
Saturday, February 4, 2012

Project 365 - Week Five

Hey there gang.  I'm going to do the pictures this week a bit differently because I can't get them to work in the size formatting I have in MDS today without them pixellating.  So you'll see better quality this way.

January 29 - Banana Bread.  Our daughter made some mini loaves for the family.  Of course we add white chocolate chips and regular chocolate chips.  YUM.

January 30 - Scrabble.  "Sleeping when sick can help you"  Our youngest came down with the respiratory flu and it he felt horrible.  After a nap he played with these letters.  Pretty cute for an 8 year old :)

January 31 - Sick :(  By this day both the boys had the respiratory flu and I caught a cold, so it was medication central here.  

February 1st - Lego Star Wars - A little scene our sick son created for me in Lego Star Wars.  See Han Solo in the background beating up on a storm trooper?  My film hero! :)

February 2nd - A little Fresh Air -  A beautiful day here where I caught our outside solor light in the snow pile.  Snow is melting rapidly here!

February 3rd - Pinball - My brother has a "Man Cave" to beat all Man Caves.  Four pinball machines just to name one thing he has down there.  The kids love going over there to play games, this Iron Man Pinball was the newest game.  Very fun.  

February 4th - Basketball!  It was our first tournament this weekend.  My husband is coaching our son's Junior BB team, with two of the JH teachers.  And finally after missing several games with being sick, our son could play today!  (he's in the bottom left)  They won the Consolation Bracket and played very well.  I was proud of them.    Many of them (7th and 8th graders) are playing BB for the first time and so they're learning an awful lot.  But it's so fun to see them improving!

There's our week in a nutshell!


  1. Love the Star Wars picture. My son loves Lego and loves Star Wars and Star Wars lego. A match made in heaven for boys :) Well done with the BB team and that pic of the medicine says it all. Here's to seeing all the bugs go out the door!!

  2. I so enjoyed my visit today and seeing a look back in time. Both good times and Bad, the Bad make the Good seam that much better!!!

  3. Oh Christine, I just love getting these glimpses of the Okken life!


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!