
Saturday, January 7, 2012

Project 365 - Week One

How about a new adventure on the blog?  This Christmas we were blessed with a gift of money and we decided to invest in a DSLR Camera.  Something that will last for a long time that we can expand upon when we're ready.  Before this we just had a point and shoot camera.  SO, we are now the proud owners of a Nikon D3000.  This is all new to me, so I'm learning a lot, and what a better way to learn than to practise right?  You've probably seen others around blog land that have done Project 365 as well.  It's basically taking a picture every day of the year.  I'm doing it to catalogue what life is like for us in a year, and also to learn more about photography.  It's not because I am an expert by any means!  And while I'm doing'll get to know me better too I suppose :)  So Sunday's here at ChristineCreations this year will hopefully be photos from my week.  Right now I've put it into a collage on My Digital Studio from Stampin' Up!, we'll see how that goes - it really does make the collage kind-of small, and you can't see the quality of the photos as well, but you can double-click on the picture to make it larger if you like.  I still have to play around with MDS.

Jan 1 - Our youngest son, giving me a toothy smile.  His eyes are this cool combination of blue/gray/green and you can really see it in this photo.  His face was dirty from something he was doing!

Jan 2 - My new runners, Mizuno Nexus Wave.  I love Mizunos, I think this is my 3rd pair.  They're so light! It also symbolizes one of my goals this year, health, and weight loss.  I've been on the treadmill 5 x this week.  :) Yay me!

Jan 3 - Tickets to Adventures of Tin Tin, we took the kids to this movie one afternoon, our last day of vacation together before my husband had to be back in the office and I had to work at home.  Such a fun movie!  Really adventurous and amazing animation.

Jan 4 - Ribbon :)  Just some pretty pink ribbon bunched together from a project I was working on.  Pretty crochet and pleated satin.

Jan 5 - Mom and Daughter Date - A glass of lemon water and our cactus cut potatoes :)  My daughter and I had supper out together, then watched The Help at home.  Notice the water and not a glass of coke?

Jan 6 - Glasses.  I had my eyes checked this week and then ordered new glasses, these are the 8 pairs I chose from :)  Guess you'll have to wait till a future week to see which ones I chose :)

Jan 7 - Copics - Just a simple shot of my pretty beloved markers I was using on a project on my kitchen table which is where I work on projects.  I was working on apeture (depth of field of focus) on this one, and I like the limited focus on the center of the copics and the fuzzy outsides.

Here's the same pictures as a collage on Keynote.  If you prefer one over the other let me know.

Thanks for joining me today friends.


  1. How fun!! Enjoy learning and we will enjoy your 365 :) Great shots and wonderful stories behind them. Read the book The Help and loved it. Want to see the movie. Well done on the treadmill too. Want a great book to motivate you read Gary Thomas' newest book called Every Body Matters - it's brilliant and so motivating and right on. Ties in physical fitness with spiritual service etc. Best part is we went to university together and to see where God has taken him from our days of prayer group in the dorms is amazing! A definite must read!

  2. goodluck with your new camara christine and your 365 days of projects to learn.

    greetings karin

  3. Yeah for a new camera! You photos looks great. I have a decent camera, but would love a new one some day soon. :)

  4. You will LOVE this camera. I have the D90. What a great gift that keeps on giving. Can't wait to see what you come up with..:)


Thank you for your kind words! It is always nice to have you visit!