the kids.  

March 9 - Metallic Mexico Earrings.  They say your lenses have a sweet spot, so I'm trying to learn more of where that is on my lens.  These were some pretty earrings I bought in Cancun this past fall.  I love their bronzy color.  

March 10 - Rose Petals:  One rose from the roses my husband gave me this week decided to drop some petals, so I placed them on a clipboard I'm working on and did this shot.  It's my favourite shot ALL week, I love the detail in the petals and that it's in MANUAL mode and the light is great makes my little heart sing!

1 comment:

Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!