
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Project 365 - Week Three

It was a very cold week here.  We had -30's Celcius with windchills in the -40's C.  And then it snowed....and my parents and brother and sister-in-law left for a week in Mexico.  Equally a bummer!  :)  But we made the best of it here.    You can click on the photo to make it larger.  

January 15 - Right Side Middle - a beautiful sunny day though it was so cold, I took a picture of the newly fallen snow on our Adirondack chairs in the back yard.  

January 16 - Bottom Middle - the little guy very bundled up coming home from school.  I love his geometric coat and his orange scarf.  

January 17 - Top Left - on our day off my husband and I went for a lunch date to a restaurant called Milestones.  It has some fun decor with warm woods and deep colors.  This was a picture above our booth toward a really large mirror.  So lots of orange reflective light. 

January 18 - Bottom Right - Fresh baked chocolate chip cookies and milk.  After school snacks don't get any better!

January 19 - Bottom Left - our fireplace mantle.  My husband made this a few years ago for me. I love the decorative moulding, and the pretty tassle on the runner my mom made me.

January 20 - tiny Middle - My mom's sewing machine that she gave me.  It's a treasure to me.  She's sewed us hundreds of garments on it growing up.  And now I sew on paper with it :)  

January 21 - Top Right - ROYGBV numbers and hearts out of paper, using some PTI dies and some heart punches.  

Next week I hope to get in more of the other kids in the photos!  It's exam week for our daughter so she'll be around more and our middle son has his first Basketball game!

1 comment:

  1. Great pics. Love the one of the chair with the snow and the numbers. Keep them coming and thanks for your lovely b-day comment on FB :)


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!