
Saturday, February 25, 2012

Project 365 - Week Eight

Hello friends,

Sorry I've been a little absent this past week.  A lot going on behind the scenes at the homefront, and I've just been kept very busy.  Hopefully this next week I'll have some more things to show you.

February 19 - The Wee One turns One.  Our little nephew celebrated his first birthday last Sunday and OH he was the sweetest little party goer.  My sister-in-law decorated so beautifully with some of my crafting supplies too.  I love him peering up at these balloons in wonder getting ready for his birthday cake.  

February 20 - What's for Supper?  African Nut Stew.  I know I've shown this recipe on the blog a couple of years ago, but it's such a unique and tasty recipe and we were having it for supper again.  It includes a stew base, and then fruit, vegetables and nuts that you top it off with.   Thanks to those of you who've asked about my braces :)  It's improving, and we're getting used to each other, but I'm still limited in some of what I can eat.  In a couple of weeks I'm getting two teeth pulled to make room in my tiny little mouth for things to be straight.  

February 21 - Upside Down.  A week or two ago the theme on the Project 365 Blog was Upside Down.  I'm always a couple of weeks late with this sort of thing so I had the boys lay upside down on the couch.  They're both giggling with their eyes almost shut and can't you just tell they're brothers?  :)

February 22 - Snow!  A little snow falling softly in the neighbourhood.

February 23 - School Days -  This is the oldest school building in our city, and I think it might be one of the oldest operating school buildings in our province.  I love it!  I think it's so pretty with the red brick, high peaks and shaped windows.  We know a number of kids that go there and they all complain over how many stairs they have to climb each day, but they love their school too. 

February 24 - Fondue!  One of the ministries I run each month is a girls night for the JH and HS students in our youth ministry.  This month one of the things we did was we had yummy cheese and chocolate fondue to eat.  The guys had a fitness night in another location.  How funny and ironic is that hey?  :)

February 25 - Catching Snow.  We've been in some heavy snowfall since Friday night, probably about a foot has fallen.  We went outside and snapped this quick one of our little one trying to catch some snow on his tongue.  It really was snowing much more than you can see, but he caught more on his eyelashes than on his tongue!  When we went in he said "Mom, my tongue is cold!"

Thanks for journeying with me in my photography this week again.  


  1. Nice picture of the school, it is the oldest continuing operating school in alberta, it celebrated it's 106th birthday on Feb. 5, 2012.

  2. beautiful photography Christine! Love that school! Thanks for shaing ~ enjoy your day ~ blessings ~

  3. Christine I sure do like the photo's each week. The boys upside down made me giggle. You are great at taking photo's also, I need lessons. :0)


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!